Monitor general

why are there no perfect monitors? It seems like every monitor has at least one easily solvable problem and it bugs me.

These two are the closest for me so far:

what do you guys think? I'm looking to mount them, so I'm leaning towards the Acer because 1ms response time and 75hz, but I have an Acer now and it's already got dead pixels after just over 2 years so I dont really know about the build quality. Dell is more expensive, higher response time, and 60hz, but I know Dell is reliable and it looks better.

I've got a dell 19" that I've had since 2006 and it is still working perfectly. No dead pixels. (Although i do need to clean it)

yeah, Dell monitors always look and feel like they're built with quality. I'm assuming that's the reason for it being about 40 bucks more, despite having the 6ms and 60hz. That's what my current monitor has and it looks and feels fine for me even when gaming, but the dead pixels is kinda pushing me away from Acer.

>even considering TN gaymen trash

i'm not really familiar with the specifics of monitor technology, what's the issue with it? I know IPS is the standard but I dont know why.

Ips has better viewing angles and color, altough the blacks are lacking. Tn are esentially cheaper because of this, but have shorter g2g time. Just get a 4-5ms ips monitor if you're really concerned about gaming, promise you won't notice the difference.

Really can't decide if i should save money with a 24" or splurge on a 27" which is essentially twice as much

why does every monitor that attempts to be a thin bezel monitor have something thick at the bottom

fuck, its so annoying

The Dell UP3017Q almost happened, but it's only 60Hz. Would've paid $1500 extra for 120Hz.

>buying a monitor smaller than 34"

Size is secondary to color accuracy and/or motion quality.

its a pity that hardly anyone besides dell do USB hubs in their monitors, it's practically essential i think.

There is nothing better i can replace my 23 inch Dell IPS with for sane price even after almost 5 years of using it. FUCKING SHIT.

>tfw keep putting off calibrater purchase

if I won't notice the difference why should I pay more?

Because TN colors look like piss, doubly so if you have an IPS right next to it.

OLED is the future technology that'll take over but currently it has issues because it has a limited lifetime.
IPS is the current generic good quality monitor. They typically have good colour, they almost always have great viewing angles, but they typically have lower contrast and can suffer from backlight bleed in the corners. My 27" has very little but my 12" X220 has some at the bottom corners unless you're looking straight on.
TN is the most ambiguous specification because there are a wide variety, some with top quality colour response equal to IPS, some have viewing angles almost as good as IPS (but IPS is pretty much always better) and generally they feature better contrast and will almost always have better refresh rate and latency, but IPS has caught up and the importance of super low latency is hugely overstated.

The current best price/performace monitor you concievably buy is pretty much any 27" 1440p 120hz IPS monitor. They are pretty great all rounders and will only be outdated when OLED comes into its own in 5 years time. Until then they offer everything at a price between 200-400 dollars. Don't buy anything else and don't let people talk you into ultrawide. Go 16:9 or 16:10. I prefer 16:10 but it's harder to get although it has significantly more total pixels (2560x1600.)

That's all you need to know to make your choice.

The U2410 is a perfect monitor

that bezel looks like fucking ass. what is this, a school library monitor? complete garbage.

the new Dell monitors we got at my work have nearly no bezel anywhere but fucking none of them are mountable. it's so annoying. pic related

ah, are TN panels the ones that look weird at any angle besides directly in front of it? that would be annoying.

i'd say 24 if youre gonna go multiple monitor. if you need anything bigger, get a TV, maybe mount above monitors. unless you just want the one single monitor for everything, then go 27.

that wasnt me, just fyi. appreciate the info nonetheless

agreed with other user, there is no reason for that bezel to exist past 2010.

>but fucking none of them are mountable
because they cheaped out.

All the ultrasharp line have 100x100mm VESA mounting.

I've had my ghetto monitor for years. I am ready to upgrade.

4K resolution

what should I buy?

>1440p 60hz IPS
>1080p 144hz TN

why don't you just get the perfect dual monitor setup? shit's cash

Just Wait™ for 4k 120+ Hz IPS.

Any ~40 inch 4k users here? Is it all it's hyped up to be? I was going to buy an AMH A409U but they're sold out everywhere. What are you running?

get a Dell UltraSharp U2717D
thank me later user.

Dell P2715Q
LG 27UD88/27UD68

I just got a Dell U2515H for work (software development/embedded systems)
It's great for work, but I actuallly prefer my 1080p TN panel for gaming because it overclocks to 75Hz, has much less light bleed, and has fairly good response times.
The Dell can't overclock at all. It just frame skips over 60Hz.

>1080p 144hz TN
I'm waiting for 90Hz+ OLED panels for home use.

So this may be the right threat to post this.
im looking to upgrade to a dual monitor setup.

I will be using this most likely to work on excel/programming/general shitposting.

the monitors will not see any kind of gaymen besides the casual dota2 game before sleeping

I dont care/mind the type of panel
I dont care/mind about muh hz
I dont care/mind about memesync
other details such as bezel size / colour calibration,contrast, etc are non-existent for me.

I will also use these monitors for watching movies and i want to have my desk as clean as possible so integrated speakers are a plus. again, they dont have to be the best speakers but if they sound loud enough it s good for me.

3.5mm audio out pass-through is a plus.
looking for 1080p or 1440p from 21" to 25".

i also want to use a Dual monitor VESA mount so any advice on a mount is appreciated.

How is 1440p on 25“ monitor? The u2715h is out of my budget but I heard 25“ is a bit small for 1440p.

Its roughly the same PPI as a 20" 1080p panel, so it's not that bad, certainly legible for the majority of people, I've been using two of them for over a year.

I use Ubuntu, it scales so well that even 4K is fine on 4K

Daily reminder that a 24" 1080p monitor has less pixel density than a 1366x768 14" laptop

1440p is the new minimum

Copped a AOC I2476VWM for $99 from Wally World
Did I do good?

>4K is fine on 4K
4K on unity is fine on 25"

It looks fine on windows, bit small, but it's not as bad as a 1080p 15" laptop.

For anything larger than 22", yeah, 1440p is required.

>why are there no perfect monitors?

Modern intellectual property law killed the perfect monitor in the 00's. Look up SED and FED display technology if you aren't familiar with them.

Long story short is they would have had the resolution and sharpness of an LCD with the response, viewing angle and black levels of a CRT. The patents got sold to a defunct IP holder and now no one can have nice things.

nice meme my gamer retard friend

It's not just gaming.
Every animation in your OS will feel better at faster refresh rates.

fuck off retard go buy a TN panel if you want that gimmick feature, get the cringe-tier gaming features away from my professional monitors

I'm the guy that just bought a U2515H.
I have a CRT at 1600x1200 120Hz for gaming.

>when OLED comes into its own in 5 years time.
Everyone was saying this five years ago.

We have OLED panels at 90Hz in the Rift and Vive.

small OLED panels have been around for a while, they aren't the problematic ones

if you haven't noticed we've had OLED smartphones too

Dell has a 30" 4K OLED on the market already

which they literally only just released and had to delay and almost cancel due to panel issues. what are you trying to achieve by arguing that point?

will be funny to see RMA statistics on that monitor as well, they're bad enough with Dell's LCD panels.

The point is, we're actually pretty close to OLED monitors hitting the market now.
We also have a 13" laptop with OLED panel.

still a year or two off OLED monitors hitting the market and probably half a decade before they're reasonably priced.

>they're bad enough with Dell's LCD panels.

Are Ultrasharps alright for non competitive gaming? The fastest games I play are old Build engine games like Duke and Blood.

I don't like them for gaming when compared to other options, but they do the job.

i take it you've never owned a dell panel or have a colorimeter

you have to return them many times before you get a good panel

dell monitor i should say, the good lg panels are reserved for the likes of eizo and nec

How does 1080p look on a typical 27" 1440 monitor? Both playing games and watching videos.

Pretty OK. You can also just box-fit it into 23" in the middle of the screen

I've had to return 2 EIZO CG246s before I got one acceptable.

Samsung panel though... so that might be one reason.
The other that they might ship all the defective panels to the balkans.

Doing work that requires a colour accurate monitor, or just an autist?

I just want a neat little 19:10 monitor but that ratio has been phased out for almost a decade now. With these standard widescreen monitors I feel as if I scan my eyes too far when looking at the fringes.

Mostly autist. Got this baby for the A-TW. No IPS glow was a major requirement.

>samsung panels

Muh nigga
U2311H bezel edition reporting in.

>tfw waiting for tftcentral to review the 32ud99
>tfw waiting for vega to hopefully btfo my 1080 ti so i can use freesync if i get the 32ud99

I know I know but it was the first panel with A-TW for a long time (other than the HP LP2480zx which couldn't process 8bit signals, only 10 bit).

Why is there no cheap vertical monitors?

Don't even care if it's 5 years old, as long as it accepts display port and 19-23 inch, need for coding.

All I can find it expensive high end monitors

Buy a cheap monitor and an arm? you can find arms for about $30 depending what level of flexibility you desire.

any recomendations ?

thanks in advance

I have two 25" 1440p monitors on a dual arm gas spring mount.

8.5/10 would buy again.

Hey, what monitor(model)s are those ?
also what mount ?

Asus PB258Q, which uses the same panel as the Dell U2515H.

The mount is the Monoprice dual arm gas-spring mount.
Total cost for both monitors and the mount was right around $650 after taxes and shit.

what do you guys think of HP Omen? I need a good freesync monitor 1440p+

>but fucking none of them are mountable. it's so annoying. pic related
>buying anything but Ultrasharp line

Is NEC even in the competitive sphere of panel technology at this point? They fail to compete in terms of price point

I have a Korean Samsung 1440p PLS panel. It's called 'QNIX QX2710.'

Pretty good. Only paid $200 for it and it was here in 3 days all the way from S. Korea.

Another rec for the 2515h here. Been using for general purposes for a while now and I really refer the extra pixel density over 27inch screens, I suspect a lot of the people who think it's too small are sitting a little far from their screens.

Anyway the colour is nice, but the bleed and low light contrast is crap, but that's just ips in general.

But for value, the 25inch 1440p screens are pretty great in my opinion. Unless you want high refresh rates, although I personally just clocked mine to 72hz for a little extra edge for a while.

Anyone heard of the Iyama 27" XUB2792QSU-B1 or Asus PB278QR

Both are somewhat cheaper than their dell contemporaries... but i'm still leaning towards the dells

>just clocked mine to 72hz
what settings? I've not managed to get BOTH of mine to clock over 62hz.

Fucking pieces of shit. We have them at work (basically all Dell stuff, Dell dock, Dell cables) and they're fucking garbage. They've supposedly been color calibrated, but they're all fucking different tones. When I tried to daisy chain display port they'd end up turning off for a second every ~5 minutes. Why even fucking add the hardware for daisy chaining if you don't bother testing it?

I just forced the custom resolution in amd graphics settings at the time. It's hard to find and I honestly don't know where it is in the newest iterations.

But I never actually checked if it was frame skipping, But what I did notice was some locked japanese quality ports being locked to 60hz and a tiny bit of stutter.

me I was also using the mdp cable which comes with it and no daisy chaining. trix 290 card as well.

I wanted to go 40" 4k but it seems they ALL have some tech problems. Ghosting, image retention, dark corners, flickering, and that's the expensive models. The cheaper crap doesn't even have matte options.

which is better lcd or led-lit? i've looked around cant find much info on it

Best monitor under $150?

Weird, my setup is flipped and I couldn't be happier.

>1440p 144hz TN
>1080p 60hz IPS

Where do you guys pirate 1440p+ films from? All the shit TPB are low quality 1080p rips.

Am I the only one that thinks IPS glow is more distracting than TN color shift?

>why are there no perfect monitors


>not going for the 25"
>paying 150 dollarydoos more for 2 inch

There are only like 2 27" IPS 120Hz 1440p monitors on the market, both use the same panel, both have atrocious QC for their price.

I agree it would be the sweet spot but high refresh rate IPS panels aren't really quite there yet.

Mainly because color reproduction and viewing angles aren't hard specs like "Hz" or "ms", gaymers (surprisingly) don't care about colors and professionals have no need for more than 60Hz.

Tfw bought 27 inch 1440p monitor. It's nice, gsync and 144 Hz but ppi is not so great, my 17 inch 4k looks so much doper even scaled to 150 percent

Yes. That's why if you're buying IPS you absolutely need one without the glow.
Some EIZO models are your best bet.

those thick eizo monitors looks damn good

How the fuck is it that Apple is the only one selling good displays? Between their hidpi iMac displays and the LG Ultrafine monitors, everything else looks like pixelated trash. It wouldn't be so bad if I could actually use the Ultrafine on a PC, but the controls are literally baked into the OS? WTF?