>AMD GPUs are futureproof!
>Every driver update improves performance!
>8 gigs of RAM is necessary!
Who else got memed into buying an AMD GPU?
I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
>AMD GPUs are futureproof!
>Every driver update improves performance!
>8 gigs of RAM is necessary!
Who else got memed into buying an AMD GPU?
I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
Other urls found in this thread:
>I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
said no one ever
dunno I'm pretty happy with my 390
wish I didn't fall for the 'build a pc' meme though
I'd rather have a 3.5GiB piece of shit too, my negroid.
>I'm ok with being lied too
>I hate extra vram 3.5 is more than enough
8 gigs of memory is great for eth mining come at me no coinerz
gigs of RAM is necessary!
it wasnt 2 years a go it is now (well may be not 8 but more than 4 is)
>Every driver update improves performance!
not every but radeon usually gain in preformance while gforce lose
because radeons are biffier in hardware
>AMD GPUs are futureproof!
no gpu will ever be trully futureproof!
>I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
are you mentally challenged?
>tfw dodge the 390
so thankful i picked the 970. it's been doing me wonders
Why would you not build your own pc?
>I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
Obviously lie. So many of my friends have a 970 thinking it was 390 performance for $250 and regret it so hard now.
Lmao! My 6 year old 7970 gets 4x the minimum framerate and almost double the average as the 970.
The people that make these OPs are just baiting people to post shit like that and embarrass the 970 buyers. It's what happens every time.
Wtf happened to the 970?
They purposefully used settings that maxed its VRAM.
I shouldn't write while listening to nightcore
Same thing that happens to every pre-Pascal Nvidia GPU when it runs out of VRAM, only worse.
Nvidia GPUs were a scam from 2008-2015. They have planned obsolescence built into them beyond any simple not being powerful enough difference compared to newer GPUs.
as a 970 owner, I don't agree. It's shit. It's fast as fuck but when it hits 3.5 gb the performance plummets like crazy. like literally from 90 to 12 fps.
total buyer's remorse here. at least for 3440x1440 the 970 is simply shit.
how are you AMDlads doing?
>how are you AMDlads doing?
Still enjoying my 7970. There hasn't been much reason to upgrade for the first 5 years of owning it.
75% of the 970 performance when the 970 is actually working correctly. 2-4x its performance when something is using 3.5gb of VRAM (even though my 7970 only has 3GB itself, since AMD cards don't shit themselves when they run out of VRAM except for the Fury sometimes)
And even when Nvidia cards run better, it's often because the fucking driver fucking forcibly degrades rendering and anti-aliasing quality.
It's bullshit when you put two displays side by side, one AMD and one Nvidia, both on the same settings in game, yet one looks very noticeably worse by changing render quality falloff over distance and shit.
The only time AMD drivers degrade image quality over what you set is by downgrading the Tessellation to a reasonable amount like 8x or 16x(which generally looks no different than 64x), which you can still override.
Hoping Vega turns out much the same. I've never stopped being sick of Nvidia since the whole PhysX fiasco that swore me off of them to begin with, so I can't really simply buy an Nvidia card.
I regret my 390 as well. Not a good decision and the last time I give AMD a chance.
>Every driver update improves performance!
implying first release driver is always unoptimized shit
The 970 gets sub 30 fps on a lot of newer games because of RAM issues.
>all the trendy reviewers say sapphire is shit
>its one of the best binned next to the ass us rgb tax
In my lifetime i hope social media replaces neanderthal shit like books
>6970 until 480
idk worked for me, I probably could have held out for the refresh even
Good for you man.. Sadly I bought into the whole physx thing because I'm a sucker for "features". I'm looking at the currently available cards but sadly anything worth upgrading to is out of my budget right now.
God damn I would be completely satisfied with the 970 if it didn't shit itself while playing fucking modded skyrim.
huh. Why do they say Sapphire is shit?
Their RX470 and RX480 cards weren't as good as their usual stuff, but they weren't Gigabyte-tier and their RX500 cards seem great.
>tfw had a 1GB 6950
Ended up getting a 390, but I wish I'd just payed the extra $30 all those years ago to get the 2GB version; I'd still be using it today. Don't fall for the "games will never use more than x vram" memes, guys.
P.S. by "shits itself" I mean going from 60 to 40 outside for no reason other than reaching 3.6 gb and dropping to low twenties when a horde of bandits shows up swinging inefficiently textured weapons.
Yeah dude I had a 9600 GTX. I was like
>whao.. the newspapers are flying around through the air in Modern Warfare. This is neat.
But the card was a fucking lemon. I replaced it with a 5770 that ran way better and 10 times quieter. Then I play Modern Warfare again and.. no fluttering pretty newspapers.
I find out that was due to no PhysX.
Then I further find out that PhysX actually runs better on the AMD cards with their superior compute performance, but it's arbitrarily disabled because of proprietary bullshit.
And while Nvidia limited some effects to proprietary driver bullshit (that ran perfectly fine, even better, on AMD hardware), it at the same time was fudging image quality, particular model quality at distance even if someone sets render distance to the maximum and antialiasing quality.
And now does their driver has spyware, and their software forces you to log in for stuff you shouldn't need to log in for.
Just fuck Nvidia; they're worse than Apple.
>I'd rather have a card that long ago went from competitive with my current GPU to a complete joke
Physx would run just fine on CPUs if ageia / nvidia didn't gimp it to some archaic instruction set on CPUs that renders it unusable.
Either way I'll wait for Vega and see how the prices change over the next couple months - maybe I'll afford a replacement for this 3.5 meme.
Fuck you.
I was SOLD on the 970.
Let me tell you something about my path
>275gtx BLACK
>470gtx (this was kinda a bad deal for the temps but it was fast as fuck)
>570gtx (little improvement +-10% but it wanst a fire hazard like the 470)
4 gigs should be enough for everything right?
nigga thats 3.5
Nshit you fucked me for the last fucking time.
I pledge my future builds, my gf's builds, my future kids builds and else to amd.
you dun goof
970 seems to hold up well in recent titles according to recent testing.
Post the version where the gif slows down at 3.5gbs
Are you stupid? The 390 outperforms the 970 in 90% of games made in the last 2 years.
I have a GTX970 I bought back in December 2014.
When the whole 3.5GB fiasco came out I was really worried but in practice I never have come across any issues so I just laugh about it.
I remember that Assassin's Creed screenshots that were circulating around with performance tanking but it was fucking clear the Anti Aliasing has been increased in the screenshots that showed power performance.
You couldn't trick me, I often help out in the Guru3D NVidia Anti-Aliasing Guide thread.
nVidiafags somehow disabled the last 512MB yet?
Nah, it works just fine.
>Nah, it works just fine.
I'm no expert but it looks to me as if it's not reporting dropped frames.
Time link related.
nVidia magical cureall.
Resident Evil 7 is always loading the level as a whole area, there are no loading screens.
This stutter happens in all games where vram usage reaches the limit in all hardware.
Here, happening in a 380 2GB.
This has always happened since forever I don't know why somehow people started talking about it as if it's something that never happened before the GTX970 even more shocking that people in Sup Forums think that it is indeed the case.
First post exactly my thoughts.
Sage for OP's simpleness.
Pc games have settings that give you control over how much ram you use.
Probably because it wasn't a regular case back then since most games are PS3/Xbox360 ports and those console only have like 512mb of video memory.
Nigger you need a GTX 1080 minimum to be able to enjoy an ultrawide 4K monitor.
That resolution is not 4K, it's 1440.
I concur with the rest of the 970 owners in this thread. Cucked out of life by 3,5gb of VRAM. The 970 works really well until it hits the cap and then whatever game I'm currently running becomes unplayable.
Here's hoping Vega will have a flagship GPU with 10gb+ so that I don't have to worry about this shit ever again.
the new driver update gave me a big performance boost
3440x1440 was first marketed as 4K ultrawide and I will continue to call it as such until it is marketed as otherwise.
No it wasn't, its marketed as ultrawide QHD
>PhsyX uses x87 codepaths that were introduced in 1989
I can't speak for AMD cards, since I haven't owned one since I tried to crossfire dual 6950 2GB's back in the day. Fucking sucked more ass than faggots on mardi gras.
I will tell you that my 970 is fucking junk. I almost regret it more than my 6950s. Almost. Less than 4GB of VRAM is pretty shit even at 1080p.
That gpu and screen res. Yup a fucking moron detected.
Just play at 720p, who needs 480p? 240p ought to be enough for anyone
144p is the optimum
>half the vram
Oh, wait
>less than half the vram
>"I wish I would have just taken the jew cock in my mouth"
Bought a sapphire 390 on sale for $300 a while back and I am fucking glad I did, my friends who went with 970's even though I was recommending the 390 are now upgrading to shit like the 480 and 1060 while I'm just sitting comfy with better performance than the cards they're looking to buy from the same gen they're upgrading from.
I almost wanna get one of those $260 fury's that I keep seeing on amazon and newegg but I don't feel thats a large enough upgrade.
My man
Fury isn't worth it honestly and I say that as am amd bro
>tfw 390 and r7 1700
Temps and clocks are great
only intel part in my PC is my NIC
I use 1080ti, it's the best GPU for 144 1440p monitor. Noticeable improvement, less lag
I got a 390 instead of 970 at the time
Still have it, it doesn't max out games unfortunately but oh well.
I define future proof, at least in computers, in one simple way.
The next major shift does not dick you over.
For games, that was vram, see re7 for a hilarious example where 3.5 shits the bed because it needs 4gb, and every 4gb card is fine, and because am has 8gb, it can play with higher settings then nvidia counterparts, while not shiting itself.
wtf? I don't even try to do that with my SLI
>8 gigs of RAM is necessary
Nvidia's 3 gig cards are already starting to see their limits as new games start asking for higher VRAM requirements. You can be fine with 4GB right now if you're doing just 1080p but by next year's slew of games you're gonna be pushing that upper barrier constantly.
>I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
said no one ever
t. 970 owner
They actually did disable the last .5GB in the 970 like a month after the stories were coming out about it. Worst thing about the whole event was that nVidia never once rectified the actual problem, they just fucked over everybody who bought the 4GB model.
I too enjoyed my 30 dollar rebate.
Waiting on my RX 580 MSI Gamer edition as we speak. Everyone shat on me for using an APOO 5800k, but jokes on them. I got that baby OC'd to 4.7 gigglehertz. Check out the benches boiiis.
You're right because I would never pick AMD trash in the first place and went for 970 right away.
Dunno, my R9 390 is almost hot enough to melt the plastic on my pci lanes. 310 fucking watts.
>did my research and went for an r9 280 instead of a gtx 960 even though all my friends told me amd was shit
>decided that instead of buying an i5 i could wait one more year on my $50 celeron, which led me to buy an r7 1700
i love amd, i would've had such a bad rig if they weren't so good
I too am waiting on my RX 580. I went with the Sapphire one because I like the design better. This is gonna be a big ass jump for me, the last gaymen pc I had was running an 8200 GS and it could barely run Oblivion unless I played in a tiny little window.
>This has always happened since forever I don't know why somehow people started talking about it as if it's something that never happened before the GTX970 even more shocking that people in Sup Forums think that it is indeed the case.
Because most games handle VRAM intelligently. Unused VRAM is wasted VRAM, so naturally they try to use all the available VRAM to improve performance and reduce loading times. This means that a game that would run just fine on a 3 GB card can still stutter on a 970 because the game sees 4 GB of VRAM and tries to use all of it.
that is a 570 in the pic. You're gonna shit yourself. It's a whole new world and you won't want to go back to the old one. I had a 480, but sent it back and got the 580 cause the Sapphire Nitro 480 sucked. Look out for the greedy tactics some partners use. My nitro only had 7ghz effective memory instead of the normal 8 that comes with the 8 gig 480s.
Already have mine. Seems great in the first few days. Makes me realize that the CPU is the bottleneck on some games now. 8350 only has another year in it
>how are you AMDlads doing?
RX 480, overclocked to 1350, undervolted by 100mV. Less noise at full load than the idle coil whine of my old GTX 560. Pretty good.
>I wish I would have gone with a 970 over a 390
Novidya shill spotted. I have a GTX 970 and I regret getting it over the R9 290x. I prefer housefires over the 87.5% usage of VRAM
390°X owner here. grabbed it for $165 off craigslist last year. no ragrets
Here you go user
Thank god I bought my 970 on Amazon. When Nvidia lost the case and had to pay every 970 owner a 30$ rebate, Amazon took my GPU for the price I bought it for back (360$). Bought a returned Fury X for 300$. Loving it.
Fury X is cool, and local microcenter still has them. I wanted one bad, then talked myself out of it because of the power draw. Went with a 580 powering a 1080p 75hz freesync monitor instead.
Why didnt you get a 480 instead? I mean 7% more power for 30% more power consumption sounds pretty bad.
you can always downclock a 580 to 480 spec.
only the best 480 at max clocks can match a 580 at stock clocks. no reason to get a 400 series unless it's on sale.
Oh okay didnt think of that. Enjoy your card.
Also the Fury X still holds up pretty well on 4k gaming if I only use FXAA for AA instead of MXAA and drop from ultra to a high/medium mix.
Why shouldn't they have?
So? The 390 is a simialrly powerful card, yet it can achieve above 60fps at 1440p max details
If the 970 cannot, then it's a bad card
So dissipate your heat better you fucking mongoloid.
I wish I went with an R7 360 instead of my 750 Ti tbqh
Reminds me of the daily 970 shill threads we had in here and on Sup Forums
If you bought a 290 you are lucky. Lasting so long a still viable...
Why does the 7790 get more FPS? It also has only 1 or 2 GB.
770s are really shit nowadays, but 7970s are also on the verge. Even for 1080p...
>7970s are also on the verge. Even for 1080p...
Hello no man, if you're stupid and run everything at ultra settings yeah, but otherwise disable unneeded gpu heavy settings and you're good to go
R9 290 here
Bought the sapphire Vapor X for 320€ when the cheapest 970 with shitty cooling was 350€
Runs everything really well at 2560x1440p
Will probably upgrade once I can get more than twice the performance for around 300€
You ALWAYS maximize textures. Textures give the heaviest optical impact compared to anything else. 3 or 4 GB are often sufficient, but won't be in one or two years.
>970 over a 390
What a retard.
You can trade a 390 for a 970 and get like 50$ on top of the deal.
amd hires armies of street shitters to shill their products while nvidia lets their products performance and price do the talking
i know which brand I'll chose everytime
>almost hot enough to melt the plastic on my pci lanes. 310 fucking watts.
So this is almost a problems, right?
Who cares how hot it works as long as it works?
If it doesn't shit itself from heat or anything it's all great.
What's the bottleneck in the 770?
You can almost get twice the performance with a 1070, but the Vapor-X is a really good model
It still maxes most games in 1080p