I just recently bought a monitor that supports 144hz but when i hooked it up to my computer it would only max out at 60hz and had no higher options. I found out that an hdmi cant support 144hz so i upgraded to display port but its still only allowing 144hz. I have a gtx 770, is my graphics card the problem? If not then why cant i get 144hz?
Cant get to 144hz
Graphics card is actually a gtx 970m.
What HDMI cable you using? old ones cant support 144...
>buying a cheap dp cable
you got what you deserved
you need dvi-d
good luck
im not using an hdmi. i have a display port cable that came with my monitor but my computer only has hdmi output so im using a converter
>he fell for the 144hz maymay
but my monitor only has an hdmi and a displayport imput
>so im using a converter
That will not magically give you displayport capability, dumbass. It's just a converter.
Your graphics card has nothing to do with it. What monitor did you get?
The product description says it allows 144hz and other people i asked said it would work
OP... you got a laptop? or desktop? curious when you said you had a GTX970m.
dell 27 inch monitor s2716dg
Laptop, im still building my desktop.
bingo... so does your laptop have a HDMI output? or only DVI and Displayport?
just an hdmi output and mini dp
>600$ TN PANEL
OK, so I guess best option, skip the mini dp to HDMI adapter, and go get yourself a nice HDMI cable. They cheap these days any who.
you misunderstood me. currently i have a converter plugged into my hdmi which has a displayport plugged into that and then into my monitor. hdmi>convert>display port> monitor. but what youre saying is that if i get a hdmi 1.4 or 2.0 that it will support more than 60hz? or can i try a mini dp to dp cable? i forgot i had a mini dp.
you're fucking retarded.
Not here to offend you, but why do you need 144hz?
i have the money for it so why not
well i just went out and bought a 27 gbps hdmi cable and its still at 60hz
YES! skip the adapters and get ONE cable...
too bad you don't have the brains.
lap top model number?
i have a 27gbps hdmi cable now that supports 60/120hz on 4k but im still only get 60hz on 2k and i checked my modes but still nothing over 60hz
why would you need that?
It's probably because the hdmi standard your laptop supports isn't up to latest 2.0 offering or whatnot so it won't support 144hz even with an appropriate cable. You'll need to use a displayport cable to get 144hz.
wow IDK maybe so we can check if your laptop even has the correct HDMI revision?
i was previously using a display cable but people said to get a hdmi 2.0. can i update any drivers to support hdmi 2.0
gl502vt-bsi7n27 oh right