CPU-Z thread
still feels viable
CPU-Z thread
still feels viable
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Mein bröther.
how much clock?
>Intel in charge of IPC improvements
I'd back off to 4.5 or 4.6ghz and increase your cache and uncore
You'll probably see more performance despite a lower clock speed
The 6800k is at 4.1 Ghz @ 1.3v
Why such high volts? My 5820k is comfortable at 4.4ghz with 1.28v
Can run it higher, but decided to scale back a little bit for the summer while I'm still using the Spire cooler. Feels good familia.
Because its broadwell-e
4.3 GHz @ 1.28V
I might try to get 4.5 going but I'm not sure if more than 1.3V are worth it
Using a H100i cooler
>TFW a midrange 200 € processor performs similar than your highend desktop
>TFW I got my 5820K system for free coming from a 3770K
It's like using an AMD Bulldozer CPU with extra threads.
AMD won
holy shit this is hilarious
The fuck
>increase your cache
wtf are you smoking nigger
New cpu z changed benchmark I think
What's the problem?
you mean the uncore ( memory tab in cpu-z ) under channel #
That would make sense.
That my xeon from 2011 was getting 3x the single thread as a 6700k
12 Core Sandy Bridge?
Might not be suitable for gaming but probably nice for conversions.
>implying "This Processor" isn't overclocked as fuck
>has his CPU at default clocks if not overclocked
>implies that being just a bit under Intel's best CPU makes it so that "AMD won"
>probably won't accept the reality that a 6950X clocked to the same clocks as his Ryzen CPU would blow it the fuck out of the water
These Ryzen benchmarks make me want to own a Ryzen but I know its worthless so I'll somewhen get a 5960X or just wait for Ryzen 2.
I barely need my 5820K. It converts 4K really fast, but a faster CPU wouldn't help me when I need 1.5 days to upload a 30 minute 4K video.
>I know its worthless
why do you think that?
>dat voltage bug
I hope someone reports it
because he's probably buttmad he bought an expensive 6 core cpu without a use for it
I'd be buttmad with my 5820k too if it wasn't for the fact I got it for £250 nearly 2 years ago now, the ~£300 ish 1700 seems to be a lot better for what I need it for and the £350 ish 1700x is running rings around the 5820k (standard 5820k price is about £320-350, hasn't been under £300 for over a year now)
every bloody time I post I forget to attach the pic
i was going to buy the 6700k but end up buying the 6700 instead. did i made a good choice?
Yeah judging by this pic, he's mad af
Nope, that's a Haswell-EP. It's nice in 1 regard. It only takes around 80W crunching prime95 with AVX on 24 threads.
I stated why. I don't know a single game that utilizes all my cores and rendering / converting would be a bit faster, but uploading will always take long. 2 Mbit connection...
When is 16 core 32 thread Ryzen coming out for the desktop?
You had the performance for two years already. Same with me. It was a free upgrade from my 3770K so why not.
my particular 5820k seems to be doing pretty shitty in cpu-z benchmarks for some reason, it occasionally seems to clock down to 1.2ghz while doing the benchmark - these are generally more representative of the 5820k performance: I'd say the intel hedt cpus overclock a lot higher which significantly improves the performance (but probably not to the ryzen multi-threading performance) but being someone that mostly runs stock it's a pretty bad time to be on the recent low end intel hedt chips
I don't see a reason to release a 4-core HEDT in 2017 when Ryzen is around.
The Haswell/Broadwell-E still get better single-thread performance if they are overclocked, but I would prefer the Ryzen if I wanted to future proof.
don't get me wrong - at £250 it was an absolute steal, it was cheaper than the 4790k I was considering buying and it was cheaper than the 6700k when that was released, on top of that I was forced into an upgrade so I didn't have the luxury to wait around for ryzen but if I had bought it any more recently than I did I'd be kicking myself for it
>The Haswell/Broadwell-E still get better single-thread performance if they are overclocked, but I would prefer the Ryzen if I wanted to future proof.
pretty much, I think the only thing intel hedt has going for them (not including kaby lake-x) outside of single core performance is cpu lane availability, but given the weaker cpus are gimped to 28 lanes and x99 has next to no lanes as it is you're basically forced into >$500 skylake-x chips on x299 to get a ton of pcie lanes
whoops, forgot this.
decade old CPU hahaha
lmao niceme.me
>4.8 niggerhurtz and 200+ watts to beat ryzen
wow what a joke
Shit, there's a new one?
outdated cpu
outdated cpu-z
outdated life
hopefully itll keep up mostly with big vega
>tfw 5 years old mobile ivy bridge CPU is almost as fast as recent i7-7600k in stock
>it cost me $50 two week ago
explain this, intel shills.
PS. it's a 12,5" laptop.
that is 38% faster in sc
I can watch her dance all day
Why so many fake replies?
Fuck off
>fake replies
what did you mean by this?
Do you really think a 5820k will get @3500 multi?
Are you mentally retarded?
Check which cpu version you're using, you retarded negroid. CPUID changed scoring rules in recent versions.
Look at the benchmark version they're using, you're running an outdated verison, they changed the scoring with the update.
Everything scores way lower now.
Sorry I don't spend all my time keeping up with retarded benchmarks, faggot
yet, you unironically attempt to compete with others.
Go kill yourself now.
It's only at 4.6GHz. The 6700K turbos to 4.2 for a single core out of the box, so all Intel have managed in six years is the equivalent of a 400MHz overclock on a 2600K (considering Kaby Meme has zero IPC improvements).
Pretty good
r8 my cock
isn't it cute? :3
This thing still reaches half the score of my 120 W Phenom. 10 W TDP?
and desktop
6W actually. It stays cool as fuck too, never goes above ~52C under 100% load on all cores
Everything ok with my shitposting machine
I was so happy to finally move on from that garbage.
This thread is still around?
I ran the newer one.
go away amd.
>"This processor worth over $1.6K marginally beats a processor worth $320 at the same clocks!"
>Xeon X5680
What the fuck are you even doing with one of those user?
Send help
He has 2 of them
lel, I once memed myself and bought an X6. Shit was not cash.
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
Considering her age and the fact I've got it running at 3.3GHz I don't think she's doing too bad for a meme.
>tfw when forced to use X99 platform for the nodes of a cheap GPU compute cluster because AM4 doesn't have enough lanes.
Is there any AM4 motherboard that just connects the 24 lanes to a pcie switch?
with smt off
also same proc
I assume he has them because they are dirt cheap and give good performance. Single core perf is still passable today, only drawback is huge power consumption.
Because they are $100 each on ebay and I have a SR2.
Ramlets leave
I was using an 1100t for five years up until grabbing
It was easily the longest I've ever had one CPU/mobo, and it ran cool as hell at 3.8Ghz
While it's not a HORRIBLE CPU to hold-up as long as it did, maxing PCSX2, DeSmuME, and Dolphin out with playable framerates was hard given how single-threaded they were. I had absolutely no problem with normal games though, and MGSV was the last major thing I played on it
The Thubans do unusually poorly in CPU-Z's benchmark. Maybe because they don't support newer instruction sets? In Cinebench and real workloads they're a lot closer to an 8350 in terms of performance once you overclock to 4GHz (plus a 600-800MHz NB overclock, which is just as important). They smoke any 6350 at that speed.
>max overclock
>still slightly worse single-threaded performance than a six year old Intel chip
What the fuck were they doing over there in India all that time?
feels bad mang, really thinking of getting an r7 1700, but I think I have enough low end games and console games to hold me off until Zen+.
more than Intel has done