How the fuck do you get rid of this? Most recent update to Firefox added a huge...

How the fuck do you get rid of this? Most recent update to Firefox added a huge, annoying tooltip whenever you hover over links or images or anything clickable.

Install gentoo

Oh silly me, how could I forget

Nvm fixed

OP here I suck cocks

pm'd you the solution

Thanks! :D
I'll give you 10 points :P

sent :)

>I would gladly fucking strangle people who PM solutions instead of just posting it. Why the FUCK would you send it in a private message?

who are you quoting?

Me, he was quoting my future self
I would gladly fucking strangle people who PM solutions instead of just posting it. Why the FUCK would you send it in a private message?

*strangles you and throws you to the ground with force*

Best response to the "who are you quoting" meme I've witnessed.


*teleports behind you*

heh, nothin' personnel kid

>uses sjwcucks
>complains about shit

you are asking for it

Holy shit how did he know you were going to say that?


k-koitsu... hayai!


Different timezones

just have everything in 1 big canvas element. html+css is cancer

I'm not even going to quote the rest of you retards, this is why this board sucks

>herp dirp gona maek meme's instayd of helping LEL OH EL

Go fuck yourselves

dare are you quoting you kisama?

He's just being a silly baka gaijin

First of all read the fucking sticky again, g is not your tech support
Second the reason the board is going to shit is a mixture of the csg, nvidiavsamd, intelvsamd and retards coming here asking stuff they can get the answer of on google

*uses ancient Omankoryuu Iai to split the pathetic one in half*

Once again I have cut another worthless object.

I'm making tooltips in my current task at work. You set the "tooltip target" which is basically the element that triggers the tooltip to appear when the user hovers over it.

firefox is a shit browser for retarded cucks who only eat french fries and desert for breakfast


Use Chrome

>How the fuck do you get rid of this?
Uninstall Firefox and move to Pale Meme or something similar
If you must keep Firefox install Firefox 52.0.2 ESR, but be aware that support will end in January/February next year, so you will have to move to another browser by then