What are some open-source software that are actually very good? Pic very related.
What are some open-source software that are actually very good? Pic very related
Other urls found in this thread:
Blender (apart from the GUI)
Firefox (apart from the fact that browsers are all shit by nature)
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Gnome Simple Scan
C-Dogs SDL (apart from some occasional crashes)
Literally none. You get what you pay for.
>Blender (apart from the GUI)
Nah, the GUI is great.
Light-weight IDE for many programming languages
Basically, weebs motivated to make things in order to watch Chinese cartoons. For just about everything else the free software movement is an absolute failure.
it's called free software you fucking numbt
It's actually the best thing about it.
>inb4 autodesk internet defense force
Free Software is a subset of Open Source
Vim and Emacs.
>inb4 autodesk internet defense force
nah, it just deviates from standards for the sake of being edgy, as some community power user member pointed out
what what?
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
There aren't any standards in 3D modelling UIs. Every software package has a UI peculiar to it.
>There aren't any standards in 3D modelling UIs. Every software package has a UI peculiar to it.
There are standards in software GUIs at all, like having right-click for context menus. Also, consistency in design and other stuff.
Like pointed out in this series: youtube.com
Some of those are likely fixed, though.
I don't have any 3D packages or level editors or image editors where RMB brings up a context menu.
Blender's problem is in the fact it seems to hide half of information in the most astonishing place, using the least familiar naming schemes they can think of. There's very low discoverability. Even the simplest things are counter-intuitive and require the user to run around the UI too much, changing pane types multiple times. If you want to just load and assign a texture to an object, good luck finding out how to do it on your own. If you want to turn on/off pretty much anything, good luck finding out how on your own. Create an armature? Good luck. Vertex groups? Yes good luck. Actions? Good luck.
who uses visual buttons anyways?
its all shortcut based, so much faster.
just press the shortcut enter a few numbers, voila
want to find smth? press space and type what you want.
anything with GNU in the name is shit
why are you on Sup ForumsNU/LINUX - technology?
>Blender's problem is in the fact it seems to hide half of information in the most astonishing place
That's why you don't start using a complex and powerful tool before familiarizing yourself with its interface. Learning how to navigate the UI is the first thing you should do when you start using any new program.
>using the least familiar naming schemes they can think of
What? I find exactly what I need 99% of the time when I press the quick search menu (space bar).
>If you want to turn on/off pretty much anything, good luck finding out how on your own
What do you mean? Like maximizing your 3D viewport?
>If you want to just load and assign a texture to an object, good luck finding out how to do it on your own.
See first point. It's also pretty fucking easy to figure out.
>Create an armature? Good luck.
That I can agree with, the armature workflow is pretty tedious. Although creating the armature in itself is quite simple but assigning bone constraints is a mess. Still there's some great free courses about it.
> Vertex groups? Yes good luck
Wew lad. Picture related.
>Actions? Good luck.
What do you mean by actions?
what about GIMP?
Kate is the KDE Text Editor / notepad equivalent. It's as close as you can get to an IDE without using an IDE, includes a Vi mode, and usually comes bundled with about a dozen very worthwhile plugins you can enable.
For non-C/C++ scripting and web development, I use Kate. It has all the good KDE-isms.
what are you using for web-development?
You need book, web or classroom structured training for it. Just madly clicking random shit is a valid way to learn simple software but is the wrong way to go with blender.
VSCode is good
Most databases
Most programming languages
Sounds like a list for Windows desktop usage?
Gephi (yup, in Java)
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Hydrus client (try it if you hoard images from imageboards)
> Blender (apart from the GUI)
I disagree, the UI is basically the best (most efficient & most versatile) for 3D editors by a good margin.
Diagnostic tools:
mtr - easily pinpoint issues in your network routing / isp
nmap - inspect your network
ntpasswd - change your windows password without access to the windows admin user
parted - not the gui, just parted.
radeontop - monitor your ati card's usage
Some other dank things:
caddy - httpd designed for idiots and lazy people alike. Includes ootb letsencrypt support.
emacs - especially with dank packages like magit and dired+ (for colors)
the-silver-searcher - basically grep specifically for source code
racket - dank scheme langugae
Some more:
Greenshot (if you don't prefer to use your image editor for screenshots anyhow)
Lastly, what Sup Forumsentooman wants to be just stuck on & with only Windows? These will let you farm and manage Linux, Java, Python (and so on) containers and VMs, from your zsh to encode files on ffmpeg to that web server you want / need:
Kubernetes (or maybe Vagrant)
>There's very low discoverability.
>I disagree, the UI is basically the best (most efficient & most versatile) for 3D editors by a good margin.
Sure, but as we established before by objective measures that means the competition must be truly abysmal.
>Sure, but as we established before by objective measures that means the competition must be truly abysmal.
No such thing was established.
It's just a efficient UI for the task at hand and I don't see any great improvements to be had at this point.
Presumably there will be a lot of changes if the project is equally well-maintained for another decade, but the UI side of it probably won't even make your interaction with it 20% faster overall.
>Kubernetes (or maybe Vagrant)
or just use libvirt + shell scrips like a sane person
That is actually not really sane at all. It's only really an "alternative" if you just need a select few VMs with a select few things running in them.
The whole point to using Docker / Vagrant / Kubernetes and maybe other related tools is that you can use a LOT of existing containers and VMs.
In the amount of time where you can *maybe* script one simple program container / VM, I am already running fifty or a hundred complex ones. And then you'll waste a lot of time with the updates while that's also something that can take next to no time at all on Docker / Vagrant / Kubernetes.
Webm for retards