Anyone else lose the ability to play YouTube videos in the background? I used to listen to video audio through Safari with my screen off, but now when I go to control center and press play, the info disappears.
Did Google change something?
Anyone else lose the ability to play YouTube videos in the background? I used to listen to video audio through Safari with my screen off, but now when I go to control center and press play, the info disappears.
Did Google change something?
YouTube red.
Yeah doesn't work for me either
When did this become a thing? I've been listening to YouTube audio with my screen off for years. Now I have to pay for that simple feature?
Is it some kind of shitty deal Google has with Apple to jew people?
No, apple is just as gay as you are.
Turn on desktop mode and open popup window and then just move the popup to the side
this app is great but why can't I make playlists?
I like to listen to music till I fall asleep with the app I have to keep searching once a song is over because it doesn't play whats next like in the regular youtube app
Kind of off topic, but I'm also having issues getting podcasts to download. That circular loading bar goes all the way around, but then just sits there and won't complete the download. Why is everything fucking up recently?!
Tried reinstalling the app. No change.
Developer claims that newpipe engine has already playlist support, he says only UI needs some tweaking
Developer said it one month ago, so it could be anytime soon. Only reason why i have ogyoutube is playlist support, one of the two closed source app I use on android.
Have you tried paying for Youtube Red?
What? You can't play background audio in Youtube on Android either in any supported way. You have to use workarounds, third party shit, or buy Youtube Red.
Noticed the same thing, I listen to music while I work and I can't have the unlocked screen in my pocket.
I used to open a youtube video, start it playing and press the lock button, then press it again and press the play button on the lock screen.
Doesn't work anymore.
Firefox used to work but Google has since "fixed" that little oversight.
Now in order to listen to videos with screen off I have to request desktop site in the browser options.
Android doesn't have this problem
I noticed that as well. I used to play video on Firefox in the background, now every time I switch tasks or even tabs the video stops.
Very dick move on Google part if done intentionally
It does. Started happening to me as well.
NewPipe is GOAT
My Androidâ„¢ phone does not have this problem
Not if you use Newpipe dummy
Didn't safari do that native?
>0.9.3 Release Notes
>Implement ExoPlayer in background player
>doesn't play audio when I turn the screen off
They're just straight up lying.
Works on my machine.
hamburger menu > request desktop site
Using the new player they made?
Nah, doesn't work m8.
>buggy, unfinished crap
>die antwoord
As an Afrikaner, fuck that band
oh wait, this is totally fine that Youtube does this because we like to shill for this company. move along folks
>Youtube charges people for access
>people line up with wallets in hand
>ISPs allow specific services to not count against cap for zero addition dollars
Doesn't work with playlists
Same happened to me, I thought it was Android doing it but apparently it's happening to everybody
Why the hell would they support something that circumvents their new money grabber? Newpipe is fine, youtube-dl is even better.
It's in youtube's terms that in every context the video has to be visible.
Get an Android phone and use NewPipe
Otherwise you gotta pay for YouTube Red.
>Anyone else lose the ability to play YouTube videos in the background?
Nope, doesn't happen on my PC.
Works good, thanks
You can use lucky patcher to add background playback to normal youtube app, but you need the older version of the yt app, 12.11.57 is the latest that works for me.
Damn well hope we see it soon
OP here. Yeah, so basically for years I've been listening to some Sirius XM radio shows for free through YouTube, and preferred to have the screen off so it doesn't drain my battery at a stupid rate. I was able to do this by accessing YouTube through Safari, but now it seems they've patched all the loopholes in an effort to push people towards their Red service. Sound accurate?
I was pointing out the person I was replying to was incorrect for the exact same reasons you posted.
You can still access Youtube without paying, dumbass, it just has ads and no background playback.
>Calls others faggots
>Die Antwoord
But It's not available outside the US...
Newpipe would be GOAT if audio actually worked when saving 60fps videos.
Request desktop mode in Safari and then play the video. That works for background play.
This doesn't work.... do you mean while staying within safari ??
Goddamnit. Does Google really expect me to pay $10/mo or whatever just so I can play videos with the screen off? There's literally nothing else Red offers that appeals to me.
Download locally, no ads YouTube, ads free streaming and local download with Google play music/YouTube music.
It's really convenient to download a bunch of stuff locally when connected to WiFi so you're not dependent on data on the road.
MP4s work fine, that happens only when webm.
Who doesn't have enough data to stream audio and video when they want?
I get 4g everywhere I've been so far and it varies from 10-112mbps, shits simple, why download videos, I understand music but videos are ridiculous
Ogyoutube for android and some browsers
>believing there is no such thing as intellectual property
We do not live in a socialist society.
you can't even choose a time in a video, so resuming podcasts is out of the question. ogyoutube is better. It's some modded youtube apk.
Yep. Jewgle at it again.
But I was already paying $10/mo got Google Play Music because Spotify is garbage. YTR comes with GPM for $10/mo