HDDs are easily the most outdated technology that everyone is still using. Literally anyone who has used an SSD will tell you they are worth it. HDDs are so slow and ginormous and fucking loud, why the hell are we using moving storage in 2017???
>But SSDs are too expensive! You can get a 500gb for like $150 and often even less than that during sales. 500gb is easily enough for anything since games and the OS are the only thing you need on a drive anyway, put everything else online faggot. If you seriously can't afford to get an SSD you should not own a computer because HDDs are fucking worthless and outdated as floppy disks.
>He doesn't have 3tb of steam games installed I feel sorry for you pham
Grayson Robinson
Mass storage
James Morales
I know right! We can also upload our files to the cloud.
Benjamin Smith
>implying games are not 50-100gb after install.
Liam Cox
Not op here but I'm up to 6tb, running off 2x4tb shhd's in raid0
Brandon Lee
I bought a 500gb 850 evo for 100 bucks last year. Now it's 2017 and they're 150 bucks. Fuck that shit.
Hudson Cook
Do I get good money selling this thing's magnets
Thomas Hernandez
When, 16TB SSD are under 500usd.
Michael Hernandez
>put everything else online faggot Do you pay to keep your online data on SSDs? Are you a retard?
Bentley Long
hdd's still have their uses, especially for things that dont require a lot of speed like music and movies and certian games, but you are right in saying that ssd's are getting bigger, faster and cheaper
Grayson Young
>implying you need all those installed and play them all regularly
Dylan James
>500gb for like $150 Or I could buy a HDD for 20 bucks a terabyte.
Ryder Watson
consumer archive storage, you millenial retard
Josiah Price
>3TB of steam games >not 3TB of chinese cartoons
Look at this homo.
Camden Cruz
No you jewish piece of shit.
Joshua Gomez
>not having both
Levi Powell
James Powell
Maybe if the steam games are all weebshit. But that wouldn't fill up 3 TB, unfortunately.
Adam Wilson
> When can we stop using these?
When flash density catches up. Right now we're pretty much at a stand still with platter density so it's only a matter of time but as of right now I ain't paying $1600 for 4TB
Elijah Stewart
Whoops meant to type My Sup Forums app is retarded
Levi Smith
>mfw hes uploading his precious shit to the botnet
Hunter Lewis
Bought a 256GB nvme ssd with a 1TB "classic" SSD. Didn't buy a HDD. Did I make the right choice?
Eli Cook
You screwed up. You can get 4tb hdds for about $100 apiece and put them in RAID + offsite backups for less.
Leo Bailey
>You can get a 500gb for like $150 Or I can get a 1TB hdd for a third of that price. Hard drives will always be superior to SSDs for mass storage.
Ayden Bailey
Newest drives are only half as slow in raw throughput as common ssds tho. And price per gb is unmatched.
Josiah Diaz
This. Why do you need to have all that shit installed 24/7? Only a dozen of my steam games are installed.
Kevin Davis
until i can get a 2tb ssd for $40, ill keep using ssds as boot drives and hdds as storage drives
Mason Green
waiting on a 4tb version...
Austin Peterson
>tfw 1tb 960 evo >tfw 4tb WD black
and i keep some things on Google Drive lol
Isaiah Lee
Blame price fixing. Anything that uses NAND skyrocketed in price.
Luis Powell
Do you guys not have backups or something? All these, 1ssd, 1hdd posts are disturbing.
Lincoln Perez
>he doesn't use a tape backup
Joshua Miller
>he doesn't backup his data on stone tablets
Oliver Hill
>he hasn't commited his data in machine code to memory
Julian Mitchell
> 2017 > still no reasonable explanation why should I stop using hdd
Brayden Miller
SSDfags are the worst
>muh boot times
How often do you boot your fucking computer? I haven't turn mine off in months.
Adam Powell
Where? Most 1tb 7200 rpm drives are above $35.
Leo Hall
>we Nigger, just use what you want. HDDs are cheap storage.
Brandon Taylor
Can you guys fuck off with this meme. If you have your OS and programs installed to your SSD, who gives a fuck how fast your HDD. Just get the slowest one. You can still open movies and music from it nearly instantly.
Carter Thompson
Tell me when a 2tb SSD doesn't cost half a 2006 car.
Brody Morris
>chinese cartoons what?
Jayden Williams
>nobody checked this bloke
William Gray
>20 bucks a terabyte Where?
Jonathan Powell
when manufacturers will stop with weird inventions like TLC (probably even quad-level cell in the future) as a way to get to $0.045/GB
Josiah Harris
Lurk for two years before posting .
Isaiah Miller
>4tb for $100 Where
Charles Thomas
Anyone who buys a new computer without a SSD boot drive is an idiot. That said, for mass storage hard drives are fast enough and they're much cheaper per GB.
Matthew Bell
>buying something and not having it in your possesion
Thomas Carter
>there are now 12tb HDDs When will ssdlets ever catch up lol
Ayden Powell
Benjamin Flores
Steam games are ever in your possession. If you get banned. All your games are gone.
Xavier Hughes
Robert Phillips
As if botnets really affected anything besides triggering spergtards.
Benjamin Rogers
OP but I can't get 5TB ssds cheap and I dont' need speed for that
Jaxson Davis
I don't need 100 TB of porn on an SSD because I'll never look at all that porn in one sitting. It only matters that I have it.
Camden Nelson
You can get refurb 3TBs for $60 or so
Robert Barnes
HDDs are cheaper. Think of all the files you have that really don't need to be on a SSD.
Dominic Walker
the fuck did you buy that?
Gabriel Kelly
The last time I stocked up on storage, I paid $80 for 6TB. So a little more than half the price for six times the storage. When you have a ton of data, HDDs are the way to go. With RAIDZ5 in that server, it easily saturates the client storage, including my NVMe SSD.
Kayden Powell
My brother's SSD stopped working after only a year's use, and all he had on it was the OS and a few images. Luckily he had enough sense to store the terabytes of important shit on HDD.
>HDDs are so slow and ginormous >put everything else online Your argument CAN'T be "HDD is slow" AND "use the cloud", because that option is even slower.
Also >500GB for $150 And what? Hold like 5 games on it?
Kevin Taylor
Then don't cheat?
Grayson Hughes
Hunter Stewart
Ssd's for OS drive and quick storage. Hdd for backup and mass storage. Hard to beat approx. 50 bucks for 2 terrabytes.
Jacob Martin
Why NOT have them preinstalled? If I suddenly want to play one, I want to play it NOW, not in 10 minutes to an hour when it finishes downloading and installing.
Jason Bennett
>sshd I feel bad for you two hdd with at least some bcache space on an ssd, ideally the entire disk will give much better perofrmance
Aiden Watson
You're still part of the botnet
Dominic Wilson
I don't give a fuck. There are many games that simply aren't available on physical media. Botnet is a meme, and so are you.
Levi Wood
>OS: SSD >storage/files: HDD
HDDs are still useful, only because of their price. Even a decent laptop of any brand can house an mSATA SSD for boot and a standard 2.5" drive in the SATA bay for storage.
Aiden Walker
Well when I can get an 10TB SSD (Don't exist yet) (For my server data) without having to rob a bank then I'll consider switching over entirely. Till then (which at this rate will take years) I'll stick with regular hdds. (oh wait, as the years pass hdds will still grow in size while still having price drops, guess that big ssd would be a waste of money after all)
Liam Rivera
Botnet is a technical term. Search it up. Not a meme. Why are you even on here
Ayden Sanchez
It's not just the boot times, it also affects the overall responsiveness of your system. If you've got a read/write head doing a fuckton of other shit in the background, responsiveness suffers.
Dominic Davis
Its not about boot times you retarded brainlet. Its about responsiveness. In a laptop too, its about power consumption and the peace of mind of knowing that if your laptop suffers a fall you don't have to worry about a delicate HDD.
Gavin Miller
The internet as a whole is a botnet. You are part of the botnet just by being here. If you don't want to be part of the botnet, go live in the woods.
Zachary Miller
>refurbs Eh... I mean, factory refurb sounds ok I guess but my autism wants new and used PC parts sounds like there's a reason why they're "used."
James Nelson
>500gb for like $150 meanwhile you can get 3 terrabytes for half that price and even if you get hacked or install le botnet OS it wont write itself to death in under a week.
>over priced >fail so easily, you don't even need to plug it in for it to fail (obviously without physically damaging it) >capable of writing itself to death in under a weeks time you have to be a complete and utter moron to think paying twice as much for a 6th of the storage is worth it.
Owen Harris
How is it a meme you autist? It's the physical description of the drive. Same as how ssds use the nvme meme and say "Oh, ist one second faster than 3dnand so buy it goy!" Fuck off.
Mason Garcia
>Buying used HDDs No thx
Gabriel Mitchell
>he unironically thinks ssds are better
David Walker
>he doesn't have a computer he lugs around to check SMART and run HDTach
Josiah Flores
Why not both?
Benjamin White
I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that retardedly simple diagram you have.
Nathaniel White
Oh god... Its a joke you fucking mongoloid. Is this even a tech board at this point?
Bentley Price
Do either of you by any chance have autism?
Camden Ross
It's not a joke board, that's for sure.
Hunter Martin
I have a 4x3TB raidz1 pool. Why the fuck would I ever dream of using SSDs instead in this setup?
Evan Hall
Yeah, and for the same price I get 4 TB for an HDD.
Just get RAM to feed the block cache for the price difference. It's faster than your shitty SSD anyway.
Bentley Williams
>HDDs are so [...] fucking loud son pls HDD noise the best
Noah Adams
Why hate on HDDs and use babby SSDs when you could have your own home fileserver?
Mine has 3 WD Red 3TB drives and I'm looking into getting two more. Cloud is a shitty meme.
Brayden Foster
>You can get a 500gb SSD for like $150
Or, you can get a 5TB HDD for $145 (on sale two weeks ago for $135).
>hdd is making some strange clicking sounds >no backup >no money left from my autismbox
Dominic Young
>can also upload our files to the cloud >digits of satan >gibs me all your data, user
Cooper Wood
All this anime won't store itself. Plus it makes it easier to travel since I can just access my own files on the go and know that third parties can't access my data.
William Allen
I fucking know that glorious feel, user.
Michael Butler
>You can get a 500gb for like $150 That's ridiculously expensive compared to spinning discs.
Luis Ross
Do you run Kodi?
Zachary Murphy
In 2017 people still don't realize that with ssds you're paying for speed not capacity? Holy shit I thought we went over this in computers 101.
Anthony Fisher
I just bought a 3tb HGST deskstar hopefully it'll last me more then 3 fucking years as opposed to that seagate garbage that lasted me 3yrs and died on me when it went out of fucking warranty
Alexander King
So are any SSDs actually archival grade yet or will they still lose their content when left unpowered for long durations?