>tfw trying to learn Python
>it's too difficult and there's too much things to remember
Tfw trying to learn Python
said no one ever
American students, lads
Then write it down...?
Isn't that what coding is?
I mean have notes with explanations for each function and other stuff you think is important. Then look it up when you're unsure. After the 5th time you shouldn't have trouble remembering it, and writing it down in your own words will help you understand it better if you're having trouble.
yeah man like
ifs and for loops
so hard
You're not supposed to remember everything, you're supposed to google and copypaste pieces of code as you go.
Only autists try to remember what every function in every library does.
There's nothing wrong with copying from stack overflow if you know what you're doing but just saving time
You start off basically copy pasting modifying to suit your needs until you understand better. Eventually you see the same concept over and over and it starts to make sense.
Fast forward a few months and you wont really copy paste anymore. Still plenty of googling.
At this point I do a bit of googling when I'm tackling a new problem and I'm totally lost. Its mainly when trying to integrate because you will need to learn certain modules (ODBC, proprietary systems, UI Emulation, etc).
Rarely ever would I copy paste something now. I just use google, stack, whatever - for pointers
>I don't remember things
There's a difference between blindly copypasting code, and having to lookup a specific function in detail, you imbecile.
What's your problem, that you don't know what every function does as soon as you hear about it one time?
Just google, senpai. You learn by working, and referring back to docs as you work.
>there's too much things to remember
Use a paper to draw yourself a map for every function and use it as reference.
kek OP picked one of the easiest languages to complain about, I feel sorry for him.
I learned python in a day.
It is not complicated at all.
Just go slow and make sure you use every little thing you want to remember. Can't remember without actually using it. Maybe it takes five lines of code, maybe twenty, eventually it will probably take just one, but don't worry about it, just go with your own pace.
I had an existing project that was written in python.
I needed to read through it so I could make changes to it.
The syntax is pretty much the same as any other language, you write self a lot and the indentations is used to declare blocks.
It is not difficult at all.
Once you already know a language, picking up another is easy. The syntax differences and particularities of function names are all just details.
Nothing worse than having to use a library that you don't frequently use. Have to use numpy a few times every semester and it's always a chore to remember things
Retard allert? I learnt python in only 24 hours.
>too hard
t. brainlet
How many hours do you think a day is?
worst thread ever, if you struggle with python you're probably not going to into programming