Mac Programs

Had a good thread last time, thanks to your recs I've gotten
Cog music player (Only one that allows folder autism)
Transmission Torrents
IINA (Just werks, don't have codec autism requirements)
Libre (Too used to it to switch)
And a few other minor tools
Still a Mac pleb, but the learning curve is babby mode, on my way to toddlercore soon!

Continue to rec and r8 spicy Mac Programs and autism general, thanks again Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

VLC for videos
Ulysses for notes
PlayOnMac for all your gaming purposes


what about office suites? the stock apps sucks (numbers, presentation, etc)

Microsoft Office just werx unlike Apple trash. :^)

Any good app for browsing pixiv?

I love it. The UI is surprisingly good comparing to the windows version.

What are some good homebrew packages?
Only have mpv, youtube-dl & ffmpeg.

100% serious btw, me and my boyfriend love going there for mac tech support. Sup Forums just can't handle aesthetic and fashionable things.

You can get homebrew cask and install a bunch of application bundles like you would with homebrew


Little Snitch

Yea because we're not gay, and know how to solve our own problems.

lol yes you are. All macfags suck cocks on a daily basis. If you don't then it means you got conned into buying a mac and will trash/sell it soon.

But what I have is hackintosh though.

hope you rot in federal prison degenerate scum


Alfred and Hammerspoon are must-haves.

league of legends

Install Homebrew and get cmus and a newer version of bash (or zsh if you're a fag). Get Firefox Nightly or Webkit Nightly as your browser. The best terminal emulator is iTerm2.

Sheepshaver Wrapper is also worth looking into if you're into running retro operating systems like Mac OS 8 or 9. Virtualbox is the best for x86 emulation but QEMU works best for stuff like PPC, SPARC, or ARM.

AppCleaner for uninstalling things
Spectacle for window snapping
Spark for email
Sidify (paid) if you're lazy and want to rip music from spotify
RightFont (paid) for better font management

Where do you guys get your pirated software? has worked just fine for me in the past.

>better touch tool for macbooks
sadly it doesn't do pkgs, so just dig up the recepie
false security is also available on os10
good luck finding a legit release
or just use the commandline for the childish tweaks
macbooks dedicated card switcher
>decent browser like ff or botnet

iterm2, editors, xcode, brew, [ afloat:'( ]
Nobody needs pathfinder, when there is ranger in some cask and Finder had tabs now.

Hey there newfriend! :)

Looks like you're a little turned around, but that's okay, I'll help you get back to your people!

Here ya go buddy........

I use this one

Lol enuf with duh techy talk xD can we share dick pics now???? Le xD

whats the secong link for?

OnlyOffice is pretty comfy unlike libre desu

Does anyone here remember this unintentional comedy gold? (skip to 38:31 onwards for the real funny bits)

I can't update to the latest version of OSX because I'm running an old Macbook Pro from 2007 without battery so always connected.

Which new apps should I be looking at to keep on enjoying this machine?

>tfw being on the latest macOS version with a fucking thinkpad
The screen is still shit though.

holy hell

The Unarchiver

Everything else is optional.

Alternative terminal shell
Cleans out application support files when deleting apps
Install *nix terminal applications
>ITerm 2
Replacement for
Terminal music app. Very speedy when you learn the key commands.
Cheaper version of Photoshop. Gets the job done.
Keeps computer on
Better alternative to Spotlight

best package manager; combined with homebrew cask you can install basically anything that isn't a retro 2003 port of irssi in fortran
Video player. I'm sure you've seen the threads on Sup Forums for it. Find a good base config, tweak a bit, and never worry about playback again
>iterm2 3
honestly not necessary if you aren't a tiling power user, but the extra customization options and integrations are really handy
Launchbar. Open anything really fast. Snippets are a nice feature. Buy / "Buy" the powerpack and abuse the shit out of workflows; they're fantastic. I have ones for weather, timers, quick movie lookup, quiver, ssh, file upload, philips hue, and unit conversion. Also, the built in calculator and dictionary are fantastic.
Window manager. Makes moving things and other window manipulations (size) a breeze.
>Airmail ($)
There's not a whole lot of good email clients for OSX, but airmail is one of the better ones. I also like Mailmate, but it's very much power-user oriented, and it costs many dollarydoos. Airmail is a lot more responsive than, and thunderbird/postbox use a lot more battery.
Menubar toggle to prevent screen from sleeping. It's the modern version of Caffeine which, while functional, is pretty old now, and lacks retina.
Safari is by far the best on battery (competition not event close), it's a mess of security holes, and it doesn't have much support for things you probably take for granted in Chrome/firefox/literally anything that isn't Safari. I like Firefox because Chrome drains battery like a mother, and I have a shitload of tabs at any given time that Firefox manages much better. Also much better for privacy, if that matters.
>The Unarchiver
Best unzip/rar/tar/etc utility

Nice blog mactoddler.

Less essential:
Lets you bind keys contextually. For example, I have a bind set up that lets ctrl+hjkl function as arrow keys when the Alfred bar is on the screen.
Only non-shit standalone IRC client. Free if you compile it yourself from its page on github. Weechat and irssi also available in homebrew.
Clean up the menu bar. Let you hide, show, and rearrange icons.
Adds a few convenient features to finder. The main one I use is dual-pane.
Probably the best/fastest PDF viewer for OSX. I like sumatra more desu, but Skim is adequate. Works well with LaTeX.
Remove blue from screen with your timezone. You don't really notice it that much, but if you turn it off at like 3 am you'll burn your eyes out.
My favorite OSX bit torrent client. I use it in thin mode with a remote server. A lot of people like transmission, but I find it lacking. Not to mention less secure if you're going to use public trackers.
RSS/atom feed in a long vertical strip. Can add keywords to highlight specific items based on interest. I don't think many people use this, but I'm very glad I found it.
If you do the twitter. I don't really ever post on twitter, but it's great for live feed on interesting lists.
Alternative to macbed and mac-torrent-download.

Christ OSX is a steaming pile of shit.

You seriously need all that to make your fruity toddlerOS just function? Holy shit.

>Continue to rec and r8 spicy Mac Programs and autism general, thanks again Sup Forums

this is all useless softwre, except bartender..
also why use flux??

Wrong board.

Only Sierra has that feature. There's plenty of reasons not to upgrade to Sierra.

name one

>doesn't use Sierra

>t. mactoddlers

Gil was a nice guy but not Apple CEO material.

To his credit though he has done some good things throughout the career, other than Apple. For one he invented the CCD, the basis of all scanners, camcorders, and digital cameras.

Actually scratch that, he didn't invent the CCD but he did help test it

Fuck that. Install pkgsrc and do everything in


OP here, I'll admit I'm still a Mac baby, but I didn't notice any substantive difference between Alfred and Spotlight. Is there a functional difference or is it just autismo microsecond gains? Can I not see the power user for the trees?

Good point about Firefox, I've been using Safari just for ease of use, it's fast, lightweight, hard to not get comfortable with, despite it's obvious flaws. It's refreshing after doing the Firefox shuffle as each fork would go to shit/botnet/bloat and cycle into the next one.

Thanks for all the bumps shitposters, I'll have to wait for my iPhone8 to get in before I start guzzlin loads, but your support means a lot. I got this Mac (my first Applel product ever, actually) through an employee's discount, cut the price over half with full upgrades, would have been foolish not take a deal like that. >implying you can get better stats for $500.

I've been trying/researching most of the programs in this thread, thanks again everyone.

Outdated freeprograms that have depreciated, bloated or gone full 'Free Trail' botnet. Mentioned last thread, would be nice if these threads can be used to update the sticky.


Apple needs to build into the OS a proper solution to uninstall apps, they could just add it to their Storage Management utility or better yet ask to delete other files associated with the app when dragging to the Trash.
Most people uninstall apps by dragging them to the trash and don't know that other large files related to the app stick around on the drive occupying space.

I was talking to a Mactard friend who was blown away when I told them that Apps instal files. Trying to explain how the Windows concept of 'Program Files', truly may be Toddlers.

Ah fuck. Don't make me want to go back to macOS. I spent one year with it and forced myself to switch, now I'm feeling no different from someone who has to use a different OS than Windows and got used to games.

Still waiting for that one reason

> Alfred
Alfred is more powerful than Spotlight. Spotlight can only search for and open documents and programs. Alfred can do so much more: open, move, delete files, search the web, hold text snippets, automate pretty much anything at all.

Literally the first thing I install on a wiped Mac.

I'm the kind of person that never even uses spotlight, I'm wondering if that would be a thing I would use.

Probably not

but macos is comfier pal