Can't believe i was tricked into using this piece of shit distro...

can't believe i was tricked into using this piece of shit distro. please kill you'reself if you recommend this shit to others.

>any year

It's your own fault.

It's the best distro, you're just retarded and didn't read the manual.

what happened?

If you're too stupid to use an easy distro like Debian then you need to gas yourself

whings wouldnt have gone wrong on windows 10

>this right here please.


Let me guess. You've got a working distribution and realized you have absolutely nothing to do? Go back to Arch and Gentoo if you don't use your system for anything else than fixing the system.

>installs Debian
>immediately transported back to 2004

>installs Debian Sid
>experiences Singularity 6 months before Ubuntu user

>Debian Sid
>computer turns into a black hole and collapses into singularity 6 months before Ubuntu user

It's funny because sid is probably still more stable than Arch.

>all these faggots whining
>using Jessie and not Stretch

found your problem. On my laptop with Debian literally all my issues with Jessie were solved by updating to Stretch, with no notable stability change.

>Arch is unstable
nice meme

There is literally no excuse for using anything other than Debian unstable.

did you even fucking use arch lol

>nice meme
I know arch is a nice meme.

Yes It was awful. Not because "omg pacman -Syu breaks whole system every tiem XD," but because little updates tended to break small stuff (office applications, GTK, etc) and since I need to actually get work done and not spend all my time fixing stuff I decided to use other systems.

For the same reason I could never see myself using it on a server.

You're not smart enough to get arch, stick to debian kid.

that's Debian retard

sorry to hear. I've been using it for a year and a half. How, exactly, did GTK "break"? Because GNOME is my DE and I don't have issues with that.

>le insult intelligence because I have no response maymay

Arch fanboys are insufferable

Minor GTK updates caused weird dot borders to render around menu text. I managed to fix it but every time GTK updated it overwrote the config file I changed to fix it.

To clarify, I don't actually think Arch is a bad distro, it's just not for me.

also to be fair I was using XFCE, probably should have used MATE.

yeah I get that. for example gentoo just isn't for me, because little things would just cause problems, like portage just randomly deciding to recompile urxvt without xft support, or plank suddenly losing its transparent background when I'm in the middle of upgrading. it's a good distro, and I like being able to compile a few programs specific to my hardware, but overall it requires too much maintenance and troubleshooting.

should've installed slackware.

were you using a custom theme? If so, that may have been the culprit. Sometimes GTK will update but the creators of the custom GTK themes won't stay on top of the updates, and it can cause problems like that. Usually takes a couple of days for them to catch up to the GTK updates.


Yeah I was using the git version of ARC. That was probably it.

I may try arch again some day but right now Ubuntu server + Openbox is comfy enough.

>I can't add users to the sudoers group and change their permissions with visudo: the post
Debian isn't for retards. Something like Windows 10 Pleb Edition might be better for you.

yep same. I was using Arc-Dark and a GTK update messed it up.

That's the downside of Arch, because you get the GTK updates right away, while the theme makers probably expect you to be using something like Ubuntu, where they have more time to update their themes before the GTK update drops.

yeah you'll have more of a buffer for things like that on Ubuntu.

It's literally your fault for not researching more so that your installation suits your needs.

I'm sure there are people who like to install server-level stable stuff, at the cost of having ancient or deprecated software, and there are those that want to fucking loop pacman -Syu in the background. It's your responsibility to figure out where in the middle you stand.

>not looping yaourt -Syua --devel --noconfirm
what an pleb

> since I need to actually get work done and not spend all my time fixing stuff

last time i needed to fix stuff was 2017-03-15

and i loaded arch site and copy paste 3 commands from latest post
like 30s of my time (mentioned post is also a last post (ca-certificates))

and last week i performed update and i needed to remove one plugin (10s)

i have arch install for 8 months and that was only 2 pacman problems that needed manual intervention.

while :
pacman -Syu --force --noconfirm

>needing to read the arch post to fix the ca-certs thing

I fell for it too. Went back to manjaro.

Debian is slow. as. fuck. and totally unoptimized for modern hardware.

Like literal loading times in Chromium. I was stunned.

hahahaha what the fuck do people really do this?

yes, I always check the arch front page before updating to see if an update requires manual intervention

I'm glad that you actually have the option to do this, it's a necessity on a rolling-release distro where they try to give you the newest versions of software. Too bad you can't do this on Windows, where they force updates on you which break stuff quite frequently.
>needing to disable updates to make the system usable

# export EDITOR nano
# visudo

OP could have even done this if he's too retarded to use vi. Heck you can use GEDIT instead of nano if you're full retard.

EDITOR=nano visudo

I dare everyone ITT to try that for a month and see if your computer even boots to tty login prompt after that.

I was implying that you actually don't need to read the website to actually fix that simple problem. here's how it went for me (fuck checking the arch homepage btw):
1. # pacman -Syu
3. browse to /var/cache/pacman/pkg
4. delete the broken symlink and after that do # pacman -U ca-certificates.pkg.tar.whatever
wow so fucking hard :O

depends on the amount of AUR packages you have installed. I actually love yaourt (only when used with customizepkg which allows me to patch aur pkgbuilds on the fly). I obviously don't loop that command, nor do I use the noconfirm command (or if I have to, I redirect everything through tee to produce a logfile since it means I'll be away from the pc for a while).

>not just installing apt-get from AUR and dist-upgrading from wheezy repos

truly retarded

it's not really a wise decision to remain uninformed when you're getting potentially unstable packages and system changes

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O

Ok, lol.

>I can't use my brain to troubleshoot simple stuff
wow really impressed :O

>I can't use my brain to prevent having to troubleshoot it in the first place
It's nice to know in advance if an update is about to, for example, bork your xorg installation. Sup Forums likes to meme about stuff like that, but it's literally a non-issue if you stay informed about your system.

forgot to :O

>first install of arch
> check arch site before updates
>runs for 8 months without problems

reporting in
uname -a
Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u2 (2017-03-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux



>hating on pms

That's what happens when you fell for the meme.

Install SourceMage
It's magical and just works.

holy shit

>with no notable stability change
of course because stretch is frozen now.

Debian Stretch. Only fucking distro that worked with my then new skylake chip.
would recommend to Ubuntu users.

I use it on my servers it just works

>install debian
>have to use apt pinning because it slaps your wrist when a package is declared unstable

Just install an Ubuntu flavor you edgy hipsters

I can't believe they name distros after the movie Toy Story. That's just so incredibly stupid that I can't read about it or mention it without cringing.

>actually looks like it's from 2003
>niggers and women everywhere
I'll stick to Fedora, thanks.

>actually looks like it's from 2003
>how to install a different DE

I think you don't understand how greentexting works friend.
better fuck right off back to le ddit before your gf finds out


>he can't into compiling

>implying it isn't

>people still fight over shitty distros
>thinking that Arch is cutting edge
>what is Fedora
>thinking that Debian is stable
>what is CentOS
fucking weaboos


Debian is the wrong choice for insecure edgy kids. That's what Arch is for.

Debian is for suicidal feminists.

you can stop now, Linus

Same thing happened to me.