How do you make a script like the one used by the Sup Forums raiders?
How do you make a script like the one used by the Sup Forums raiders?
Other urls found in this thread:
install gentoo
captcha service
there you go.
What the fuck is going on . Are they splitting Sup Forums?
They plan to. Thats what happens to naughty boards.
Oh boy, that's gonna be fun to watch.
>captcha service
wait, are you telling me there are APIs for companies that forward captchas to pooloos just so his kind can spam our boards?
be careful what you wish for
The mods claim that Sup Forums has become a lot of non-politcal shitposting just because people like the board format so they are making a new board that will be Sup Forums tier rules but have the same format as Sup Forums (per thread IDs and country flags and shit)
Some reddit fags are angry that they can't just shitpost in Sup Forums just for the sake of it being Sup Forums
>because people like the board format
what makes it different?
>(per thread IDs and country flags and shit)
reading comprehension will get you far
but other boards have that too
source is needed
where is the evidence
i still don't get how people get through bans, it just doesn't make sense, vpns are all banned ffs
Not IDs and Flags
Sup Forums, suprisingly, doesn't have ID's and neither does Sup Forums
Sup Forums has ID's, but no flags
It's basically going to be Sup Forums with flags
I've used 2captcha before and it works
>wanting Sup Forums back
if the mods aren't going to ban Sup Forums phoneposters to Sup Forums then we need a designated shitting street for them.
>implying containment boards aren't a good thing
You say this as if it hasn't been since its inception
Which one? Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
>be phoneposter
>go on/off airplane mode
>more shitpost
Literally how i did it.
t.Sup Forums raider
For a particular attack, or in general?
Most of Sup Forums's raids on different sites have been really basic Python, PHP, or Javascript code that just post to an endpoint on an endless loop
my phone is banned ranged from posting and I don't even know why. tons of posts are from other boards too.
Hiroshimoot trying to grab them shekels
Only rangeban can stop this, yes. For me, I do it so flips will stop posting at Sup Forums.
ive actually written a shitposting bot, but id really like to know how you can avoid mass bans from mods, since my vpn only has so many IPs i can cycle through before theyre permabanned/rangebanned
Mods rangebanned and blocked lots of mobile IPs awhile back. Sometimes they're willing to undo it in IRC, other times they tell you to buy a pass or fuck off.
they use IRC?
You do it the same way all of the spammers do it: with unused/unbanned proxy lists, or a botnet.
yeah ive been trying to it with the former option, but im too much of a brainlet to figure out how to tunnel each python instance of the script to a seperate checked proxy
Good thing you're stupid then. Last thing this site needs is automated spam competing with manual spam.
int has flags and id's, but it sucks and they delete my USA went to the moon threads
maybe i ought to ask that 4x2spammer for tips