Browsing Sup Forums at mcdonalds before work

>browsing Sup Forums at mcdonalds before work
>get a call from HR
how did they know

>using botnet wifi
Nothing personel, kiddo.

I know this is bait, but PSA for retards: never ever ever use your employer's network for personal stuff.


>I know this is bait, but PSA for retards: never ever ever browse Sup Forums.

the mcdonalds i go to blocks Sup Forums on their wifi


Why do you keep going there then you traitorous fuck

Unless you connect to your private VPN first :^)

what the fuck are you talking about. I tried like twice. First time i was like wtf lol did they really block it? then i tried again to confirm

havent tried since.


I almost never use public networks because obvious reasons, but they do really watch over them?

Like, if I get a job with WiFi on it, I shall never use it for normie apps like messages or social networks?

Bullshit unless you work for ADL and have connected via "company's" vpn from jewish provided laptop.

In case of this highly unprovable scenario was true I have one thing to say: oy vey.

i browse Sup Forums at work pretty much daily using a company laptop

i am IT

fuck off commie

how the fuck do you people not know to use your cellular data? wtf?

>everyone I disagree with is a commie

you disagree with a board that has a plethora of views, the only people that don't inhabit that board are commies.

you are a commie.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes...


Am also IT, browse Sup Forums regularly at work

Use clover

I hope they get you, stormweenie.

>plethora of views
>white people is good!
>other people is bad!

>tfw to intelligent to use historical and philosophical concepts to describe politics

>plethora of views
>argumentum ad publicum
So Justin Bieber is a great entertainer.

>PSA for retards
>everyone who disagrees with me is a retard

I browsed some monstergirl porn on my phone once at work, what's the chance of it biting me in the ass later on?

why is the serious advice pretending to be retarded?


Dynamic SSH to your home server. You do have a home server right?

>eating mcdonalds

Because a bunch of VPN traffic won't raise any red flags :^)

they dont block boards.Sup very often.

left > right

>browsing Sup Forums

You deserve it.

Are you claiming he isn't?

why not just teamviewer or remote desktop to your webless pc?

Sup Forums is blocked when you use mcdonalds wifi, you fucked up OP

webless, fanless . :(

What is HR?

Five years and counting, m8.

Human Resources, the department that deals with personnel.

N..nothing, shssss user, go back to the basement, mommy will bring you some tendies soon, ok my little chubbelwuffins?

I use their guest Network.

It won't

I know this is bait but don't so fucking anything on company equipment. Don't look at porn, don't do anything stupid. Don't do it on your company issued phone, your company issued computer, or the company's WiFi or shit like that. If you let the IT department have admin rights on your personal phone to access email or shit, treat it like a company phone.

If you want to shitpost at work, you're better off doing it on your cell data on your personal devices.

Yeah dude organizations don't regularly pass IKE and ISAKMP traffic on a daily basis. Also SSL VPN goes over 443, which the majority of your web traffic also takes, you fucking moron.

>bunch of weebs
>Assad supporters
>Sowell admirers

>tfw your company is so broke they fired the IT people


You mean Parse

You absolute fucking moron, kill yourself reddit pseudo-intelletual 100% FUCK HEAD

I'm not an English native speaker, faggot.

Then fuck off back to the designated shitting street.



oh cool, more excuses!

>look at this charts
Gets me everytime.

Are you a network administrator? I highly doubt it because saying things like "passing traffic" is common nomenclature, faggot.

My work computer arrived today. First thing I did was put a piece of electrical tape over the web cam. But it's okay, if they snoop on my home network, they can't see what's going out because I'm on a VPN.


>"passing traffic"

Holy shit you are dumb as fuck, it's time to kill yourself you brain-dead piece of shit.

It's parsing. Look up the definition. You are a fucking dumb cunt.

>muh VPN!

enjoy getting v8 you pedophile :^)

>t. never worked on a real network a fucking day in his life

>t. dumbfuck 2 month intern who thinks he knows shit

>t. a couple of faggots on the internet arguing about stupid bullshit instead of sucking each others dicks and then maybe mine afterwards?

>bootlicking rulecucks

Sup Forums owns Sup Forums now.

Actually I've been working for my current company for a couple years, and regularly work with some of the largest backbone providers in the USA. Eat shit retard and enjoy being a loser and masturbating to gook cartoons in your mom's basement while arguing with a guy who does something for a living that you pretend to do on the internet.

gonna be honest with you, im scraping the bottom of the barrel, but what the hell, im in too far anyways

>being this asshurt that you were totally fucking wrong about something you think you're so good at

Did I hurt your ego? Must really sting knowing how much of a dumbfuck you really are, dicklet.

Guess when you find out you've fucked up at the only thing you have going for your life, you don't have much left

You don't make enough money to hurt this ass, sweetheart.

Seriously guys, I'm at like half chub here. Are we doing this or not?


you voted for a guy that literally disrespects your freedom, fuck off back to fags

Their guest Network is still their Network. You do realize your MAC address is pretty identifiable, right?

This is bait but anyway for the tards: Sup Forums uses tls if you used your smartphone and didn't install a certificate to allow mcdonalds to mitm they don't know which board you visited.

Only if they could force me to hand over my phone.

>surfing Sup Forums in public


>working somewhere that cares if you browse Sup Forums
lol faggot

The company toilet stall isn't that public.

>Disrespects my freedoms
>Literally gave a speech at the NRA saying he was going to reverse Obama era gun control
>Reducing unnecessary regulation over he Internet and other sectors of the economy

>a board where NatSocs, communists, libertarians/minarchists, ancaps, classical liberals and Blu Collar Democrats inhabit isn't representative of a plethora of views

>not browsing Sup Forums in public with your thinkpad running gentoo to attract cute girls (male)

Request a face to face meeting with them and then shout SHILL DETECTED as soon as they open their mouths to speak

You don't seriously think they need to lay hands on your semen and shit crusted phone to know it's yours, do you?

>tfw browsed Sup Forums using my teacher's account
His account is well known in my uni tho