Seriously, HOW FUCKING HARD IS TO OPTIMIZE MEMORY USAGE? Why is this allowed? Chrome and Firefox are almost as bad too.
Seriously, HOW FUCKING HARD IS TO OPTIMIZE MEMORY USAGE? Why is this allowed? Chrome and Firefox are almost as bad too
What are you poor?
just upgrade your computer :^)
When ever single page plus addons are basically ran in there own sandbox along with the browser binary it adds up
Vivaldi doesn't have this problem
Stop using chrome based browsers
Litterally shows vivaldi in the pic
Ungoogled Chromium without any retarded addons doesn't have this problem.
It is optimized, you have the memory so it's using it.
Vivaldi doesn't have this problem
I fell for the 16GB meme, should have followed my gut and bought 32GB instead of listening to Sup Forumstards
Firefox, Waterfox and Mememoon are just as bad with managing RAM. The only browser with amazing RAM management is Polarity, you can open hundreds of tabs with it and it won't even use 1GB of RAM. But it has 0 extension support, so I can't make it my main browser.
>But it has 0 extension support
Hmm there may be some sort of coincidence here. Nahh, can't be.
this doesnt happen on safari
Wait...does Vivaldi have this problem?
Vivaldi doesn't have this problem
16GB of RAM but most of my Vivaldi processes are under 100K so impact is nothing. Have about 10 extensions running. What in the actual fuck did you do to make that happen?
Normal browsing, I haven't even installed any extensions on it yet.
That's not normal bro. I also have Vivaldi installed on a 4GB Surface Pro 2. If that happened it would instantly shit itself. I really only notice insane RAM and CPU usage when using Bitdefender. Makes Vivaldi unusable on that 4GB SP2. Vivaldi is very usable without. So perhaps the same shit here?
I have just 54 tabs open, goddamn thing is using 80% of my RAM now. With Chromium it takes far more open tabs before it gets that bad, and with tons of extensions. It fucking sucks because I really like Vivaldi's tab panel.
>just 54 tabs
jesus christ do you know what a bookmark is? also, if this is your first time using a chromium based browser you have to understand that it works differently than Firefox. Each tab and extension is its own process which is where the RAM complaints come from. Vivaldi used to be on the heavier side but it's running pretty smoothly as of 1.8 and 1.9
Okay, but does Vivaldi have this problem?
and then you woke up
anything webkit or chromium based is fucking garbage
Mister, please stop of saying that, VIvaldi is great and you should uses it. Really powerfull programming made with Java
Best regards, Abhjeet Kajal
Vivaldi doesn't have this problem.
Oh, that's good. But what I'd really like to know is whether Vivaldi has this problem.