For those with gaming laptops, how has your experience been? I've been thinking of buying a Dell i7567...

For those with gaming laptops, how has your experience been? I've been thinking of buying a Dell i7567. It's $999 CAD (around $799 USD). It looks like a good deal but I've heard mixed things about laptops.

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gaming laptops will leave you and your partner disappointed

They're fine for most things. Biggest downside is limited SSD/HDD space if you want to use it as a primary device, and the lack of ports.

My gf has one of these meme machines. The plus side of if is that it generates so much heat and air circulation you don't need a space heater anymore.

I got 6 months of pure performance on mine, then it just went downhill.

Note: I used it 12 hours a day. For 6 months.

easy, do this
>open up your laptop
>remove cooler and fan
>blow the shit out of the fans and cooler
>apply new thermal paste
my HP omen 2014 hasn't had any problems during the last 2 years

Holy shit, I see a good amount of shilling about it around, and it's not labeled as advertisement. Now I see it here.
All in all, you have to be insane to pay $1100 for an overheating laptop with edgy teen design.

That Dell has every sort of memory space

Don't get a gaming laptop. Get a cheap laptop or tablet, and a midrange gaming PC.

got a toshiba qosmio 2010-2011 for 1500+
18.4 el oh el
could play the games at the time at high settings
did that for around 6 months and then temps were reaching 80-100 and it shut down so i stopped playing games and did the desktop replacement thing
6-7 years later thank god it still works at the same temps lol..
nothing ever broke
i wonder how it hasnt melted yet xD
battery lasts 30mins but no matter since its "infused" on my desk with external peripherals like a pc
sasuga toshiba

>the only sub-$2k (((gaming laptop))) that doesn't look like a UFO is somehow an edgy teen design

neck yourself

You could probably make a better micro computer with a better GPU, more memory and more slots.*

However, I cannot say for sure.
I know my friend had a gaming laptop years back and he regretted it.
And he is one that doesn't care too much about graphics fidelity or such, even running some games on low if it got more FPS.

* (lotta tl;dr nonsense here)
If you have some basic woodworking or plastic-working know-how, you can do it in a weekend pretty easily.
Hell, go all fancy and shit and stuff it in a suitcase so you can be some leet hacker fuck.
Cases are easy to make, and with the screen, battery, PC case, sound and mouse, there'd still be a little extra space left for controllers and headset too. All-in-one.
It WILL be heavier and thicker, but it will be insanely better too.

I'd love to do it one day.
I just built a new PC though, not looking to do it any time soon. Maybe few years down the line at minimum.

I own a Alienware 17 before the most recent refresh, which made it look a lot more like the gaming inspirion in your picture.

But the most important question I could ask you is why do you need a laptop? I know why I need one. But most people don't NEED a laptop, they just want one.

That one is good, only problem is the TN panel

Acer has one for the same price and specs but not TN

I was going to buy an Acer Aspire. I think it was listed somewhere in the wiki. Am I getting memed?

No it's a kaby lake laptop that wouldn't be on the wiki

Get the acer with a 7th gen Intel and 1050 GPU, it's great.

Lisa mobile tech review has a breakdown and shows the modularity too

Asus G75VW here. It performs well enough for a 5 year old machine.

Just keep in mind a gaming laptop is not really portable. Mine is 9 lbs without the power brick. They are also bulky. The battery life is shit too, about 1.5 hours unplugged. Also while unplugged, the dedicated GPU shuts down and reverts to the integrated GPU to save power.

Even with those negatives, it is nice to have near-desktop power that can easily move around. I don't regret my purchase. $1,150 in 2012.

The aspire vx 15?

I bought a dv6 laptop back in 2011 for about the same price.

It played all but new titles (2014 onwards) decently, even at mid settings. It just died after 6 years, so I'd say it was worth it. Get one with an SSD and get an external drive for your steam library.

>don't need a space heater anymore
Does it also heat time? Because I'm currently using a space & time heater combo machine


This is a great all around laptop with great gaming capability to boot

Screen is truly a shitty panel.
Seriously, look for an other machine.

Can't you change the screen?

>finally have a job and making good money
>saving up for a house
>for the moment, living in my room at parents' house
>will build a PC once I'm at my new crib
>for now, just need a laptop that can handle WoW and a few other games

What laptop/how much should I spend on a laptop that can handle WoW raids?

kaby-lake blade 14 owner here

screen 9/10
fucking amazing color and ips viewing angles, only complaint is 60hz and no g-sync for muh gayms.

speakers 8/10
are decently loud, better than most, but not the amazing

hardware 8.5/10
7700hq and 1060gtx can handle pretty much everything you want besides ultra settings games. on most modern games with a mix of ultra/high settings and always get steady +120fps (to account for the 'framerate dips").

battery 7/10
is meh even after undervolting 5-7 hrs for light usage and 2-4 hrs low settings games. still better than most if not all gayman laptops.

the best looking gayman laptop by far. the keyboard needs a bit of getting used to but not problematique. honestly don't really use the chroma colors it was a neat gimmic for a minute.

all in all 9/10
they call it a macbook rival for a reason. it may not be the absolute best out there and may be a bit more $$$ but it does exactly what you want it to do (especially games) all while not looking like a fucking autist

That's really nice but out of my price range. Most of these gaming laptops have a numpad, so I've been looking for one that doesn't.

That is a good price point. From my experiences, I wouldn't spend more than $1,000 on a laptop unless you really have the money to spend out for one. I got mine on black friday last year for $640 and it does everything I need it to do.

Whats the battery capacity?

Describing battery life is as easy as saying the processor and the Watt hours, no better way

>battery life
>gaming laptop

When will AMD release a 4C8T laptop and 6C12T laptop with RX570 and RX580?

>Alienware 15 r3
>Bad battery

My gf also has one of those and she does /3/ shit on it. Sometimes, when she's rendering, I legitimately think the fridge is failing.

Just bought me an Inspiron 15 7559 for 650, i7 6700hq, 8gb ddr3, gtx 960m, 1tb hdd, and 4k touch display. Got it mainly for traveling, been lugging my big corsair vengeance rig (6700k/gtx1070) on trips lmao. And if I need more gpu power, i'll get an egpu setup