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smart move to sponsor popular AAA games which already run great on AMD hardware thanks to vulkan. will probably result in good reviews in gayming magazines and impress gaymur kiddies.
I just hope Quake Champions won't be some dumbed down shit. From what I've been hearing so far it will be more like Team Fortress than a proper sequel. I've been waiting for a real new Quake that will bring back the great pro gaming times of Quake1 - 3 for SO fucking long.
Quake 2 was my fucking life for nearly a decade. In my best times I was in a really strong middle European clan and trained for like 6 hours per day, even more when a ranked match was coming up.
Too bad this was before you could make big money with Esports.
Prizes were usually something like a new graphics card or stuff like that.
you could just, y'know, keep playing quake 1-3
they're not broken
too late AMD, I have a 1080ti coming in the mail
I don't care if Vega is 10% less performance for $100 less money. I want 4k 60fps and you won't deliver that
What if for once AYYMD Vega is 10% more perfomance for $100 less?
what if it's 10% more performance for $100 less money?
I simply just don't think it's possible. I had a 290x and kept it for as long as I could before jumping ship to the 980ti when I got one for cheap and now I'm dumping my 980ti on ebay and getting the 1080ti
the good thing with buying high end GPUs is that they'll have a high resale value even after two years. If Vega is as good as you're saying it could be then I'll dump my 1080ti for Navi in a year
Why are leakers literally incapable of taking a decent quality photograph?
Neither will 1080Ti, next year's lineup should hit the sweetspot.
Jury's still out on Vega, I doubt I will achieve 1080Ti performance upon release but I prefer HBM's smaller form factor and lower power consumption.
Mostly boils down on AMD delivering on price for close enough performance.
>I want 4k 60fps and you won't deliver that
Neither will the 1080Ti
>tfw Vega actually lines up with your regular graphics upgrade schedule
Doesn't even feel like I'm waiting yet. Thanks based AMD.
yeah im waiting. so what nigger?
my 290x is starting to show its age, but its been with me for 4 years now so i cant complain. im running BF1 ultra at about 90fps 1440p
so yah, Vega will replace it to fully take advantage of my sexy 1440p 144hz 27" ips freesync monitor.
it wouldn't look "secret" enough if they did
I have a 290X also, why didi you changed it? For me works great with everything I throw at it for now, 2560x1080 monitor.
>Why are leakers literally incapable of taking a decent quality photograph?
Because then it would be possible to identify the exact product code / serial, and by that, identifying the leaker, and then either prosecute them or just stop sending them stuff thereafter.
>dude it's not that good lmao
I got the Gigabyte Auros one. It does about 10% better than FE out of the box and has another 10% room to overclock
newsflash: nvidia has not so good resell value
>I got the Gigabyte Auros one. It does about 10% better than FE out of the box and has another 10% room to overclock
>has another 10% room to overclock
Can it blend?
>Relative performance
Are you really this stupid?
you can run a server with abilities turned off
the playerbase is lacking
Do you even know how relative performance works? For all you know the 980Ti does 10fps and the 1080Ti Xtreme does 20fps.
I expect to be able to get $300 for it in 2 years, same as what 980tis are going for now
are you stupid? do you want me to start spamming game benchmarks one by one?
every game that isn't a broken console port piece of shit (wildlands, DX:MD, dishonored 2) runs at 60+fps on a 1080ti and the Auros gives another 5-10 fps even at 4k.
Witcher 3, Battlefield 1, Doom 2016, Hitman, ROTT, Crysis 3, etc all run 4k at over 60fps on average.
The Q2 scene is so small nowadays that only 1vs1 tournaments are possible and even for them, it's hard to get enough people. My clan usually played the classic 4vs4 clanwars.
Kill yourself, retard.
>mbed down shi
but we alreadyu haveu overwatchu
I can't believe you people are actually in denial about how good of a card the 1080ti is. Wew lad
because I got a 4k monitor for future proofing and got impatient with only being able to play games at 1080p and the occasional newer game at higher resolutions.
now I have a better paying job and spending $400 total after selling my 980ti is worth it to actually have native 4k performance on my monitor
Wait, there's a new Rise of the Triad? How did I miss that?
Well, there where the closed beta sing in, and so far its okay, there are some mayor problems with the way the campions are "unlocked": you pay 5k favor to unlock a champion for 24 hours, or real money for a permanent unlock. You get that much favor in 2-3 matches, but yea, i dont like that at all
rise of the tomb raider, lmao
>are you stupid?
>do you want me to start spamming game benchmarks one by one?
You are on Sup Forums arguing about videocards, so yes to both of those questions.
ok senpai this is now an aftermarket 1080ti benchmark thread
Goddamn that sounds like MOBA tier bullshit already..
that'd be rottr, though
Damn you got my hopes up for a sec
>modern gaming industry
>nice things
who are you kidding
>not posting the Galaxy card
It also has hats ;^)
I wonder if this is with SSAA enabled even at 4k since it's just the Very High preset
Best Diablo since Diablo
What if--
Guys no wait shut up for a sec.
What if Vega is actually good?
Yea, mova-tier bullshit with customization, gameplay is prety nice, i should git gud but preffer DOOM multiplayer, for now
t. retard
wouldn't that be nice? :)
it will be good, but it won't be better than Nvidia's best
Nvidia has the 1070, 1080, 1080ti, Titan Pascal, and Titan Xp all outperforming the top end AMD card at the moment. The 1080 is already a generation ahead of the Fury X in performance and the 1080ti/Titans are another generation ahead of that
Vega will have to literally double the performance of the Fury X in order to actually compete with Nvidia, otherwise they'll just be the poor option still with a high end card that's not worth getting until it's cheap
I refuse to believe that.
>Best Diablo since Diablo
lofty claim, but i don't like denying-before-trying, so i'll have a look
Vega is just the name of the generation, they wont actually brand the cards Vega. Fake and Gay. Man you people are stupid.
People have been calling it "What Diablo 3 should have been" for a few years now.
Btw that trailer was for Path of Exile 3.0 which isn't released yet. It will come in about 2-3 months.
i didn't look much into diablo III, mainly due to a friend i used to play diablo I/II with got it and was not very impressed by it
I am in the beta, it doesnt bring back Q3A nostalgia at all, i play it every now and then for 10 min team death match at a time
performance is good on my Fury X @ 4k tho
No fucking way
I thought that one was Torchlight
>Fury is just the name of the generation, they wont actually brand the cards Fury
the pooboss anounced it's going to be named vega.
Torchlight is breddy good, too. I'm playing Torchlight 2 right now while waiting for the PoE expansion to hit.
I've been playing PoE since closed beta in 2011 and needed some time off so I won't burn out after the release.
Not if by HBM2 they meant slapping two FuryX's together on a single card
>fastest card on the planet
From the Steam reviews
>don't like diablo
>best diablo since diablo
>great gonna play it
He said that he didn't like Diablo 3, which I can totally understand.
Btw.. PoE has a standalone client. You don't have to use Steam.
he never played it
You're right. His friend didn't like it.
It's a lot like Quake 3. Their (new) Duel mode is fucked though.
Need to pick 3 different champions, each of em is a life. 3 Kills is a Round.
Start with 50 Armor and max. Armor is 100.
Max HP is 125.
Game feels awesome though.
> open paint
> pick large brush
> pick white color
> put mouse cursor at identifying element
> rub your mouse
> keep rubbing
> oh yeah
> yeah
> press ctrl+s
> upload image
it feels great and fun
but they made their champions too op compared to standard soldier
you earn enough unlock points to do a 24 hr unlock of the champs but still, the difference is too much
should have been a uniform everyone equal and everyone with all weapons to start with
I tried it.
It really really sucks. xd breaking NDA
Play the new Unreal Tournament instead.
Anyway, this leak is a fake photoshop. This is the same "looks like a photo of a screen" technique fakers always do to hide teh poor photoshopping.
It looks more like a game box than a GPU one. What do you think?
Just watched some recent trailer and it looks like shit. Very slow too. This game will cater neither to hardcore old fans nor to casuals. IT WILL BOMB HARD.
oh hey do you have the cheap pixio too?
or we could play quake live
>I had a 290x and kept it for as long as I could before jumping ship to the 980ti when I got one for cheap and now I'm dumping my 980ti on ebay and getting the 1080ti
The 290X become better than the 980Ti over the past year of driver updates. You're such a money wasting cuck.
> I want 4k 60fps and you won't deliver that
Are you retarded? The 1080Ti only maintains 60fps minimum on a very, very, very small selection of games without greatly dropping settings.
That doesn't say 100fps, it says 100%, you retard.
yea, getting the standalone one
i do have a steam account, but i prefer not to run it if i don't need to
this seems pretty small for a modern game, not complaining, just surprised
>This is the same "looks like a photo of a screen" technique fakers always do to hide teh poor photoshopping.
This. The angles are all fucked. Pretty shoddy collage work.
Surely there will be more than one Vega card right? There can't be a gap from RX 580 to RX Vega ffs
>every game that isn't a broken console port piece of shit (wildlands, DX:MD, dishonored 2) runs at 60+fps
ahahhahaha no. Even GTAV, a many years old game, doesn't hit 40fps.
I've only seen a small handful of games like Doom and SWBF that hit 60fps minimum at 4K on it.
Enjoy your further cucking.
>The 290X become better than the 980Ti over the past year of driver updates
imagine being this retarded
61-69fps average isn't minimum, cuck.
It probably drops down to 45 fps 1% of the time.
You're exactly the sort of moron that would waste $750 thinking he's going to get something he won't get.
I bet your CPU is stutterfest, too.
>i do have a steam account, but i prefer not to run it if i don't need to
Same here. Having to log in to Steam with my really long random passwords I have a hard time to remember is just so fucking tedious. I mean on top of that whole Steam being a giant DRM platform thing.
>this seems pretty small for a modern game, not complaining, just surprised
Well I think the huge size of modern games comes from the devs just being lazy as fuck. This is a game made by Diablo 2 fans for Diablo 2 fans. Their whole company was made just to produce this one game, so they put everything they have into polishing it.
It's one of those projects that started off with two nerds coding in a garage and slowly getting bigger from there.
It's called: RX Vega, there will be an entire line-up.
>launched in April 2017
So at 1200MHz it's 27% behind a 1080Ti
The real clock speed is ~1600MHz which is 33% higher.
So really it's 4.7% higher relative performance to the 1080Ti?
And with how well GCN scales to higher resolutions, it might end up being 20% better than the 1080Ti at 4K instead.
Again, with this chart, lower = better as the faster one frame is rendered, the lower latency will be. Huge spikes above 40 ms to 50 ms can be considered a problem like a stutter or indicate a low framerate. The two huge spikes are mortar explosions, all cards exhibit this in the game. Other then that this is a very clean plot.
There is always a super good nigger in Quake Champions as well. Games are so one sided half the time
>All cards show minor glitches here so it is game engine rendering related.
Oh also the levels are newly generated from a set of small assets every time you enter them to achieve maximum replayability (excluding boss fights). That's also a factor why it's not that huge.
The top 6 cards on that are all Nvidia
Wtf AMD, this is embarassing
that isn't very surprising, i mean, pseudo-random dungeons is a rather definitive feature of diablo
PoE runs like ass and basically requires an SSD as a minimum requirement now days. They need to fix their engine instead of piling more assets into the engine that can't handle so many.
>one highly optimized game on an engine I already said would be one of the few it'd do 4K 60fps in.
Meh that doesn't bother me any.
One of the reasons why I was so disappointed in Diablo 3. Blizzard got really lazy with that game.
>basically requires an SSD as a minimum requirement
i don't have an SSD, but i do have 20G ram
if it hammers the disk that much, i'll just run it from a ramdisk, it's small enough