>"Hahaha I had a really good time tonight, here's my number, text me tomorrow so we can get together :)"
>text her
>"Oh..you're a green bubble. Hey um, I met somebody else, sorry."
>"Hahaha I had a really good time tonight, here's my number, text me tomorrow so we can get together :)"
>text her
>"Oh..you're a green bubble. Hey um, I met somebody else, sorry."
Yeah girls giving your their number is the biggest middle finger
>>implying girls give a fuck what YOU have to say
>>implying they don't just want chest and cock pics from Chad
Mate we already have like three women hate threads right now, please use the catalog next time
>he's only 5'11
ITT: things that didn't happen
No wonder the word "cuck" became so popular in Sup Forums
It's not a crazy thing to do... choosing to use a phone that doesn't support iMessage suggests you aren't all that financially stable. i.e. you had to compromise and choose a cheaper and more basic device instead of the more useful/better value one.
In the worst case that might mean she was looking to be a leech, but she might also just be looking to avoid dating poorer people due to the drama they tend to bring.
Americans are degenerates.
better than me at 5'5"
>this entire story is fabricated and OP instead spent another Friday night fapping to loli guro
I see your running BAIT.
But I find android devices more useful and generally a better value.
I make 130k a year. Is that not enough? I simply went with the Galaxy S8+ because I liked the screen.
Get your facts straight, it was loli scat
girls dont really reject guys for this do they...?
Everything is as it should be
You're right. It didn't happen.
Cockslap her with this sexy bitch.
[spoiler]How can Applel even compete?[/spoiler]
They're more useful for running SNES emulators but less useful for maintaining a social life. No imessage, have to wait longer to use new apps, etc. They're also generally awkward to use (especially for less technical people) and just have a less professional feel to them. So most people wouldn't choose to use one if they could get an iThing instead. It's not a 100% infallible rule... but it's a pretty good early heuristic. A red flag, if you will.
Make that clear to them and I don't think you'll have problems getting dates user :)
>stumble profusely as I read her reply
>wtf this bitch on
>type out a passive-aggressive reply on my Sony Ericsson K810i
>bitch probably doesn't even have a slide cover for her camera
>bet she likes a cracked camera lens and malware
>dumb bitch
if you don't live in Burgerstan it's a non issue
>less useful for maintaining a social life
Talking to people through text is not "being social". Try going out and talking to people face to face.
Is that LinusShillTips?
>be me
>don't talk to women whenever possible
>don't make eye contact with women
>never approached a woman with the slightest flirtatious intent
No regrets. Enjoy your herpes, dumbasses.
[/spoiler]this thread[/spoiler]
lol no
Yea, because it doesnt.
Most of the people I know who are rich are extremely frugal. They wouldn't buy a $850 iPhone in a million years. They drive 10+ year old cars and wear cheap clothes which aren't replaced until they are rags.
Owning an iPhone proves to a woman not that you're rich, it proves that you're willing to spend lots of money on bullshit. That translates into a comfortable lifestyle for her.
>tfw you get awesome repeating digits and nobody checks them
If she's that much of a dumb bitch I would have walked out on the first date.
i dont get it whats wrong with a green bubble?
it means you farted in the bathtub
That is a pretty sick burn.
>Own AAPL stock
>Never plan to buy an AAPL phone
>iphone users have more money meme
The majority of iphone users are poor fags either locked into shitty over charged contracts or paying it off on credit for ridiculous interest rates.
Android users are more financially/techinically smarter for knowing you don't need to spend $800+ for a media/browsing/messaging device
>Owning an iPhone proves to a woman not that you're rich, it proves that you're willing to spend lots of money on bullshit. That translates into a comfortable lifestyle for her.
But what about premium Android phones? Top tier Samsungs cost as much as iPhones, or more, and I would argue that people are more likely to pay out of the pocket for them than buy on plans (aka subsidize the cost of the phone into a contract over two years).
Or am I just thinking about this too logically?
OP you dodged a bullet trust me
It means you're willing to spend money on depreciating assets, which is what 90% of women are.
>green bubble
What the fuck dude. Explain what happened.
Now, you see guys, comments like this is why women aren't going into tech.
Its not an issue in burgerland. Literally every provider other than maybe those prepaid card phones have unlimited call/text/data plans.
>Now, you see guys, comments like this is why women aren't going into tech
Perhaps they should grow a skin along with a backbone then.
>here's my number
>call her the next day
I don't like to text girls.
Pic related.
>You should seriously feel like a piece of shit right (now)
The complete lack of self-awareness that leads to the double-standard is incredible. Stupid bovine.
Then you later shockingly find out she's a single mother of a black kid of which she never told you about.
So only shitty college girls care about the green bubble bullshit.
I had a girl say she almost didn't text back because if the green messages.
But when you get out of that >25 age range, the women are 1000% better.
They arnt fucking stupid or crazy anymore.
>green bubble
shows whether someone uses an iphone or not
it's some seriously petty shit, and honestly a good thing for the OP. imagine dating such a vapid person...
Macfag here. This shit is pathetic. You should use iPhone for being the fastest phone and being well integrated with OSX. Green bubble shaming is plebian tier.
nothing wrong with that really.
you know you're just getting used for a laugh, so why even stay?
>over 25
>not stupid or crazy anymore
The ones who were before still are - they just realize they can't keep acting like it because nobody wants to marry that shit and they can feel their eggs dying slowly and they see their normal friends getting married and making babies. But then you marry that, and the crazy comes out and you become a miserable husk of your former self because you believe that it's just how marriage is and then everything falls apart because she files for divorce because the crazy never actually went away.
I guess if you want kids that badly, good luck. You'd be better off trying to find one who was normal the whole time.
Please enlighten me what the FUCK is a green bubble
Dam homie, you got a story to share with us?
isn't this why line and Kik exist
lmao meanwhile I'm using a blackberry from 2011 or some shit
best part is the grandma getting into the lambo
There's no reason to even report you because you're phoneposting. Truly the worst cancer to ever infest this site.
>ITT: people trying to rationalize instinctual traits of women that have been evolving for millions of years not only in other animals but in humans as well, and complaining about being unable to rationalize behavior which is so deeply integrated inside a human that it's impossible to even begin to consciously perceive that process of the brain for the brain itself
>Americans arguing over bubble colors
>not arguing over using SMS in 2017
Green bubble?
>BB10OS user
can confirm
>complains about using SMS in 2017
>probably uses X11
>not using sms in 2017
its free and you save battery from shitty messaging apps
>muh encryption, muh privacy
no one gives a shit about your texts
>being so poor you have to rely on a inconvenient technology to communicate
>actualy belieiving it is """"""free""""""" and not factored in the price like a veiled cartel
Using just SMS to talk to everyone is infinitely better than needing 5 different IM clients to accomplish the same thing
>his dick isn't at least 6"
Holy shit, you cannot all be this clueless.
iPhone users not messaging others on iMessage see gray text boxes, YOU see the green boxes. All they can tell is that you don't have iMessage. I had no idea America was basically fucking India with toilets where people are judged for a fucking mobile phone. How stuck in 2003 are you people?
>thinking all Americans are on a contract with the Big 4
I've been free from their tyranny for 2 years now, I've seen the light
my fiance can dish it as much as she takes it.
and she fucking takes it.
actually she probably is reacting to her own texts because like you said the faggot OP's virgin ass shows up at grey, but HER's show up as green if he doesn't have an iphone.
>"user, what's your number?"
>"I don't have a phone at the moment, mine just broke recently"
>laugh it off
>phone didn't break, I never had a phone to begin with because portable botnet
How can I make things work without "a number" and whatever else crap normalfags use?
That's why you get to know someone completely before you marry them.
You can't hide crazy, it comes out eventually.
curios... what carrier do you use ?
>Surviving without a phone
>Can't get job offers because nobody can call you
>Can't contact literally anyone because no phone
Just get a brick phone like a Nokia 3300
MVNO called H2O
Uses AT&Ts bands, pay $40/month for 8GB
This fucking faggot shill. OP was posting about females, you're out of your element.
Please sir go
I haven't had a phone for a while, whenever someone asks for my number I give them my email address.