As a 24 year old single female I think it's very hard to find a guy who's actually interested in free software. I've had guys jokingly ask to "Netflix and Chill" but when I tell him that I don't use Netflix since Netflix requires proprietary software to stream content, they stop talking to me. And worse if they do stay they think I'm weird since I blocked Google IP's in my host file and we can't even watch YouTube. I can't text them either. Once I get their numbers since I've added custom roms to my phone and refuse to use sms since it's a security concern I require all of my friends to download a free and open source messaging app and I share with them my public PGP key so that we can verify our conversations are secure. None of my friends are willing to do this. And I can't use sites like tinder since it's not proprietary software but a major privacy vulnerability. How come it is so hard to find a guy concerned about software freedom? I feel like I'm going to be single forever.
As a 24 year old single female I think it's very hard to find a guy who's actually interested in free software...
Other urls found in this thread:
how did you post here if you blocked google
saved to my pasta
Tits or gets
t. lonely male faggot
it's okay sweetie, you're really transgender and it's safe to use the word in modern society
Is this a Facebook meme page pasta?
All good points. It's disgusting how readily people adopt restrictive and anti-user, anti-privacy services like DRM-ed streaming and so on, as if they enjoy getting fucked over. Or worst, they're so ignorant that they have no idea. But you're not a female.
nice pasta, i like it.
Sup Forums pass could work
just bee yourself.
>single female
stopped reading right there
why did you feel the need to divulge this information? it adde dnothing to your post, and onky increased the shitposting 1000 fold. i will fix it for you
As a single 24 year old I think it's very hard to find a date who's actually interested in free software. I've had dates jokingly ask to "Netflix and Chill" but when I tell him that I don't use Netflix since Netflix requires proprietary software to stream content, they stop talking to me. And worse if they do stay they think I'm weird since I blocked Google IP's in my host file and we can't even watch YouTube. I can't text them either. Once I get their numbers since I've added custom roms to my phone and refuse to use sms since it's a security concern I require all of my friends to download a free and open source messaging app and I share with them my public PGP key so that we can verify our conversations are secure. None of my friends are willing to do this. And I can't use sites like tinder since it's not proprietary software but a major privacy vulnerability. How come it is so hard to find someone concerned about software freedom? I feel like I'm going to be single forever.
and the answer to your question is auitm by the way. youre autistic
because then we'd just think it was an autistic sperg like yourself
im no tthe one that takes extreme practices and reeks of autism like OP, dont call me a sperg because boardculture dictates females!= make themselves known, and when they do (obviously for more atte tion) they post tits. seeing as how this is a blue board, there will be no tits.
the only reason OP made it known that she was female, was in hopes that some user here had the same views as her, and wanted to either date her or be her friendd. i.e., wanting attention.
girl, lettme have ur public PGP key? ;)
I quit a ~200k a year "SRE" job at a bay area company to work F/T on free software, mainly GuixSD. I cloned a bunch of shopify apps and make roughly $45k/year or so but have more time to commit to free software projects. Couldn't be happier even if I'm making less than a cop.
The final straw was one day reading "Right to Read" by RMS and realizing everything in it was slowly coming true, with all my coworkers and 'network' clamoring for some kind of developer's guild and licensing scheme to lock out proprietary software.
>im no tthe one that takes extreme practices and reeks of autism like OP
Top kek of course you aren't
Nice novel btw, that's some Tolkien-length shit right there
haha! What a moron!
>mfw desperate 26 year old virgins in this thread believing this obvious catfish
>24 year old female
get out of here you old hag
So you're autistic? Well, you've come to the right place.
What a fucking moron.
Godspeed female (male) user, I wish you find a fossfag (male) eventually
Linux User Groups, FSF conferences, and other events are a good way to find people like the one you want to find
Didn't I just read this exact same thread like yesterday or 2 days ago, only then the genders in the pasta were reversed
nice larp you turboautist
Goes Mozilla to get laid.
Ha, jokes on you. I'm 24
Bravo, OP. Fished out all the redditors with one bait.
Why isn't this perfectly aligned?
Someone fix this shit.
This whole board is reddit.
Is GuixSD any good?
t. Bay Area autiste
Use the code tag.
But other boards don't support it.
and its worse, nice try.
Good thing I'm 27 and thus saw right through it
out of all the things that never happened, this neverest happenedest the most
you're a NEET and always have been one
I have setup a rPi3 where all my friends ssh. Then we communicate only through write and wall. Most people don't have such freedom.
I would ask a grill to MPV and chill
The problem, is that you're not really a female.
Just because you say you are a woman dosent mean you are
>implying that buying pass with anything cannot be traced back to you
>watching shitty soap opera
>one character asks another to "boxset and chill"
Touhou is proprietary software, please refrain from posting Touhou characters here.
You're on a non-free website. Nice bait.
>go to store
>buy pre paid visa card with cash
>buy 4chink pass
Nice meme
Delicious new pasta.
I care about software freedom, but not quite as much as you. I still have some non-free things like Steam installed on my desktop, and I do watch a lot of youtube.
The Union Jack isn't symmetrical
I think the real problem is they don't like your feminine dick.
Nice pasta
Go to the fucking bar
Sup Forums is proprietary software. Also everyone uses OMEMO now, there's no reason to be using PGP over XMPP in the current year.
This pasta is really stale.
do you guys think it would be easier to get a girl like the one idealized in the OP, and bring her down to a sane level?
or get a normie and bring her to a non-retard level?
You should just make a tulpa of you're waifu.
Nice blog post cunt, now tits or gtfo!