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When PayPal releases funds for the shit I sold on eBay I might look into buying another beat up old ThinkPad and restoring it to its former glory
Fucking hipsters inflating prices though
I've had offers over 200$ for this 380ED simply because it functions.
Those things are so sexy!
>Fucking hipsters inflating prices though
What even
Good morning retro Sup Forums.
Working on my slot1 pIII rig, shit refuse to post with additional 80mm fan connected to motherboard.
Also, looking for enlight 7237 case, as the best affordable solution for late 90s rig.
I've got a topic related question, kinda.
Is there any way to whiten plastic panels without UV?
Shit, I should sell mine then. I only paid $2 for it and never use it since I've got way better 7 series systems that beat the shit out of it.
$200 could buy me a lot of parts to fix up some forgotten projects, or a nice entry-level SGI that works...
>shit refuse to post with additional 80mm fan connected to motherboard
This means you should check the caps.
Very careful cleaning with diluted acetone and bleach
Not him but what's wrong with it? I saw that done with a Commodore PET.
It's cool but It just looks wrong
Eh. I actually had to resort to a black and white IBM VGA monitor (don't even ask why it was VGA. All I know it was monochrome VGA monitor ( I think it was a IBM 4707 E01) and it had a quite noticeable burn in. Back then it was connected to a Pentium II machine.
If you use a dead machine, it's fine. But if you kill a running classic, you preserve a cray-1 buttrape.
absolute madman
If it's full of characters (and not random garbage) it's most likely a faulty RAM
Define "dead", because most faults are easily repairable. Specially ones with off the shelf parts, no reason to call the machine "dead" and gut it.
True, it's hard to define. I for example search for a dead Amstrad PPC to build a decent portable PC. I would classify it as dead, if some main part is broken. In this special case i would say Board or screen.
From the page I found this:
"So at this point (the late 1990s), I got the PET, with the keyboard and monitor intact, but without any of the internals. I tried to source a PET motherboard at the time, but failed. I wanted to keep it, but an empty shell wasn't much use, so decided to continue down the route planned and installed a PC motherboard. There was plenty of space for a full size AT motherboard - no, I didn't forget the X, this wasn't ATX, but the older AT standard, before the standard rectangular cutout with all the connectors on. No USB, no onboard sound or video, not even a mouse port! However, it was a functional PC, but there were two main problems to solve, the display and the keyboard."
From what I read he later replaced the Pentium with some Z80 (so ZX Spectrum) stuff and then the original PET motherboard:
As for the Pentium motherboard,the 2A5L7M49 string in the BIOS points to a MSI MS-5117 motherboard, with an VIA equivalent of Intel's VX/HX/TX chipsets.
Maybe it's not totally PC related, but is it okay if I'd want to build a old machine (Socket 7 w/ AGP chipset) inside a old, broken VCR?
I have some AGP cards with TV output laying around that I could use.
>Maybe it's not totally PC related, but is it okay if I'd want to build a old machine (Socket 7 w/ AGP chipset) inside a old, broken VCR?
>I have some AGP cards with TV output laying around that I could use.
That's a cool idea for a media center PC
>Maybe it's not totally PC related, but is it okay if I'd want to build a old machine (Socket 7 w/ AGP chipset) inside a old, broken VCR?
> I have some AGP cards with TV output laying around that I could use.
That's a nice idea.
>media center PC
Actually, I was planning to use it for playing old games, hence the reason I wanted to go with a MX440 AGP8x. (I don't have any older card and I have to craft my own S-Video cable out of old PS/2 keyboard cables with a few removed pins)
I was planning to play these:
>Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus w/ custom levels (it's possible,I just have to find the right levels in order to piece them together and make it fully playable all the way to the end)
>Need For Speed 5 - Porsche Unleashed
>Heart Of Darkness
>Midtown Madness 1 and 2
>Croc: Legend of Gobbos
>Croc 2
and a lot more games.
These are the specifications I'd aim for:
>PCCHIPS M577 motherboard (may have to recap it - they loved using G-Luxon (Teapo) caps)
>AMD K6-2 450MHz w/ low profile Socket 462 heatsink
>128MB PC-133 SDRAM
>Palit GF4 MX440 64MB AGP (I don't have any older card with TV output)
>ESS/Soundpro HT1869V+ onboard sound (they had it onboard with an separate header that has line in,line out,microphone and a gameport)
>RTL8139C+ NIC (more compatible)
>8GB WDC Protege HDD (from an Xbox that got a HDD upgrade)
>Windows 98 SE with NUSB 3.3, KernelEX and 98LITE 4.7
>250W L&C PSU (with completed filtering on both AC input and DC output)
>USB ports so I can connect a Playstation controller to play these games
>BT878-based TV tuner to keep the TV functionality
I think I can manage this since there's enough space, and because I'll try and keep a stock look - so any audio output will be done via an self-crafted 3.5mm to female RCA adapter (with the RCA inputs glued to the case (most of it is plastic,just the cover is made from steel), and I can substitute the RF output socket for the composite jack.
All in all, I might actually finally find a purpose for this VCR. Pic related, this is how the VCR looks.
Kek, like an Amiga CDTV
cool lamp...
I want to fucking murder the lightbulb banning kikes
Why? It's a shit technology to begin with, it's not like you can't use them at all any more or that they don't make them for the uses they are worth, it's just that it's a pointless things for everyday use, unlike the shit in these threads that's actually fun to mess around with
>flicker free
>cheap and simple to manufacture
>almost no harmful blue light
>superior black body
>warm and natural color
I beg your pardon?
>like other flicker free lights don't exist
>mass production is cheap with anything
>like other types of light don't have blue light free light
>because it's literally a heating element
>like other types of light sources can't produce different temperatures and colors of light or that everybody likes warm light and the color is nothing natural as in sunlight is
>agreed, so just get one for aesthetics and not daily use
It's very, very inefficient, produces lots of heat and under usual circumstances doesn't last that long, there's even less reason to use it if you can't even see the bulb itself
Man, Commodore PETs really get my dick hard.
Commodore """"PETs""""
The commodore logo is too sexy on chicks. I want a commodore TShirt for my wife.
I'll sell you one if you drive to the middle of nowhere kansas to buy it.
my man
We have those at our cabin.
Vintage Trinitrons make me moist.
>playing an 80s game on a 70s console on a 60s TV
Not really retro, but I got pic related for $4.00 at a Salvation Army today.
Nobody cares. They didn't need to be banned. Their impact on energy is minuscule. And they're not toxic to dispose of like CFLs.
Their ban was nothing more than feel good virtue signaling by politicians and Big Environmental groups, probably backed by some "campaign contributions" from CFL and LED manufacturers.
That's how most of politics works. And I'm fucking tired of living in a world where that's how most shit works. The vast majority of our problems could be solved by a small group of honest, hard working, high IQ people. Instead we've got greedy shit heads who game the system and are only good at winning popularity contests.
You could've used a Megadrive control pad to play it with a '90s controller.
>They didn't need to be banned.
You can still buy them if you need them, they have practical uses in some fields.
>Their impact on energy is minuscule.
Whose energy? They waste everyone's energy.
People don't need a heater if they want light, typical filament bulb made only 9% of it's power into light, the rest was heat.
>we don't need progress!
bitch please, nobody uses computers in these threads for actual work or daily drivers either
vintage drink
>nobody uses computers in these threads for actual work or daily drivers either
Please nigger, making old shit solve new problems is half of the fun, retrogaming is for plebs.
I guess george wasn't in the pool
>>is one
You can buy edison bulbs anywhere.
I fixed the switch on mine a few months ago after it started double clicking. It is working great. I have not found any other mice that fit my hand so well.
Mine was even complete with the cartridge plus all the 4.5G weights.
>I fixed the switch on mine a few months ago after it started double clicking.
It's a bog standard tact switch. You can just solder in a new one.
You don't even need a new switch most of the time. I did this:
Who here goes to electronic recycling events? Is it a place to pick up fun junk or is it more of a dump-and-run? There's one near me tomorrow, but i don't know if I'll be turned away for trying to snag stuff. Might help if i bring a dead laptop.
Completely depends on local culture and how the event is run. Which event is it?
Some communities are perfectly okay with picking through or swapping things while others won't tolerate garbage-picking degenerates.
>tfw the electronics-recycling drop-off place in your down has a bunch of big "no scavenging" signs
why do they give a shit if I want to take some old Socket 7 toaster?
Usually liability. In some cases they reclaim gold and you're essentially stealing from them.
Local school district in Missouri, open to the public. I think I'm going to end up going, just to see if they're a no-fun zone. Either way, I get rid of a dead laptop.
I'm on so many levels of hipsteresque irony rn
I took this with my Sony Mavica FD73 floppy disk camera I recently found at goodwill
Are you daniel jackson?
>digs up archaic relics and has ancient-egyptian-styled wallpaper
maybe I am
>Please nigger, making old shit solve new problems is half of the fun,
Most actual productivity problems were solved in the late 80's if not the 90's. The bulk of modern computing revolves around taking old shit and slapping "doing it on the web" or smartphone onto it.
NTSC used to mean Never The Same Color before these came along and showed TV manufacturers how to not be retards about color displays. Shame modern Sony is such a hot mess, it seems like they still have some good engineering talent but are being mismanaged to hell and back.
I buy these kind of things as refurb projects as my hobby. I've got loads of old electronics ranging from a heathkit ham radio from the 70's to my T42, which was a refurb
Hipsters buy these in functional condition to play old games and show off to other hipsters
I buy them to bring back a small bit of technological history and show off to Sup Forums
does anyone know how to fix this shit? I replaced the video chip because the other one was missing a pin but now I'm getting no basic prompt,just this checkerboard screen.
It's an NTSC Commodore 64 with a Rev.B motherboard.
You have to take out the king.
Try reflowing the pcb and look for bad traces or solder joints.
i need this
I mostly take a bottle of liquor or a box of candy and nobody complains, there's nothing that can't be talked your way into.
sounds like exactly what was stated, it's just for fun
Damn, that must be the 3rd time I heard that joke in a retro thread.
Probably because that picture looks almost like it was shot on set of the series.
Take the chess floppy out
>You can still buy them if you need them
For some niche uses. Doesn't change or counter anything I said.
>Whose energy? They waste everyone's energy.
Fuck off. There's no shortage of energy and never will be until the heat death of the universe. And your shitposting takes more energy than those light bulbs did.
>banning = progress
>Fuck off. There's no shortage of energy and never will be until the heat death of the universe.
>9/10's of the power gets made into heat instead of light
>And your shitposting takes more energy than those light bulbs did.
>averages bulbs where 40W-80W, most laptops and all phones take less then half of it
nice b8
>Fuck off. There's no shortage of energy and never will be until the heat death of the universe.
>so let's waste energy, I mean, who cares it costs money and producing it is mostly harmful for our environment!
Oh God, you are the exact reason they needed to take such drastic measures as banning them from general use.
>wasteful with resources and money
hes probably a NEET to begin with
Just fixed some stuff. Guess it's old enough to be here?
>QDI P6V694X/A10E
>Pentium 3 850MHz
>128MB PC133 SDRAM
>ABIT Siluro FX5200 64MB
>stock copper AMD cooler
>Fuck off. There's no shortage of energy and never will be until the heat death of the universe.
Tell me Multivac,how can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?
You know Congress defunded the EPA's program for bulb banning, right? They couldn't repeal it outright, but they cut off its balls--and the bulbs are back. There's a full selection of incandescent bulbs at our local stores.
but the megadrive came out in 1988
Because allowing scavengers would likely get them constantly hounded by assholes making a mess of the place while trying to scrape together anything they can flip for a profit on Craigslist or whatever. The e-waste depot at my uni is free game with an unspoken rule of finders keepers, but it's hidden a bit out of the way and you can't pass the electronic locks without a valid student or staff ID, which keeps the undesirable people out.
Comfy. Bubble Bobble was one of my favorite games as a kid.
I got one of these stashed away somewhere.
Unfortunately many parts are either broken or missing. Still need to fix that someday.