Would you rather travel back in time 1000 years, or travel to the future 10000 years, without being able to know anything on how the future will be like?
Would you rather travel back in time 1000 years, or travel to the future 10000 years...
Of course the future.
Living in 1017 was hell.
>implying no nuclear apocalypse in next 10000 years
I'd rather take a sure thing and till the soil during the Medieval Warm Period, a generally prosperous and (relatively) safe time, than gamble on the future Earth of 3017 even being inhabitable. I can read and write classical and vilgate latin, and have a good deal of familiarity with Catholic theology, so if plopped down in Western Europe somewhere I might even make it up the Church heirarchy.
Thanks, didn't catch that.
Back in time 1000 years so I can live like a king in whatever kingdom I end up, thanks to my vast knowledge of technology from 1000 years in the future which will lead to this country becoming a world power.
Nah 2bh I'd be scared of not having porcellain toilets and no showers and go 10k years in the future to hope there was a nuclear disaster and I die from the radiation 1 minute after I arrive
1017 sucked brah
I'm gonna have to agree with this, the 11th century was some ass.
Literally had to farm day/night just to survive and IRS was like 100X worse. Worst part is game of thrones shit was happening left and right around you so you could never feel safe.
You'd probably get burned at the stake for your modern technology. They would think it is witch magic.
I just want a cute white gf
I'm not a girl though (unfortunately)
Medieval life doesn't sound at all appealing, so I'll take the trip to 12017.
Future 10000 years. I'd rather have a tiny chance of a ending up somewhere really cool than no chance at all.
who is this flawless angel? :3
Sexbots, realistic VR and universal basic income vs living as a medieval serf.
Difficult choice right there.
>thanks to my vast knowledge of technology from 1000 years in the future
>probably european
>end up in european country being raided by vikings
>get killed because they don't care for your crude irrigation or crop rotation techniques or whatever you remember from science class
>abstract maths so useless to peasants
>vikings are already kings of boat building, raiding, fishing, navigation, trading
>why bother with advanced farming techniques when they can simply take crops from those normans or english kingdoms
>even the greeks considered steam engines a novelty
>the secret to good steel is high carbon content but the swords you make are all brittle and useless and you need somebody else to make them
>those new forge designs are great but none of the blacksmiths want to use them and you have no practical ability
>karlsson here has been swinging hammers since he was 7 years old and has more muscle in his left bicep than you do in your entire body
>turns out that all the technological advancements that were lost to the ages or made redundant through advances are vastly more superior in practicality than you can muster up from theoretical knowledge
>mongols would probably take you in for your knowledge but even mongol children can ride and shoot better than you
>you can read and write but not for any language within a thousand miles or a thousand years
>modern knowledge useless for nomadic people
yeah I'll take my chances with possibly post ww3-4-5 thank you very much
you both are just beta males
just grab and rape any whore you want and become king with minor influence
why do you people think there were so many kings back then
could you be more delusional?
Back in time, at least there will be tits in 1017
>buy guns
>go back in time with them
>beat the middle ages
>karlsson here has been swinging hammers since he was 7 years old and has more muscle in his left bicep than you do in your entire body
karlsson is also around 160cm tall and has been malnourished his entire life. Humans today are taller, stronger and more agile than humans 1000 years ago
future for sure
I'd probably immediately get some sort of disease and die if I went back 1000 years. Or I'd be executed for being a heathen or something
almost forgot
>superior medical knowledge but nobody trusts you when you try to wash frequently or stop shitting in the streets because you die to an easily preventable disease because you lacked access to antibiotics
women are the niggers of gender
>1000 years
if I could prepare for it
>10000 years
if no preparing is allowed
Lower IQ's what?
doesn't matter because I won't get laid either way.
You forgot about the recurring plagues due to medical tech being 0.