Want to become a software developer

>want to become a software developer
>realize I'm too old(25) to start now

I will die a blue collar plebeian

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Nah dude, you just gotta look young. You do look young right? If not, lie about experience on the resume.

I feel the same but am soon 23
Doesn't help I've been hikki neet for a long time

Have a better goal imo

Oh well, get into Business Finance instead. They love the old, so the older you become, the better. Less than 50 years old is considered a baby in Finance.

software is beneath blue collar at this point

most applications can be written by well trained highschoolers

stop lying to OP

the worst you could do to anyone is to give false hope

also OP - i started at 26

always wanted to learn to play drums

started at 33

Too old why
I never really learned anything useful well into my 20s

what makes you too old? maybe for silicon valley but who the fuck wants to work in that shithole?

I like it here.


Only because you like easy access to aids ridden black dick.

ive been wanting to become a software developer since i was 10

its been more than a decade and a half now and im still at the same level of a high schooler since i flunked out of college junior year

tfw 35 and software engi

I started at 24, one of my coworkers started in his mid 30s after working blue collar jobs for 10 years.

You're fine, as long as you actually get started.

welcome to the club

What path did your colleague take to get into it?

>mfw 18 and only just realized last year that i have no fucking clue what to do with my life.
i never had any interest in programming growing up, but what the hell else is there for me? flipping burgers?

>there are people who consider software development more than blue collar
Considering developers get treated with less respect than janitors, they are probably the lowest rank in a company.

He went to one of those coding bootcamps, I think CodeFellows was the one.

I'm not sure if I'd recommend those now, they've gotten a bad rep over the last few years.

We're in iOS development, you can get a job in mobile if you've made an app that doesn't look like garbage and published it to the app store. It will take a bit of work to find the first job, but it gets much easier after that.

this, see >the disproved too old meme
source: search for yourself, you lazy pos faggot

What the hell have you been doing outside of school all this time?

I started my degree at 25. Landed a junior dev job at 30. I had 4 months of work on my CV from when I was ~25 doing telephone customer service for a bank. That's the only time in my life I had worked desu. It took interviewing at 4 companies (punching through the HR wall is difficult with no experience doing anything and zero work references) but I got lucky at the 4th company I interviewed at. Did really well on their practical test and got the job. Having a portfolio with some stuff you've made in your free time is a good idea too. Make a pretty website for HR to click on and gawk at, you gotta appease those people as well as the technically minded folks.

Really enjoying it desu. If you're the type of person who plans things though and you have a somewhat logical mind you can program, its not too late.

Maybe try growing a personality faggot.

>flipping burgers?
also, a lot of traditional crafts, of which many pay better than most programming jobs
plus, there is always prostitution

>implying I'm lying
In business Finance/Accounting:
18-30 is young years
31-45 is prime years
46-52 is decline years
53-60 is old
61+ = don't lose your job

Damn shame. Kids fresh out of college who get picked up by a software company average about $100k starting, plus signing bonuses and stock. At Microsoft and Amazon, starting salary for an SDE is $110k, bare minimum.

It's unlikely that you will develop the skills quickly enough to be useful to these companies as a software developer. But you could get a job developing an inventory application for a second-rate jeweler in East Donkey, Arkansas. Starting pay $45k

110k in SV is peasant tier

yes for mid-level and higher, not for entry level

Vidya and watching Youtube.

There's plenty of people starting university after blue collar jobs and vocational education in your age in Europe. Is this so different in the US? Why would 25 be too old?

I'm 20 am I fucked?

lol, too old.. thats just a fucking excuse for not working your ass off to reach your goal.

You're right. But so is browsing on hiroshimoots website.

that's nothing

I learned programming starting in university while in the degree

They don't expect people to even know what programming is

My father started at 35 after losing his factory job. He now makes €180k a year.

I didn't start any type of dev work until I was in my early 30's.

Now doing mostly ops / devops / SDET work and making (moderate?) 6 figures.


>realize there is no reason for having blinking lights on the ethernet port

my uncle started when he was 26
though that was on a pdp

>Not knowing how to read the blinking lights on an Ethernet port.

You just got to put your conscious in a freezer.


>tfw I too have no clue what I want to do with my life, except I'm almost done with college

Everyone's a little bit racist...
