Did somebody here used that "Brave" browser? It's based on Chromium and have a built-in ad-block...

Did somebody here used that "Brave" browser? It's based on Chromium and have a built-in ad-block. Sounds cool but it's eating up my CPU, lags every time I switch tabs.

Other urls found in this thread:


Slow as fuck in my limited experience. I'd rather use anything else.

Just started using it and its working great for me, about 1/2 the ram usage of Opera @170mb and barely any CPU usage ~1% No slowness at all. Only complaint is the UI.

I am using it right now on Windows 8.1 and so far so good.

They have their own feedback website.

You can go here and start a topic about your issue


You need to register an account to post.

It's cute but without muh extensions it can only be a side thing

Brave got a new update yesterday and now has extensions.

They are encouraging people to go to their feedback site and post about which extensions they want.

I created a topic yesterday about Appchan X. Please consider voting it so the devs know people are interested, thank you.


Waiting for the UI to get more polished that keeps me away on the desktop. But on my phone I am using it and works great.

Was'nt it acknowledged as a German google botnet by now ? Are extensions available on the android version ? Is there a way to deactivate telemetry, etc ? I want a good browser for android that has strong privacy options or addons except Orfox/Firefox but there isn't any who does'nt lag.

Is Lightning any good ?

I use it on android. But im starting to think its being shilled to much

>German google botnet

Dude, this is a thread about Brave, not that Iridium browser.

Brave looks like a browser made for macOS. Can't even see the url..but its fast and i like it.

using it right now nigga.

Its pretty alright, Was getting sick of the same old chromium. Its nice that it has privacy shit built right in.

Enjoy your user "friendly" ads up your ass

How much are they paying you to shill this botnet?

The CEO of Brave is the former CEO of Mozilla. The one who got kicked out by SJW's. That enough reason to use it in my book.

The same amount you get paid to spread FUD

>13 replies
>11 posters

Yeah, definitely those 4 posts are made by the same person.

I don't think there is a download available for my distro yet.

Sure sounds like it I know, but I honestly prefer it over anything else I've used.

Its so obvious that these are shill posts

>shilling FOSS

I'm not brave enough to ditch firefox

brave comes with payment shit

therefore it's a seller customer browser

hence its trash

google shills are really getting desperate

I noticed.

I used it, it's pretty good, not done yet, but pretty good. The only new gen browser that is worth following imo.

Using it right now; after 2 weeks I can tell it's really good, fast,light and the adblocker works really well

But he also created JavaScript, therefore he deserved it

Here you go, shill bot.

I hate UI with a passion, other than that, it's ok.

What makes you think Iridium is a botnet?

If you want a second browser for multiple logins or similar just make another user on your OS and proceed using your favourite browser
t. former bravelet

Brave has potential but right now it's a buggy mess. Check back in three months and see where they are then.

I am also not a big fan of having the tabs below the search bar, just found this while browsing twitter.


Sadly he doesn't explain how he did it.

your shilling is too obvious.

Brave is built with Electron, so it's just a web application.
Electron already comes bundled with the Chrome engine, so Brave wouldn't even need to do anything special besides the UI.

I tried running it on Linux and it is slow as fuck.

Have been using on Android for many months and it works great there.

Mobile version is great.
I will never install the desktop app until the stop using electron. Make a proper desktop application you retards.