Sup Forums wiki

so what are we gonna do about this?

Restrict edit access to account a few weeks old? Require irc verification?

we should probably just require captcha on edit.

What the fuck

delete it

wikis just attract tripfaggots and reddiitcunts

just fucking lurk moar

That captcha requirement plus you have to be a few days old to do any edits wouldn't be a bad idea.

kill yourself.



Rangeban India.

Rangeban all the countries that private trackers do, there's a reason for it.

Fuck microsoft and fuck brown people

Anyone know how to contact admin?

>all that mirosoft shit shilled in installgentoo
Those niggers

Add a math captcha

even if i know how to do this, i don't want to.


that's not the first post you fucking retard.

It's literally just a derivative with respect to x evaluated at pi, mang. You can do it

I never wrote it is, you fucking retard.

What to you think fpbp means?

delet it because its fucking garbage

yeah, except this one depends on gay obscure trig identities or you will get the wrong answer.

fourth post best post




>being this lazy

uuh, 1.651e-9?


It's 0

No it fucking doesn't. Are you sure you know differentiation?

found the engineer

49cos(7x-π/2)-3sin(3x) isn't the most simplified form because of gay identities.

Yes, but you don't need the most simplified form. You just have to substitute x as π.

Oh it's an evaluation? I didn't notice. Nevermind then.



It's still happening

Fagmin is absent. Maybe we should just clone the wiki somewhere else?