An i3

An i3


Lol amd

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 assblasted street shitters

wtf I hate amd now

This b8 is so obvious everyone who replies here is a faggot, including me.


>for gaming
western people everybody

>it's ok when amd does it

If mods delete this thread but not this
this place is dead


Hey qty ;D

>video games
Get a job.

But an i7 7700k is the current best choice for gaming

That was removed within hours. Sorry about your free guaranteed access to Quake Champions beta that you had to delete if you didn't want.

>trusting a website with filled with fake news and unfair reviews

>Gtx 1080ti

...running 800 MHz faster.

Get this shit to you fucking manchildren

No, you get back to /r/_amd you fucking street shitter

Why are you calling me a shill when you're clearly shilling right now? Now go outside and get a real job you stinky Indian.

That's rich coming from an pajeet amd shitskin

You're not white

Definitely whiter than you

>day one benchmark
here's (you)


Spot the most garbage game engine.

What's your point? The picture you posted shows a locked i5 beating an 8 core Ryzen.

>testing cpu performance
>with a gtx 970

Why would anyone legit buy amd in the year 2017? Their gpu's are dogshit. I've been sitting on this 2.1ghz gtx 1070 for like 6 months now and amd still has nothing. This assblasted chink in one of my classes insists the 580 is faster than my 1070 but I've still seen no evidence of it from averages.

>Why does a cheaper GPU not match up to my card after 6 WHOLE MONTHS

What the actual fuck

>cheaper gpu
>350 eur vs 300 eur


>being a cancerous avatarfag

Not clicking your indian shit

>no arguments
>testing at 4k with 970
>testing with 970

About the same level as attention whoring tripshits, literal sludge.

>oh no he uses a reaction image

Wow, 98% greentext too, that's some dedication.

i'm getting 250 vs 400-450 USD

It's easier to filter him like this.

>muh bottleneck
Nice try kiddo.

all 3 people who play far cry primal on 144hz monitors give a shit

Intel shills - the thread.
Go back to Sup Forums you manchilds. No one cares your housefire i7 at 5GHz is getting 5 more FPS on a crappy game using a shitty game engine.

back to vermin

You're shifting the lion's share of the workload to the gpu there and clearly OP is talking about CPUs here.

Nvidia wins again. (((AMD))) are (((kikes))).

>4.1 ghz

You mean 5.72ghz?


Remember when AMD and Intel last time ended up when they went for pure cockspeed instead of smaller pipes?

Intel already has better IPC than AMD. Higher clocks are just a bonus.

Tell that to Agner, and tell that to Intel that's on Skylake v{3,4,5} until 2020


You meant 2021, right?


Kabylake new arch on 14nm+
Coffelake new arch on 14nm++
Cannonlake new arch on 10nm and 10nm++

Die shrink aren't architectures you autist.

Woah woah watch out Shlomo you are gonna blow the house up!

Simplifying that, it's skylake on matured nodes and skylake dieshrinks.

We can expect great IPC increases, from 1% to 1.4% under sysmark

Didn't Intel say that

Yes, specifically the 5watt U series ultrabook chips

Dumb retard AMD shit how can 10nm be slower than 14nm? Kys stupid poo you don't have a fucking clue about processes

Poo in loo idiot poojet

>how can 10nm be slower than 14nm?
Lower clock speeds, less cache, less execution units etc etc.


>Those 8th Generation Core laptops may be more attractive to customers. The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event, with a chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

>Those 8th Generation Core laptops may be more attractive to customers. The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event, with a chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

>In theory, the 10-nm chips should be faster than the 14-nm chips. But the first low-power Cannonlake chips will have fewer transistors, and won't be comparable to the mature 14-nm chips with more transistors.

>The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event,
>chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

>4-core, 6-core, and 8-core all perform the exact same
Must be a problem with Ryzen...

>power draw: 350W

>10oz ultrabook has cpu optimized to have good battery life



stop using logics mayn just buy intel with more bibeline

>Intel's entire CPU lineup has been reduced to 2 SKUs
>Intelfags are manchildren

What else is new?

you mean your house burned down?

>clearly OP is talking about CPUs here.
Then why is he using an FPS based benchmark?

Holy shit why is Intel is so fucking shit

Back to the designated shitting street


Irrelevant, Cannonlake is expected to have a 15% IPC boost while using 60% less power, it's a far superior CPU


15% from skylake again?

I think you meant """"""""""""""15%"""""""""""""""

>being poor

Intlel confirmed 10nm is slower than 14nm

Stay assblasted pootelfag

Just wait for 7nm and the new architecture in 2021.
Nobody really needs more than Skylake performance

Divide by 10 to get the real percentage.

well, it's the same chip. and since the clockspeed is the same, it makes perfect sense

2021 at the earliest. Could be 2022, 2030 who knows



stop shitposting you autists

remember to hide and sage shill threads!

> Whatever Intel CPU beats AMD CPU using any NVIDIA CARD

Yep. It's interesting, isn't it, that any Intel CPU will beat any Ryzen CPU in certain select games in tests with a Nvidia GPU yet the results are completely different and AMD mostly comes out on top in the exact same games when you pair with a AMD GPU.

That's pretty interesting. It's fair to ask if there's some check for a specific CPU in nvidia's drivers or if it's unintentional.

I'm sure Nvidia will be thrilled when Vega hits and it makes the 1080ti looking like ass on Ryzen because they couldn't do a simple topology fix for the uarch in their drivers.

kill yourself


Lul vega will be a failure just like poozen. Everyone on Sup Forums will make fun of you stinky indians again

>April 28th
>wrong clocks
>wrong revision
>wrong bandwidth
>wrong TDP
This is some pretty bad bait.

pajeet doesn't know about multicore programming

It's out? When is anandtech review??

One reason to buy AMD GPU's is that you can actually use them because they have a GNU/Linux development team whereas NVidia refuses to release enough documentation to make a functioning driver for their cards.

It's nice that you're happy with your 1070. Good for you. I don't really need a paperweight and that's all it would be to me so I don't want one.

noone cares shitface poo

just like how ur mum takes up to 3 dicks in her orifices, not all programs can use gorillion threads

Besides Intel, Redhat, IBM, Microsoft, AMD, Amazon, Google, realtek and Nvidia when they have something to sell.
