>self driving car
>road collapses ahead because of land slide
>have to press break twice and power button to take off of self driving mode because of freeway
>panic because 30ft ahead road is 90 ft drop and you're going 70mph
>can't turn off self driving mode

Other urls found in this thread:

So where's the question?

>panic because 30ft ahead road is 90 ft drop and you're going 70mph
Irrelevant: your braking distance at that speed is 245ft, you would fall in no matter what.

This is why level 2 self driving cars are a bad idea, and to a lesser extent level 3. I wouldn't trust anything less than level 4.

>calling a car that doesn't stop for things in its path "self-driving"

Well actually I want to know if self driving cars follow road signs

This is why you are supposed to be paying attention the whole time.

Of course, having multiple steps to turn off self driving mode is retarded in the first place. You should be able to immediately take over.

>google programs sensor to look only at certain radius for objects
>landslide coming
>90 ft away and two million tons of mass 120 mph
>user trusts the car
>even tho he turned his neck and can see it coming
> can't hit break

This. Level 4 or go bust.

It's not retarded at all you stupid autist. Say you set it on cruise control mode. You've had a long day. You've sat in your car doing nothing for 2 years. You can even nap sometimes. You fall asleep, wake up freak out you're going 60mph and you slam on the breaks, flip your car


>You fall asleep, wake up freak out you're going 60mph and you slam on the breaks, flip your car

>technology doesn't make people docile and stupid
>couple tons of responsibility

>grab my gun
>shoot at my front tire
>car automatically stops
>eagle flies by
>god bless america

I don't see the problem.

>shoot at front tire
>tire loses pressure immediately
>differential shifts
>flip car

Not an excuse for making it needlessly complicated to regain control of the vehicle.

Seeing you are still ultimately liable as the driver having a multi-step system for regaining control will just slow down your ability to react to a situation the car is not going to, and that is worse for you.

Even if they had a single dedicated button on the steering wheel that you are extremely unlikely to press accidentally (aka when waking up like some faggot sleeping while driving) it would be infinitely better than having to scramble with a sequence to take back control.

>he has never shot a tire


Yes. Google and other companies have invested a huge amount of RD into computer vision to identify and parse road signs. Google and Tesla have some pretty cool videos of what their cars "see" and as they drive along. You can see them highlighting all the signs they identify.



Having a tire blow out at 60/70mph can easily result in flipping the car.

Though I have honestly never shot a tire on a car going 60/70mph to test how it reacts.

oops first video should be google.

What I think he is saying is that tire won't lose pressure immediately. Because the tire is rubber the bullet won't make a big hole. Instead the rubber will stretch around the bullet so the actual hole is pretty small once it passes through and it will mostly seal up again. The Mythbusters did an episode where they shot tires and it took tens of seconds to deflate if I remember correctly.

Google has years of captcha data to optimize the images and focus on text. How nice of them to ask everyone literally for hours of labor and never pay a penny.

Either way the car doesn't stop. Flip or not !

All you have to do in every self driving car is press the brake, but you don't have enough distance to stop in that situation anyway. I'd just let the car handle it and hope it does something clever

>the car doesn't stop

>AI detects a damaged tire

Are you retarded? This was established posts ago.

I'd say it depends on the round and its behavior. A lower velocity round that tumbled versus a higher velocity round that just penetrated is going to be different from a huge round that penetrates the tire and wheel. That and the speed your travelling and the design of the tire are all going to impact the results. A 10 ply truck tire inflated to 60 PSI vs. a .38 FMJ will probably keep rolling, but it may not fair well against a 7.62. It may not even hold air well after a wadcutter from the .38. The factor in the structural differences from static to 70mph and you'll see changes, shave off a couple of plies for consumer all weather tires for a mid-sized sedan and you'll have different results.


The point of self driving cars is to take idiots off the road. Who do you trust more, the Google ai or the 80 year old looking down at their cell phone as they approach a red light

>driving slowly on dirt
>truck tyre
There are a few variables here that make it a completely different situation to the one being discussed.

>Braking distance
>Universal across all vehicles

>come up with hypothetical scenarios that will never happen
>gets T-boned by some retard tomorrow
Self-driving cars will reduce vehicle fatalities by so much that I don't fucking care if my car is stupid enough to drive straight off a collapsing bridge or into a landslide.

then you jump out.Better chance at living than staying in the car.

I'm not sure you could even stop in 30ft if you jumped out of a car going 70mph.

It'd be useful if anyone from /sci/ could help us with this mathematical problem...

What is accident fallacy? For 400 Alex.

Well, at 70mph you would be going at 103 feet per second the moment you exit the car. So that's not even after you hit the ground.
So in less than 1/3 of a second you need to come to a dead stop to prevent going over the cliff/drop.

You probably have a better chance of surviving in the car.

You never took into account weight and handling of said vehicle.
I'd say RWD would be fucked. But FF wouldn't see an issue. Depending on the F4 style cars may they be trucks or coupes. Weight distribution is key.

70mph is 102 fps

>Needing /sci/ for basic physics

Let's start this math problem, Sup Forums

>X Axis: 70 mph @ 30ft
Converting MPH to M/S
(70 miles / 1 h) * (1609 meters / 1 miles) * (1hr / 3600 seconds)

30ft * (1 meter/ 3.28 ft)
~9 meters

(9 meters / 31 m/s) = ~.29 seconds

So this means, you'd have to hit the ground in ~.29 seconds

>Y Axis: 9.8 m/s @ 6ft (You aren't a manlet, are you?)
(6 / 3.28) ~ 1.89 meters

9.8 * .29 = 2.84 meters towards the ground

It is a bit more complicated than this (it'd involve sin/cosin) because you're moving in two different directions at once, but since we really don't know the angles that you'd be leaping out at it's hard to determine exactly. Obviously, if you jumped towards the ground, you'd hit it faster than if you jumped out towards the air.

But, yes, ideally, you should be able to hit the ground before running off the cliff.

But I failed Calc2+physics 2 so feel free to double check everything regardless.

at the very least self driving cars when in production will/should have an emergency stop function, hell, where shit like a mudslide bridge out or natural disaster could occur the car should have sensors near by that would alert the car of something being up hundreds of feet if not miles in advance. mix that along with the cars seeing the road and reacting if something is obviously wrong.


As i remember the dude survive it. Maybe happened in Taiwan.
>current state of VIA and HTC

What is fallacy fallacy faggot? Checkmate.

>self driving car
>road collapses ahead because of land slide
>all of the car sensors pic related
>instant brake

this wasnt a issue to begin with so there is nothing to discuss

The car should stop on it's own.

More like 150 ft in a modern car but yeah

I hope they they train them to even recognize such a circumstance desu

>self driving car
>cosmic ray changes distance_to_car_in_front to a constant 100
>car in front starts to slow down
>car still thinks it's 100 meters away
>but don't die because you're superman