/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for sudo pacman -Syyu

First for Source Mage GNU/Linux

This post reserved for Gobo Linux

can anyone do "uname -o" and post results?

It's literally an option specifically added into coreutils to display "GNU/Linux" I doubt it displays anything else on any distribution.
Even "busybox uname -o" displays the same

What are some cool terminal commands?


sudo firefox

Don't do this, shit will happen if you do.


Especially do not use flash with firefox as root..

$ alias ding='paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga'
$ make; ding

do not run this, it may break your system

I just did it..twice. Nothing broken

>running a web browser with root privileges

i dont believe you, do it again and post webm

Is there a good Gahnoo+Linux player that *does* support mp3 gapless?


all of them

I'm using Quod Libet and it evidently doesn't

What are your ffmpeg settings?

>Quod Libet
literally who, why not superior cmus?

find ./ -regex '.*mp4\|.*mkv\|.*wmv\|.*gif\|.*avi' -exec bash -c 'ffmpeg -loglevel panic -i "$0" -n -an -sn -c:v libvpx -f webm -b:v 500K -bufsize 1000k -vf scale=-1:360 -preset ultrafast -crf 28 -quality good -auto-alt-ref 0 -qmin 10 -qmax 42 -movflags +faststart -fs 1.9M "${0%%.mp4}.webm"' {} \;

ty bb

ffmpeg is super comfy

Fuck off with meme players. At least say mpd then.

>not based moc

How can i have sound notification for the beginning of hibernation?

>installing a special program for listening to music when you have mpv

>installing special programs for listening to music and watching movies when you have ffplay

(((Linux))) is (((communism))) licensed under (((gpl))).

>using ffplay when you have cat

pro and cons? (seriously?)

If one actually set init to /bin/sh, would you need to mount filesystems and start services manually? How hard would it be?

Before doing that
cat /proc/1/mounts >/mounts.txt
lsmod >/lsmod.txt
And you can just pass init=/bin/sh to the kernel


Yes (((user))), we should all be a fat (((communist))) (((atheist))) (((jew))) just like (((Richard Stallman))).

Looks like someone is vandalizing installgentoo:

probably that guy spewing onto the beta last thread.

oh wow I've read about this echo thing. It's a hate symbol guys like the frog.

milk is a hate symbol too~

echos are really subhuman Sup Forums tier

How 2 specify user when connecting to VNC with Vinagre?
How 2 unbork keymap when connecting to VNC with Remmina?
Is VNC just shit? Using SSH cause I can't get VNC to work but I don't need a WM anyways so I guess maybe I shouldnt bother.

what are you talking about?

You can always go back to (((reddit))) if you hate free speech.

(((echos))) were founded by Sup Forumsacks to point out that a person is jewish.

Yes goy, yes, an hate symbol.

Hate speech results in the opposite of free speech. Kill yourself.

And (((leftypol))) is trying to stop it because it attacks (((them)))

How is this related to GNU/Linux?

it isn't, seems like that 4chans report function is broken or something

(((GNU))) and (((GPL))) were founded by a (((communist))) (((jew))) (((Richard Stallman))).

Since I posted in the last thread without noticing that it was dead - what's the best way to get xfce look like either win95 or xp? I want to be le ebin antique hipster guy


find a theme that looks like win95 from the various theme sites

>seems like that 4chans mods don't care about Sup Forums

I believe there's a theme called Chicago95 and a gtk theme called Redmond. Maybe you need to get the icon pack separately idk.

When i install arch how do i make sure it goes in a certain free space on a certain drive?

Let's say X is broken, can I start firefox without X to search for solutions?

I've finally got my desktop environment set up how I like it. Now, what's the best way to save it for when I inevitably fuck up my install so I don't have to redo everything from memory? I basically need it to reinstall the packages that I used, and restore their settings.

no, you can use links or any other alternative though

This is perfect, thanks. For curiosity, is there something similar for windows XP?

Do you want it to be located in a specific physical location on the disk? I'm not aware of any method other than creating a partition in that exact space, installing to that partition, and then optionally expanding that partition to allow you to use the rest of the disk once the install is already properly located.

You can always use like edbrowse or something

Are you talking about partitioning?

Did you mean lynx

You mount and chroot to that drive


he meant w3m



actually links2

TIL I am pretty ignorant

What is the best lightweight and suckless console web browser?

I have 2 SSD's and one HDD. On my HDD there are my music and torrents and stuff. SDD 1 has windows only. SSD#2 is split between some games and a "free space" for linux. when i create sda1/sda2, how will i know that it gets made from that freespace?


curl | html2txt

You create a partition on that free space and tell arch via the arch chroot command to use that disk.
This is all explained on the wiki

IIRC edbrowse is basically the only usable one with JS support if you want that

That depends on your partitioning tool. Assuming your entire SSD2 is one single partition right now, you'll need to shrink it, at which point you'll need to be careful not to make it smaller than the size of the data you have on there - otherwise bad things will happen to that data. Even if you do it properly, there's always a chance of data being corrupted or destroyed so always have backups blah blah all that usual stuff. (Personally I always yoloed it and it was fine, but the risk is always there.)

Once you've shrunk your partition you're going to have some unpartitioned free space, just create your linux partition there.

What is the best way to upload a folder with one command, i am using ftp and mput at the moment, but its asking for each file. Is there something simple like scp?

>use filezilla
its a vps
>use scp
no keys, has to be ftp

This is the guide I intend to follow. Am I ready to just follow it?


Stupid question: on a single-user machine, is there any security risk to chowning /usr to my user account (instead of root)? I'm imagining it's protected because *nix was designed with multiple users in mind, but if I'm the only one who ever uses my computer, does that change the situation?

Oh since you already have unallocated space it should be piss-easy. The difference from that guide is that you're going to have your windows partition showing up, just be careful to select "Free Space" whenever creating new partitions instead of overwriting existing ones. Use common sense and it should be fine

>>use filezilla
>its a vps
>>use scp
>no keys, has to be ftp

hexdump -C /dev/urandom | grep "12 34"


I don't think so.

With arch linux live cd, how often do I need to reburn the ISO to update it if ever?

what would happen when you just buy grsecurity patches and release them for free?


Is there any way to install Debian without bootable media? I don't have a disk drive or a flash drive to hand atm. I know there used to be a Windows installer loader, but it doesn't seem like it was updated for Jessie or Windows 10.

Why would you ever use an actual CD? 99.9% of computers can boot from USB these days.

For those that can't, consider a static boot image on CD that will then load the actual system from USB. There's a guide on doing this for Porteus, it should be adaptable for any distro.

They would cancel your subscription with no refund.

>A paranoid Welsh Muslim who wore gloves while typing on his laptop, admitted being part of Islamic State, and, gasp, harbored a copy of Linux Mint, has been described as a “new and dangerous breed of terrorist.”

You will only need to do that if there is a significant change to the arch system.Otherwise you just download everything during the install

That's a good question, and it makes me wonder: is there anything preventing you from creating a bootable partition, putting the ISO's files on there, and booting from that?

I can't think of anything assuming it's done right, it's probably never mentioned simply because almost everyone has either CDs or USBs lying around these days.

the tools aren't on an arch install (your hard drive)? you should just be able to use any livecd.

you can install it using a virtual machine (to an actual partition or drive) and then boot that partition or drive

there's a few other ways to do it, another might be network boot if you have another pc handy

How would they know?
Are the embedding code in the source code that identifies users?
Othewise,there is no possible way for them to look at the source patch and identify anything

Backup /etc/ and /home/.
What distro do you use? Every sensible package manager has a way to dump a list of packages to a file, and a way to read packages from standard input, so you can use that.


Has anyone here done setting trust levels for master keys when another key has been signed by other keys?

Nani, in Hindi, means "maternal grandmother"

o-oh ok