It is a terrible OS. It is not intuitive. It is cluttered. What does Square, Triangle, Circle Mean? It means STOP, PLAY, RECORD. Not whatever the fuck they're trying to make it.
Both Apple and BlackBerry 10 OS are far superior to use.
I hate how Android has managed to become the most adopted simply because its free for HW manufacturers to use. It is a terrible OS.
Benjamin Morris
How do I unsubscribe from your blogpost?
Also you should really stop huffing all that paint.
Luis Gonzalez
>What does Square, Triangle, Circle Mean?
Bentley Lee
You mean iOS?
Oliver Miller
this is terrible bait. saged
Brayden Morgan
Nathaniel Torres
>I fucking hate Android that's nice
Joseph Baker
> 2017 > blackberry
Pick one
Anthony Powell
KitKat was the pinnacle of Android, after that it became more botnet and more closed down, designed specifically for sub 90 IQ monkeys and poos in loos.
Jaxson Hughes
Leo Myers
I hate android too, even windows phone has superior UI, it is literally the worst mobile operating system
Jacob Bell
How is it "cluttered"?
I agree there are some aggravating things about it such as inconsistent behaviour of the three "buttons" within apps, but....
William Taylor
>It is not intuitive.
Have you considered that you might just be mentally handicapped?
Dominic Turner
Not gonna defend botroid but ios is the same. Ubuntu phone sadly was the sole hope but nobody wanted to play with the weird kid Canonical
Anthony Johnson
Touchjizz doesn't have this problem
John Robinson
How is that an argument against intuitive? Do you know what intuitive means?
Angel Edwards
>limcuck os fails on another platform
Nothing new
Nathaniel Garcia
Dominic Collins
>t. stock ROM touchjizz pleb
Jack Barnes
ITT Salty iPhone owners that wish they had gotten an Adroid phone. Stay mad kids.
Hunter Ortiz
>mad poster can't debloat popup ads of his lagdroid MTK masterrace. Just rooted my marshmallow and starting to debloat all the shit now
Ian Davis
>What does Square, Triangle, Circle Mean? up until kitkat 4.4 i think, it was a house, a curved "back" arrow, and 2 overlapping boxes for multitasking.
you're still retarded if you can't figure out what a left facing arrow, circle, and square means after using the phone yourself.
James Walker
This guy is right, tho. Shame about what happened to BBOS 10, never forget.
Michael Howard
Android is Linux?
Julian Gomez
OP is right about the android being shit but AFAIK the only good OS is Symbian*, S60, S40. >no bloat animation >no loading/latency even with 333MHz CPU >can run with 2MB or 16MB of fucking RAM >doesn't run all your downloaded apps in background (no bloat listeners, wakelocks and anal-ytics metadata shit) >can be used for productivity, proper 'office suite' support especially those sexy qwerty ones with digitizer because onscreen keyboard is trash and fat buttons too. >can last a fucking week with one charge >optimized for efficiency, standby mode can last a whole month >very lightweight because userbase isn't obese
android today >bloat animations, nonsensical changes every major update >200 background process runing in stock >uses more memory than my 64 bit linux laptop >contacts app is already a fucking botnet >most have shit battery, okay performance, or good on both but pointless because cannot be used for productivity (gaming only) >bloat listeners, wakelocks and anal-ytics metadata shit fucking anywhere >linux-style app permissions are a farce because apps and manufacturers can still put harmful permissions (like all of those seemingly harmless apps which actually builds metadata about you with device ID, IMEI etc etc not even including those harmful APIs that can do more shit) >fat fingers UI (because most of the userbase are fat ass)
iphone >boring design, cannot rice >more like "jailphone", cant mod, cant fix, cant do anything but it's okay because the userbase likes to succdics >okay tier battery life but underclock/volt cores are lag af >literally can't do shit, doubt you can sideload and play videos in there without retarded hacky shit >fat fingers UI (because most of the userbase are fat ass)
Anthony Richardson
story: >be android >be open source project slowly surfacing >suddenly google blocks your path >donate donate donate -t. google >until one day all of android is google crap >it's okay bc we'll release it as open saurce also known as AOSP -t. google >(some) devs do it for free >suddenly all OEMs join the bandwagon >it just werks because 'linux' module/kernel does all the job for hardware support/drivers ...and that's how you do tivoization >sell the phones with locked bootloader >cannot modify it like free software GPL because mix of shit licenses and license loopholes >sad_stallman.jpg another reason why linux is shit
Julian Phillips
>google creates OS based on linux kernel >phone companies like samsung bloat the shit out of it and lock the bootloader >and that's why linux is shit nice logic