u have 38 seconds to explain why u aren't using macOS
U have 38 seconds to explain why u aren't using macOS
Other urls found in this thread:
not into BDSM
I'm too poor to afford one
I am not faggot
I am not a tranny
then why are you using Android?
I am not a loli
Stop attention whoring you fucking a faggot
don't bully her
>implying i even own a smartphone
b-but I am
I'm not interested on waisting 2 to 3 notebooks money on underpowered aluminum restrictive craps.
because I do not care for apple's policies
post wallpaper, especially the one in pic related
macOS is simply bae this is true
I will once hackintosh works on Ryzen systems
Really dont get the hype. Also dislike Apple because they repurchase old bits of software and hardware. Use windows because their devs are actually coding actively. Apple just use their money to buy code monkeys who aren't passionate about the product
I am not an attention whoring pedophile.
You should leave this board you fucking degenerate.
macOS is easier to develop on than windows because it's unix-based like linux.
For gamers you'd go with windows. For casual users, it makes no difference. For ricers, linux is best and windows is worse, macOS is in the middle because it already looks nicer than windows.
macOS also has package management with homebrew, something every single operating system in the world has, and something windows STILL doesn't have after literally fucking decades.
woah, thanks computer
>devs prefer windows
Literally false.
And how many of them are web devs?
i don't have a apple macpropad air 2 retina
you have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't in a jail cell for being a pedophile