The botnet has eyes now

It's always been an eye

>mfw after buying my echo look™

illuminati confirmed

next fappening in 3...2...1

I want to buy one just to fap in front of it when it's turned on

the botnet is ascending. robots overtake humanity sooner than expected

makes up for a nice buttplug by the way

>Mic & camera "off" button

Should have made it pyramid shaped with camera on top instead of this weird phallic shape desu.

>made for women to get compliments as they are changing
amazon got some perverts over there.

Now I can stream my suicides with Amazon's Echo Look™.

AKA another gadget for narcissists

Most fappening are shit. It's better to find a girl on mfc like alice or lana rain

It has a button to turn off camera/mic you stupid goy

What's RMS address? I want to buy him one :3

he is some kind of hobo travelling across the world with money gathered in the name of the FSF

"We need to detect fake news and violence before they spread, so we need a botnet inside the botnet."

>I've heard you like botnets meme

That's literally a little boy

>choosing between one with fake tits and a cosplayer

When did we become so obsessed with taking photos of ourselves Sup Forums? Photography has been around for over a century, why is turning it on ourselves a recent phenomena? By ourselves I mean people in general, not Sup Forums.

>fake tits
try more.

cell phones, most people don't know how to read and are governed by emotion

Kek you should see some pictures of WW1. 90% of them are people taking pictures of themselves.
Photography has always been people taking pictures of themselves. What has changed is that it's quick and easy now.