Indian phone call fraud

What are some possible ways to thwart the IRS/Credit Card/Microsoft support fraud by deepaks ?

For those unaware, poo in loos hunt for suckers by calling random phone numbers and pretend to be Microsoft support technicians. They ask you to buy iTunes card for them that they can use after unloading on the bank of ganges.

Other urls found in this thread:

block all ISPs from Poojeet-land for one

lmao video is hilarious. That Metallica part was so cringy.

Had one call me at work on the work number. Even answered with the company name. Said to me that the global router network has told them i have an issue on my home machine. Explained i'm at work.
"If you're at work, fuck off"...*click*

nuke pajeets

very cute when poojeets try to mimic the american accent

Youtube is filled with curry nigger IRS scam videos

Protip: Those are Pakistanis, not Indians

A shitskin is a shitskin

poojeets poojeets when will they learn

>What are some possible ways to thwart the IRS/Credit Card/Microsoft support fraud by deepaks ?
By being smart enough to realize that firstly the IRS/Bank will not hire Poojeet to call you regarding critical personal information and secondly not using Microsoft products at all.

sound advice, microsoft is curry

So much POO today.

pls stop

kamaljeet your shitty country and you shitty dravidian filth are exposed each day, every day

>get scam call from Indians
>hang up
>keeps fucking calling
>dont hang up on me u bloody bastard I fuck you
>hang up
>keeps ringing
>end up just recording myself hurling a different insult every 6 or so seconds for a minute, putting it on loop from another mobile device and answering
>leave it on desk and go out to eat
>come back 3~ hours later completely forgetting about it
>He still is arguing with the voice recording

now that trump isn't letting in any new pajeets they switched tactics

bump for chicken masala curry

that insit reel curry u idoit basterd. have u ever eaten singh dung caca masala? if not stop type idiot basterd


>pretend to be Microsoft support technicians. They ask you to buy iTunes card for them
Give money to our competitor?
As payment for our service... The fuck.
Why not xbox. Fucking christ pajeets are almost as dumb as abos.

abos are basically pajeets who never got a chance to get civilised by middle easterners.

Why is there so much racism on Sup Forums

Fuck off back to Sup Forums bigoted pieces of shit, these Indian guys add much more to society than you worthless NEETs

My theory on Abo's is that they were also convicts. Sent away for their crimes. Resulting in breeding the ultimate untermensch.
Pajeets at lest had a written language.

this wetersn lie lie, we don't get educated by stupid alexlander or idoit araobi or paki or dumb britain basterds rhthat lose to Gandhi magick power. it was axtually other ways around and ganesh hide truth to idiogts, actually ubdua very powerful thanx to holy cow && ganesh majic protection from mages. India use illusion to seem bad to dummy idiot basterds like you we invent the numbers and univirus

is that why Australia is a heaven unlike the street shitting hellhole you're from, kawaldweep ?

curry niggers BTFO

poodeep, pls

I misspoke. Pajeet > Abo, but only just.
White pride and all that jazz.

Pajeet is literally the only country that does these scam calls

this is their high tech man. Literally a stinking curry monkey sitting in a mud hut with a headset on.

Are Americans this stupid to actually get scammed by this?

Tech illiterate folk sometimes do purely because they don't k owners anything about a computer outside the power button

bumping for mutton masala

Petition Trump to neutron-bomb India.

Albanian here. What is a neutron bomb?

Trump don't know rat shit. He's just Put in ass puppet.

>the day when he's gonna get assassinated
That'd be a beatiful day.

Maybe just don't be so fucking stupid to get scammed you fucker.

I want india purged off this planet


>How to get rid of poos in the loos:
# Author: nixCraft under GPL v.2.0+
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

### Set PATH ###

### No editing below ###

$IPT -t nat -F
$IPT -t nat -X
$IPT -t mangle -F
$IPT -t mangle -X

# create a dir
[ ! -d $ZONEROOT ] && /bin/mkdir -p $ZONEROOT

# clean old rules

# create a new iptables list

for c in $ISO
# local zone file

# get fresh zone file

# country specific log message
SPAMDROPMSG="$c Country Drop"

# get
BADIPS=$(egrep -v "^#|^$" $tDB)
for ipblock in $BADIPS
$IPT -A $SPAMLIST -s $ipblock -j LOG --log-prefix "$SPAMDROPMSG"
$IPT -A $SPAMLIST -s $ipblock -j DROP

# Drop everything
exit 0

You're welcome

I just IP range ban india myself

by hand?
well, that's a lot of ranges senpai~

Worth the effort


I wish they'd call me desu, even got a VM ready. But I have an unlisted number, zero shared personal info online, etc. so I guess I'm not a likely target.

Weak bloody sons of a bastard bitches hahahhahahahah

# ./
iptables: Chain already exists.
--2017-04-21 19:39:10--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 79740 (78K)
Saving to: ‘/root/iptables/’

/root/iptables/in.z 100%[=====================>] 77.87K 168KB/s in 0.5s

2017-04-21 19:39:11 (168 KB/s) - ‘/root/iptables/’ saved [79740/79740]

aaand it's now processing

No matter how hard you try you'll still be losers. We are everywhere and we'll fuck you, stupid son of bastard bitch.

I string them along for a solid half hour before I tell them I'm gay- I mean I have a mac.

>got a pajeet on the line who's pretending to be Microsoft support
>after a while I call him a cow fucker and that I have apple
>"well if you have an apple then I suggest you eat it" and hangs up
>got roasted by a poo and didn't even get a comeback in

>Pay $6850 in back taxes or face arrest the following day
>100% poojeet accent
>Retards actually believed this shit.