>bought a used t430 for 210€
>speakers don't work
now I have to buy new speakers and unmantle this whole thing to build them in
never falling for Sup Forums memes again
Bought a used t430 for 210€
Mine works fine.
>actually using anything Sup Forums recommends
well, at least you learned your lesson.
>not testing everything before buying
you brought this on yourself
Why can't Peans speak English?
Europeans usually know about three languages with English being second to their own native language. How many do you speak?
>buying memepads
>expecting anything but a meme
3 as well, not including English. ;^)
t. Indian
It shows.
At least you get a chance to clean it and replace some -very- old thermal interfaces (pads+paste)
works fine on my machine
Oh nice similar to what I did, I found somebody who was willing to sell one for $50 and everything works perfectly.
just return it through paypal.
I've got my T420 and it works 100%, through something similar to ebay in my country.
First one I got was fucked up (broken pieces of plastic, cracked screen bezel). I just talked to the seller and he sent a new one, almost new. No problems at all. Just test your shit after you receive it.
Any electronic bought used should be tested immediately.
Also if this thread was bait, I fell for it.
>now I have to buy new speakers and unmantle this whole thing to build them in
If you can't even take a laptop apart, you should not be here.
My T420s came with no sound too, turns out the speaker cable was disconnected. And if I remember correctly, the connector vas visible just by "unmantling" the keyboard.
>Purchases used computer.
>Part of used computer is broken.
>Blames OEM
Doesn't the T430 have two speakers? I think it's highly unlikely that both are broken.
Get over it faggot, it's fucking easy to service and while you're in there you can check out the rest of it, clean it out properly and change the thermal paste with some fresh new stuff.
If you can't download the service manual and do this then just give it away to someone who isn't retarded and might actually deserve to have it.
yup, just remove the keyboard then you'll see the cable to the left under a plastic cover
you got fucked lad
i bought a t430 like a month ago for 150 europs and everything works