He uses a password manager

>he uses a password manager
>on a computer or server connected to the internet
>he thinks just because Keepass is open source that he is safe
>he doesn't even realize his database is completely up for grabs and it takes only a few seconds to get his master password via silent malware and then have full access to whatever he put in the database without his knowledge.

Why is Sup Forums this stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he's on a computer or server connected to the internet
Why is Sup Forums this stupid?

>he does the same thing, but stores the database distributed across a huge corporate CDN with no responsibility to protect it where it can be compromised without you ever knowing

>implying I would do something even worse like giving it to some cloud service

My passwords are always offline. Never sees the internet.

>uses Windows
>obsessed with security
It's not your fault bro.

>implying I use Winblows

no, kiddo

>stores his password offline in a password manager
>uses them to log into a service from a computer or service connected to the internet
>he thinks just because his passwords are stored offline that he is safe
>he doesn't even realize his passwords are up for grabs and it only takes a few seconds to log them via silent malware and then have full access to whatever bank account he logged into without his knowledge

Why is OP this stupid?

>he assumes my passwords are in digital form


>s-stop using jew software and go back to proprietary solutions!
No, Sup Forums-kun.

Except when you type them in and the keylogger on your computer steals them.


i was about to post the same fuck u

They can get my randomized passwords but not the db. Meanwhile, your db got stolen and the master password is in their hands, too.

so they get your main passwords (i.e. the ones you mostly use,) instead of filler passwords to random forums or whatever the fuck?
you're helping your adversary here more than anything bud, they own you and you're fucked either way.

I just have it on my USB. Doesn't matter if they figure out my master, since they won't have the database. Also, how the hell are you going to keylog ctrl+c, ctrl+v ?

I use Master Password though.

>shits on open source software
OK macfag. You have to type your master password sometime, and if it's in cleartext or a key file, I'm going to find it.

why do you need a "kee" when you already got a pass? get it?

>What is LastPass
>How does encryption work

>not password-store
Son I am disappoint

I don't have a "master password"

Having one automatically means you lose.

if you get a keylogger you've already lost, there's no defence against someone having physical access to your machine

So LastPass and KeePass are equally safe. Guess I'l go for paper pencil meme.

>he uses paper and pencil
>on a house or building that can be broken in to or accessed by anyone
>he thinks just because paper is safe from a house fire or in a safe that can be broken into
>he doesn't even realize his paper is completely up for grabs and it takes only a few seconds to get his paper via poking around and then have full access to whatever he put on the paper without his knowledge.

Why is Sup Forums this stupid?

Kind of not on topic but, how secure is using 15+ character lines from video games and movies?

Well the paper is still more secure unless your enemies are literally some russian agents who want to get into your house

That still doesn;t change the fact anyone can go into your house and take the paper.

The encryption is done locally, and LastPass never has your key, retard.

Nobody would want to do that. Digital crimes are easier to commit then real crimes like breaking into a random guy's house for his private info

>He doesn't even have 2FA with his password manager and he's talking shit about them

I like keepass2 over keepassX because the autotyper is better on 2.

I said its safe as KeePass, shit for brains.

15 characters worth of security

very secure if there's a lot of uncommon words, in the future though, coherent strings of conversation, lines from music, movies, etc will all be added to databases and used to hybrid attack the fuck out of shit.

Random uncommon words with numbers, upper, lower and special cases over 30+ in length are reasonably secure master passwords

Keyloggers cannot grab the passwords if you're copy pasting or autotyping. Why are you dumb?

Yes but that doesn't stop someone who is passing by by taking the paper. The person needs to have a vault to keep it secure. Then there is the fact that that sheet can still be misplaced or get accidentally destroyed.

>anyone can go into your house and take the paper.

If you think this is easier than phishing somebody, you are dumb.

I wasn't saying anything about keyloggers. Besides I am pretty sure that advanced spywares can still get your pass one way or the other even if it is not straight keylogging.

>its easy to trick a retard using a fake site
>its easy to take paper with password from a retard wile he isn't looking

The thing is that password managers aren't meant to save you from malware. They're meant to facilitate an easy way to have as secure as you want passwords for every site and thus protect against corporate db leaks and such.

>he thinks people carry their passwords around on a piece of paper
>he thinks pickpocketing is easy


KeepassXC master ruuce

Dd I say paper is in a pocket? In can be in a wallet that can be dropped and lost. In a book someone can easily take. On the desk while taking a quick piss. The list is endless.

The people who keep their passwords on a paper on work desk in a job place where anyone can walk into are the same people who can be "phished" by fake email asking for their credit card info

Which is exactly my point. Neither is more secure than the other. As long as the password exists, it can be accessed by anyone who happens to get their hands on it.

>In can be in a wallet that can be dropped and lost. In a book someone can easily take. On the desk while taking a quick piss. The list is endless.

Lol you are really reaching here. Nobody in their right mind would let their entire password db on paper just be right there in the open.

Nobody is going to do that, idiot. Passwords on paper would be hidden, behind lock and key, are in a secret part of a private home.

You are way more likely to get malware than have somebody snatch your password booklet.

i have a list of my accounts and passwords in a document and keep it on my dropbox for easy access. why would you do this with a piece of paper lul

>keep it on my dropbox

retard detected

Just use pass, it doesn't use a database

I use keepass. I know my security isn't top tier but it was a big step up from the shit tier reusing dictionary word passwords i used to use.

the only winning move is to never login to any accounts that are worth anything.

online banking and online shopping can be avoided by getting off your fat ass and going outside.

steam? netflix? itunes? pirate your media like someone who isn't a cuck.

cryptocurrency is a huge scam, convert it all to real money immediately before it gets stolen.

nothing to hide, nothing to worry about if you get malware.

>he doesn't use a password manager
>on a computer connected to the internet
>he thinks just because he doesn't save his passwords on a computer that he is safe
>he doesn't even realize all passwords he enters are completely up for grabs and it takes only a few seconds to get all of his passwords as he enters them via silent malware and then have full access to whatever account is being logged into without his knowledge

Why is OP this stupid?

>keepass is open source
>not security audits
>no "get paid to find bugs"
>no insentive to find weaknesses except if you use the program itself
>open source so that malicious people can find the exploits way easier

If you use keepass, you're retarded.
>no auto-input in browser unless you download some shady tool
>people trust this 3rd party tool to not have any weaknesses or exploits even though it was written by a 3rd party neckbeard in his moms basement

If you're gonna use a password manager, use lastpass. At least they have security audits all the time and offer rewards for finding bugs which means people actually bother thus the exploits get removed.

KeePass actually has protection against keyloggers which is better than you getting keylogged from typing in your password without anything.

I use lastpass with 2 factor authentication.

Am I fucked? All my passwords are 20+ in length now.

keepass has autotype idiot

All my pw's are one time use

2 factor authentication.


I've never used a password manager before and this post ironically convinced me to get one.
Was this part of OP's plan?


Is 2FA for keepass just a meme?

>he remembers his passwords
>in his own brain
>he thinks just because his brain is his own that he is safe
>he doesn't even realize his memory is completely up for grabs and it takes only a few seconds for the NSA to hack into his central nervous system and then have full access to whatever he put in the brain without his knowledge

... the same for normal passwords if you get a keylogger

theres a big difference

normal passwords are only keylogged after you enter them. you might be able to save your some of your accounts if you detect the keylog early on. with password manager they just need to keylog your master password and then they can get your database and have all your passwords instantly

I use a password manager, but I do not store entire passwords in it. I leave a few characters out.

Where is your god now?

>not using a pen and paper in the age of artificial intelligence and automated hacking
Sup Forumsuys, don't be stupid, de-digitalize your life

I leave some characters out for people with physical access to my machine.

Plus I use a keyfile. So I can back it up without worrying.

No method is perfect. Unless you have a better solution piss off.


Fellow fountainpen lover here, can relax very well

>how the hell are you going to keylog ctrl+c

Here is a super advanced script capable of hacking ctrl+c. Only real mean hackers use this sort of shit. Be warned.

bob := clipboard
; do nefarious things with bob here

Are you seriously that illiterate?
EVERYTHING on a computer is open to software interacting with it.
This is the level of retard on Sup Forums today.

I have a master (email) account with a password that isn't in my db that I don't use for anything else and don't use the account for anything else and almost never access it to maintain it's security, which is also two factor auth, so even if my db were to be stolen with all my passwords I would be able to lock down my primary use email addresses and then go through all the accounts in my db and change their passwords.
Also use a keyfile for Keypass, though that doesn't add security if they get access to my computer it does mean that the master password alone doesn't get you into my password database.

So while there is the risk of loss

Where do you store your DB?

>Recommending proprietary password managers
When did Sup Forums sink this low?


So while there is the risk of loss at a single point, the greater organization and ability to reasonably quickly go through and change all my passwords is a benefit.

Though anyway, if you get a keylogger on your computer you are fucked sideways no matter what.

Jokes on you!
I got a sealed envelope with postits in it where my password are written on it.
There are 268 postits in it so far



In my brain and in a metal case.
I need both to login to services.

That metal case in stored deep under ground in a temple.
Any time I want to buy dragon dildos, I need to go on a trek deep in to the Amazon rainforest.
Secure as fuck.
Highly recommend.
Just get your own fucking temple.

>>not security audits

Confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about, opinion disregarded.



I keep my passwords in my head, the only place where they are safe.

Use keepass with the db on one cloud provider and the cert key to open it on another.

>not writing your passwords on a piece of paper

>he doesn't use macro keys to enter his master passwords
>he doesn't use a portable version of keypass on an encyrpted flashdrive

Sup Forums needs get gud

>not having your salted & hashed passwords tattooed on to your skin

>Limiting yourself to only a handful of complex passwords to reuse across mutiple accounts

It's here bro.

>his memory is completely up for grabs and it takes only a few seconds for the NSA to hack into his central nervous system and then have full access to whatever he put in the brain without his knowledge
You are partially right. DOJ and DHS have access to this technology now. They do have access to your cental nervous system, but all they have to do is mention the security of your password, and you will involuntarily give up everything about it. They do not have direct access to your memory, but they can monitor the retrieval process. Welcome to 2017.

Site your sources please

Test subject 'A' you fucking cunt.

Go fuck yourself if you cant cite a website or document

All my passwords are stored in Firefox, no keys get pressed.


>lmao storing passwords on a browser

I hope your joking because anybody can just stick a flashdrive in you pc and copy all your passcodes from any browser I've done it before

How would you decrypt them though?

I only. I am mistake. For minutes. Ahah :-) boards

There are softwares out there that copy the key to decrypt from firefox

At least its harder with firefox but with chrome its as easy as taking a toliet from a pajeet


>he remembers the password
>on his brain connected to his mouth
>he thinks just because it's in his brain no one can get to it
>doesn't realize if someone really wanted it they'd just kidnap and torture him

why is your frog holding a hammer?

to hit you with

finally an easy way out of things