/tosg/ - TempleOS General

>What is TempleOS?
TempleOS (formerly J Operating System, SparrowOS and LoseThos) is a biblical themed lightweight operating system created over the span of a decade by programmer Terry A. Davis.

>How did TempleOS start?
Development for TempleOS began in 2003 after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.
Davis is a former atheist who believes that he can "talk with God" and that God told him the operating system he built was God's official temple. According to Davis TempleOS is of 'Divine' intellect due to the inspired nature of the code. According to Davis, God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice. The operating system was coded in a programming language developed by Davis in C/C++ called "HolyC". The OS runs a file system called "Red Sea".

>What can TempleOS do?
TempleOS deliberately has no network support. It runs 8-bit ASCII with graphics in source code and has a 2D and 3D graphics library, which run at 640x480 VGA with 16 colors. The OS contains numerous embedded biblical references including a program called AfterEgypt which allows users to "communicate with God" through an oracle.

Official website: templeos.org/
Download TempleOS: templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/DownloadOS.html#l1
Blog (HUGE page): templeos.org/Wb/Home/Web/TAD/DailyBlog.html#
Templeos canon:
Live sermons from the high priest himself: hitbox.tv/terrenceandrewdavis

>I wrote a fucken compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humilation from Stallman.
>Yeah, I killed a CIA nigger with my car in 1999. Score one for the good guys.
>My job is to hunt CIA niggers.
>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle

Other urls found in this thread:




Who the hell is alec murphy

Terry hired him as part of the TempleOS team just today.



Is that Shrine? The last time I tried using it, Uriel complained about the version number...

I use the standard distro TempleOS. It should work on Shrine, too, as long as you've got hgbd installed.

is terry okay?

Tsheikhs, do you have access to the secret team folder? Any good Terry vids?


No. He's schizophrenic.

and reddit banned him for having multiple accounts lol

do u ppl even watch the stream its all that occured all day yesterday

Is he getting paid

Multiple personality disorder isn't a real disease.

'Frasier is a knuckledragging nigger'

There are so many meme spewing newfags who only care about terry as the epic CIA nigger guy and they're fucking with terry with their unfunny trolling trying to epically get terry to open blacked porn on stream so he can go on an epic rant about it. Terry should have remained obscure.

Terry must have a comfy life, sitting at home living off government assistant, coding. A part of me wants to believe he's just fucking with people. Also, fuck CIA niggers.

Terry is someone who truly needs it, unlike almost everyone here who don't deserve it.

TempleOS also only has a single address space and everything runs at kernel privilege level, because God doesn't make mistakes.

Terry is impressive.


Who the fuck was even talking about multiple personality disorder you muppet?

> Fuck Ring Three, man. Ring Three is for peasants. Peasants program in ring three. gimme fucking ring zero. Ring three is ghetto, man.

But Terry-sama is all about hunting CIA niggers.
Without CIA niggers nobody would give a shit about Terry-sama besides autistic retards such as (You) whose life only consists of watching mentally challenged people being boring on stream.

I hope he uploads more of these vlog-type videos.

Me too. I love these



That has always been the case with Terry though. He attracts a lot of autists from Sup Forums and the like

Its kinda ironic because he constantly browses reddit and watches liberal comedy

Is anyone else getting anally raped by lag?

I thought Terry was a fan of Trump.

He was asked if he was voting for trump and he responded with maybe.


I imagine Terry wrote somebody in.

Is the livestream smooth for you?


I dunno, might be that schizophrenia. He's plays colbert and samantha bee videos a lot on the stream

>Templeos has an os tan now

Terry lives on "Asteroid Way"? Just when you thought he couldn't get any cooler!

They're referencing the multiple r*ddit accounts thing.

One doesn't need to have multiple personality disorder to have multiple accounts on a website. Also, did you just refuse to assume that guy's gender?