So, user, I'm giving you another chance to explain why you STILL have an i5 or even an i7 when Ryzen is clearly better.
You have 10 seconds.
>inb4 goytel shilling
So, user, I'm giving you another chance to explain why you STILL have an i5 or even an i7 when Ryzen is clearly better.
You have 10 seconds.
>inb4 goytel shilling
Other urls found in this thread:
If u didn't know AMD was bailed out by the U.S government in the past few years. Ryzen is the result of that funding so ryzen is obviously a tool to spy on the people of the world. If u think that AMD is better now than you are obviously a niave idiot . In short intel is better
yes goy, I'm sure jewtel has my best interests in mind
>AMD was bailed out by the U.S government
More like AMD was paid large amounts of money to make backdoors in hardware that existed in Intel but not AMD
Why would the U.S seel a backdoor that they can use to spy that would be stupid and counterintuitive just look at the facts
I bought this CPU a few years ago, it's still working fine and none of my day-to-day tasks would benefit from a better CPU. I don't frivolously spend money on unnecessary upgrades. If and when I must purchase a new CPU for a desktop, I will consider whatever AMD offering there is, just as I have in the past, and should it be better at said time I will get it.
More like this please.
You are all fucking sheep upgrading to ryzen. Do whatever the hell you want
VT-x > AMD-V
Because of this
You have to be 18 to post on this website
Also, nice cherrypicked benchmark, goy.
AMD rekt
Is this cherrypicked too?
this is a really cheap way of getting (you).
be more creative. i believe in you, user.
You live to sit here posting the same 5-6 benchmarks and spam "POO", don't you?
>DirectX 11
Ok pajeet
I have dual xeons
maybe I'll swap when snowly owl comes out, but other than that
>consumer CPUs
you must be at least 18 to post on this website
>tfw my EVGA x58 e760 classified mobo died 2 months ago
it has a melted diode, I wonder if it can be fixed, I love my 6 core Xenon
10 seconds is probably too much. These Intel fangirls have niche gaymin benches ready on standby when browsing Sup Forums.
Fanboys just cannot deal with the facts. Ryzen is by far better than anything intel has if you look at the price you are paying. Isn't it obvious that a CPU costing 10-20% more will perform better.
>$1600 6950X
>performs near a $500 1800X
Finally someone with some sense god damn fanboys ruining everything
>no shills allowed
pick one
Because I wasn't going to Waitâ„¢ for an unproven cpu from a company whose previous product was Bulldozer and has since shown that the tasks relevant to me are a toss up between the two now, not to mention that the moar coarz bandwagon basically ignores the fact that as workloads become increasingly parallel they're also being increasingly offloaded to the gpu which is already vastly more parallel than any cpu.
Considering that I was on a nearly 10 year old cpu before.... I think I was justified
Also i enjoy OCing and Ryzen's been an OC dud so far outside of extreme cooling setups
im currently with a fx6300
should i go with the ryzen 1600 or a i5 7500 which is at the same price?
but i do :^)
The Ryzen 1600 is an absolute no-brainer over the 7500. It's better at essentially everything.
1600 if you're overclocking ($110+ mobo)
1600X if you're not (cheapest mobo you can find $70-80?)
Why a 7500? You could get a used 6700/6700K for the same or not much more, pop that in an sli plus and that's a much better comparison
X370 and Ryzen 5... I bought a cheap b350 board and ryzen 1700, can oc well and supports 3200 ddr4.
i thought about it, but got an x370 board as i feel itll get better and faster bios updates to deal w/ ram issues (not that ive had any) and for zen2/3 in the future
>STILL have an i5 or even an i7 when Ryzen is clearly better.
Why would I explain anything to anyone who has already made up their mind.
It's literally wasted breath.
A few months ago, a 6900k was the best consumer CPU money could buy.
Now? Nobody needs more than 4 cores!
Planning an upgrade after Vega launches and I see some solid reviews. I'm still using an i5 4690k and a Tri-X R9 290.
What are you on about no one has ever needed more than 4 cores for gaming and just because something is considered the best consumer CPU doesn't mean something else cannot be good. We are also comparing CPUs that are in different tiers you can hardly expect a $500 ryzen CPU to beat an intel $1000 CPU.Get your shit together
Did somebody say... heated?
>you can hardly expect a $500 ryzen CPU to beat an intel $1000 CPU.Get your shit together
But it does in rather a large number of use cases.
Because I accept this difference
Gayming, get intel
Workstation/multitask etc. Get Amd
Could care less, just get what suits the purpose for you
>you can hardly expect a $500 ryzen CPU to beat an intel $1000 CPU.Get your shit together
Because the only way to gayme is with a delided 7700k on a $200 motherboard?
I'm not angry but people seem to have the intelligence of goldfish when they start to go all fanboying
What part did I mention that involved this being a requirement, its the owners own choice, purchase and risk with their hardware.
I got a new 7700K for $180.
Was it broken
I bet it was
Fucking AMD fan boys
Does no one here care about the fact that intel are selling their users info to the FBI like random generator keys for encryption
What are you on about you sound like a retarded conspiracy theorists
Don't worry they are like that all the time.
Citation needed.
My i7 is still no where close to a bottleneck yet. Im not going to replace my cpu just because
Nobody is talking to you we don't care about your i7 with 100 cores and megathreading we are talking about i5 and ryzen
Too poor to upgrade
>I'm giving you another chance to explain why you STILL have an i5 or even an i7
>we are talking about i5 and ryzen
>have an i5 or even an i7
>we are talking about i5
>or even an i7
Smooth gayming, get AMD
Stuttering (but higher overall average FPS which won't matter anyway), get Intel
Well said
because ayyyyymd was too fucking slow to get ryzen out
i didnt feel like waiting well over a year for my pc when i needed upgrade asp
and now i dont feel like making big lose on my slightly over 1 year old cpu with preformance was satosfying so far
just to jump on
This post smells of summer.
why spend money for a tiny bit improvement over sandy bridge