Sticker thread

sticker thread


Hi, /o/

You can't let them see you in public, you literal nigger. You'll expose all of us.


Us frogposters?

dank what?

Nice Neverpool sticker KEK

Another cringe thread?

looks like a chemfag I know

dank skwad



I know.

You should all kill yourselves.

>laptop stickers
at least you're not this autistic

Where to buy stickers ?

Use stickerapp and make your own

How come it's always the same people posting in these threads?

and here I thought it couldn't get worse than OP's post


SOURCE-ON! stickers please?

They're all from Redbubble, just search around a little bit

Thanks user

Lilly best


>the irony of openly bragging about how good a person you are while simultaneously bragging about how superior you are to the plebs who advertising their autism

>when you make an absolutely abhorrent post
I'm ordering from WAT the moment I get paid.


Did you just fucking glue patches to the screen?

boi knows whats up.

Why both Rei and Asuka?

>what is velcro?

I'm slightly colourblind and even I can tell there's fucking velcro on there

>how is velcro attached

>what is adhesive backed velcro?

>isn't glue

My school laptop

>not understanding the difference between attaching velcro, versus directly attaching patches
You are now manually breathing and unable to find a comfortable position in your mouth for your tongue.

Patch->velcro->???->laptop back
Try to have reading comprehension next time, you fucking retard


Maybe he used dried semen as glue.

>Try to have reading comprehension next time, you fucking retard

>Did you just fucking glue patches to the screen?

Pot, meet kettle.

Look at this sequence:
Try reading it again you fucking retard.

Just need a WAT sticker and some /o/ memes

Why is always only Thinkpads in these threads.

You really shouldn't get so mad over your own retardation user, it's not healthy for someone with your condition.

because without taking high-end laptops into consideration used thinkpads are the only decent ones.

also because autism

Just admit that you're a fucking retard.

Everyone and their sex slave knows about this place.

>projecting this hard

>sticker thread
>degeneracy thread

Still can't answer how that velcro is attached to that laptop? I feel sorry for you

>still not grasping the concept that the patches aren't directly attached to the laptop, as per initial post
>still projecting

Read again you fucking retard
What goes in the three question marks?

>diverting from the original question, now that your retardation has been exposed

I'll humour you, in the hope you'll stop shitting up this thread with your spasticity.
Patch -> Velcro (hook side) -> Velcro (loop side) -> Adhesive backing -> Laptop
Now cease your autism you fruit molester.

And what's the adhesive backing? Is it glue? I doubt it's anything other than that, otherwise it wouldn't hold.

Lmao. Keep moving those goalposts, my man.

I'll spell it out for you terminally autistic horsefuckers.

>Did you just fucking glue patches to the screen?
No, he glued velcro to the screen, which the patches are then attached to.
It really isn't that hard of a concept to grasp.

>this strawman, goal post moving sperglord thinks putting two adhesive intermediaries between the screen and his patches somehow means he didn't attach them using glue
What next? Are you going to say that the patches have a padded backing on them which attaches to the velcro so the thread used to make them doesn't fray means that they're not velcroed to the glue which glues it all to the screen?

Which means it's still glued, you retard.

I'm thinking about getting more but only one sticker at this point

>pretending your mac is some kind of performance hardware

how exactly am I implying its "performance hardware"?

>claims I'm moving the goalposts, conveniently ignores content of original post

Here it is again, mongoloid:
>Did you just fucking glue patches to the screen?
The answer is no, he didn't glue them to the screen.

I used Gorilla Glue. Fuck off with your autism.

nice stickers my guy

Who /nosticker/ here?

Stickers are for literal girl scout badges for technology-fans


thinkpads lid feels like gritty garbage. my autism cannot handle it not being covered. i am cringing at the thought of it now.

On the velcro you fuckwit

Me but i use a vectorized vinyl on my memepad so it's somewhat the same.

I'll put some glue on your velcro, you dicknose.



Fucking Christ, you never mentioned the velcro.
>Did you just fucking glue patches to the screen?
>glue patches to the screen
Why are you pissed about the velcro now?

What makes you think I'm a cuck?

Not everyone in the Bay Area is a raving libtard.

I grew up in an uber-rightwing rural town, joined the Marines right after HS, got out and moved to SF to study CS on the GI Bill since the CS opportunities and programs out here are god tier.

my nigga

what TP model is that? t420 with CPU upgrade reporting in.

Tell me about your sticker cutting techniques

not him but 2720qm T420 with gayos here

scissors technology

Ayy thanks senpaitachi.
It's an x220 with an i5-2540M

R8 me


>not using huke's art for Kurisu


>choosing white over red
the struggle is real