Dell XPS 13 or MacBook Pro?
Dell XPS 13 or MacBook Pro?
thinkpad x220
Dell XPS 15
thinkpad x260
MacBook Pro
Macbook Pro 15 2015
Thhinkpad X1 Carbon
MacBook Pro
>Should I eat shit or piss?
The mbp is a better purchase unless you can't use macos for your work.
Unless you have money to burn and a sub-80 IQ, given these two choices I'd say Dell.
Dell XPS 13
>>Should I eat shit or piss?
the macbook is the better laptop
prove me wrong
Good luck getting anything done without F keys faggot and borderline mid-tear hardware.
>still believing that f keys aren't present
>still using dinosaur commands
What are you using it for? I currently have a 2015 Retina MBP and I'm looking into getting an XPS 13/X1 Carbon pretty soon as a replacement. After switching to Android, it's better to have a Windows machine. The MBP heated up pretty fast with just chrome + Skype running and the fan was audible most of the time. Pretty heavy also. Anyone have any input on X1 Carbon vs XPS 13? Also looking at a used W541 with a i7 4810MQ and 32GB memory and a K1100M GPU. I only really use Chrome and Skype, along with Atom and word processors for college.
OS X doesn't use f keys
F keys appear in windows and when using fn
Dumb idiot
MBP without touchbar.
Fake and gay
No love for the HP Spectre 13t?
Had been considering one over a Surface Pro 4.
Xps 13.
Coil whine is annoying, but the MBP's 0.5mm travel keyboard is much worse.
Not fake, maybe a little gay.
Video editing, wordpress, writing docs, maybe a little bit of programming in the future
I thought only the xps13 has that?
MBP should be able to do all that. One thing I loved about it was the battery, usually went a couple days without charging it. In terms of portability, the MBP is the worst bet with it's thickness and weight. I believe all of them would perform about the same in Video editing depending on the software you're using. The X1 Carbon has the best keyboard, yet the XPS 13 has the tiny bezels and beautiful design. I'm still trying to decide myself..
That's a stupid question.
I'm somewhat reluctant about osx as I've used Windows and especially Sony Vegas my entire life.
Wish I could try them both for a week then decide
Main reason I'm switching back to Windows is the Android SDK and ADB/Fastboot. If I ever to back to iPhone I'll have the MBP to switch back to. I personally wouldn't know about Vegas since I only used Premier on my MBP.
I was afraid the keyboard would be shit, but actually I'm finding the MBP keyboard to be very comfortable. It has a sort of smooth clickiness to it, and I prefer it to any other island keyboard. Also, MBP has god-tier 16:10 aspect ratio.
Dell for moar ports, matte, battery, Apple for jus' werks, fuckhuge trackpad, MacOS (which is what Linux should be in terms of UX).
Also consider this
macbook, get the 2015 non-meme version. put the extra cash on a better processor
We have x1 carbons at my university. I tried one out last week in the library and I love the entire machine. The only thing that would stop me from buying one is the fucking function key. I just could not get used to it and it's in the most retarded location.
you can swap them in bios