
Post your computer's internals please.

What are your next upgrades? Have you done any modding of your case?

I might upgrade to 16GiB RAM and buy RX Vega. The RX 480 will then be handed down to my HTPC for muh h265

I have a i7 4790 (non-k) and a GTX 1060. Don't have any upgrades planned for now. But I'm curious to the performance for the next CPU's in the Zen line-up. Ryzen didn't entice me to upgrade, but who knows when AMD comes out with something new. As for the GPU, I'm not going with a mid-range card again. Next one will be a high-end one, like a Vega or a xx80.

I have no window anyway.

I do have dust, I couldn't care less about, but I did put in the missing screw after two years though.

Last time I posted people insulted me about my build and my LEDs even though it looks nice and clean so I'm not gonna do it again


Also I see no reason to upgrade either the 16GB RAM although I have two empty banks (I probably would, if I hadn't bought super expansive RAM back in the day, which would be next to impossible to find nowadays at a non-ridiculous price) or the CPU.

I'd like to have NVME, but even over the PCIe is out of the question since it would disable the x1 lanes for the x4. I could do that only if I would swap out the X-Fi Titanium HD, which I really don't want. I could buy a 1080 and swap out the 780s and use the 4 of the 16 lanes of the second card for an NVME drive, but I don't really see a reason to upgrade the GPUs other than more VRAM.

Soooo I don't think I'll upgrade any time soon anything really.

Good. It's like you're trying to trigger my autism.

Welcome to Sup Forums

How do you figure you need a 480 for HEVC?

My broadwell i3 NUC does bitstream HD-Audio with 1080 10bit HEVC without hardware decoding at only 20% CPU load (with Ubuntu booting into Kodi). So it's reasonable to assume it would even do 4K without hiccups without any problems.

So why waste that much electricity on a 480?

Old pic in potato quality. I removed one top exhaust fan.

r8 h8 masturb8

Well look at that, I just tested with an h.265 video on the HTPC (albeit 720p) and it only used 20% CPU.

So that would make it unnecessary just for the hardware decoding, but since I probably will buy the RX Vega, the 480 would not have a home in my personal computer anymore and it would fit nicely in the HTPC instead. So I'm not spending any money to upgrade the HTPC, the hardware just kind of trickles down when I upgrade my main computer.

>that fucking cable management

Welp time to look for a new chassi with a PSU shroud and dedicated GPU cable cutout

I prefer seeing all the cables coming out of the PSU, but the cables being nicely sleeved. looks better than just covering up 20% of your pc

Only days until my Zen shit arrives :3

My DFI P55 and x3470 have served me well, will be cleaned and place in its box, snug and secure.
Ready to calculate, once again..

And it will.

Can't wait to try out some AMD once again, almost got the tingles like back in the 939 days!

Have drilled am4 mounting holes in my waterblock, just need to dust out the matx case and its ready to go.

Hoping for a 4.2ghz capable 1700, but thats not likely.
Its depressing only 4-5 boards have bclk oc support, and none of the b350 or matx boards sadly is included..

I've been thinking about upgrading to a 240mm AIO liquid cooler, specifically the Cooler Master MasterLiquid 240 since it's a lot cheaper than the competor's products.

is it worth?

Which companies reimburse your shit if it leaks?

i5 6600k @ 4.6GHz


16GB DDR4@3100MHz

256GB SM951 NVMe m.2, 240GB SSD, 2TB WD caviar black

ASUS Maximus viii hero

1000W raidmax vampire, modded cables myself

NZXT x61 on CPU, x31 on GPU

probably not gonna do much for a while, runs a 4k screen gaming pretty well

Pic I took after cleaning that shit two weeks ago.
Build is from late '15/early '16.


You sure you have enough useless shit in that picture?

I couldn't fit you in the photo




main pc

Isn't that waste? Or do you plan to play games on it as well?

Also you should get 16 GB RAM and buy a proper custom GPU next time.
Ryzen is really nice but i7s are still viable for gaming. Buying Ryzen is more future proofing.
WTF those fans
NVMe is a meme, its almost completely useless unless you edit 4K videos with multiple NVMe SSDs. If your GPUs are still sufficient for your needs you should keep them and buy the next generation single-GPU.





thermaltake core v21. shouldve just gone mitx, rather than matx.

if you had to choose, which would you upgrade first - 4gb ram or 430W psu? both of which are on the minimum for my PC build? just curious, it was my first build

What are you planning to run on that PSU?
>Running a Phenom II and a 560Ti on a 300W PSU

I would say both, just got 8 GB DDR3 for 10 € and Corsair CX500 range around 30-40 €

Kinda want to get a new mobo, cpu, and gpu, but I don't think I really need it. I've got another 290 I can put in but I'm thinking of selling it.

Need to replace the black fans too.

im running amdfx8350 and pny gtx 750

OK thats a bit heavy, how much TDP does the CPU have? My Phenom is rated at 125W.

I would rather upgrade the CPU. But I guess yours would run a GPU up to 150W as well.


Is the core v21 pretty decent though? seems like a pretty good cube matx case even compared to the corsair air 240

its not terrible, but there are some idiocies. the top has these nonremovable struts for you top place rads and fans and such, but its annoying to deal whith when inserting cpus and coolers. the psu has this antivibration bracket that they want you to install, but the instructions are shit, and i have no idea how to actually put it in. other than that, not bad.

Those Lynnfield Xeons are fucking awesome. I had one for a while that I got for $40 on ebay.

Ah, that sucks about those struts. I thought those could snap in and out to change sides and such.

yeah, i thought so too, but once you finish with initial setup, it shouldnt be much of a problem.

Mine from a few days ago. Still current.
Fuck them do what you want it's probably fine, most of the people on here are holier-than-thou NEETs who have never taken pride in anything.
Like this guy jesus dude how did you find it acceptable to put the side panel back on? Though moving the fans to back isn't a bad idea for RAM clearance.
bueno how do you get the GPU cables so even?
I always appreciated your build in these threads. Gives me a bit of a throwback. Take care of those guts when you're done with them, some really nice old pieces of tech there.
>Raidmax PSU
any good? I heard they were shit. Looks pretty
nice though
A second matching 290 would be cool, then a support bracket like in my pic to help support those heavy bois

They are, this one is good for 4.2ghz on water. Didn't bother setting it up tho as it is only a temporary system.

Only downside is they only have 16 pcie lanes, but thats not really a problem for my normal use anyway. Still prefer socket 1366 for those 6core xeon monsters with something like 40 lanes! One of those running 4.5ghz are just beastly.

Actually this system could have served me for years to come probably, but fun trying out something new. And I want a smaller system.

Thanks man, I will.

The DFI Lanparty P55 boards were the last they released before they quit making the Lanparty series and focused only on industrial..
Will never rid myself of them :3

Still running my DFI P55 mini itx with a x3440 in the file server. That will run as long as it lives.

Is that an Elite 130? Dear god I hated that case. It buzzed and vibrated no matter what I did to it.

Yea, its pretty fucking china.

The whole thing came worped, and all the fans drrrrrrrr.. Gonna switch them out.

Good design, but awful quality.

I need to take a new pic. Did a fresh install onto a new NVMe drive and hoooooo boy are things fast!

I love that my 2014-era chipset supports NVMe drives. It's a fantastic little hard drive.

how much did the heatsinks on the SSD improve its temps? any performance difference? I saw an article on anandtech where they got an SSD to go into thermal throttling, but I'd imagine you'd have to pound on it to make that happen.

15C. That drive would get up to 65c before I put the heatsinks on, when I replaced it I couldn't push it past 50. I kept them for the NVMe drive since it's known to have throttling issues even over the SATA M.2.

>Ghost recon wildlands eats up 14gb of ram at 4k
They need to fix their shit it's not even a leak either

>Don't have any upgrades planned for now
how about getting zen down the line and getting rid of that stutter


get rid of that shit


>goyim edition


>Kinda want to get a new mobo, cpu, and gpu
you dont, you're fine


>Ghost recon wildlands
who cares its a shit game that sold like shit that no one plays

got some shit done today. have my ryzen 7 1700 clocked at 3,75ghz on 1.3vcore

I play it with my buds though
Operating is fun man

One more reason not to buy it. Two 1070s only run at 40 FPS, I currently only own one. I can get this game for 5 € in a year.

Really? two 1070s get you 40fps?
I get around 50 at 4k, I only ever drop to 40 when I take off in a helicopter with alot of turf effects around

they weren't memeing Ryzen really doesn't like to be overclocks

it's a lottery afterall dude. my chip is pretty bad to be honest. can't get stable 3,8 on 1.3vcore while other people manage on 1,1875

Where's dual opteron user, or dual xeon user. Haven't seen them post for over a year.

my 1700 at 3.9 needs 1.406V :(

Did major upgrades over the last few months. I love this machine. The cooling set up is ridiculously effective. Top of the case where the 2 exhaust fans are is hot to the touch but the rest is cool. Maintains high clocks
[email protected]
ddr4 3600 cl16 16gb
980 ti 1550mhz
phanteks p400
asus maximus viii hero

oh my oh my.. my unit probably would need as much as this as well, but the temperatures get unbearable when all threads get used.

what's your wattage on hwmonitor like? mine is around 100 watt

this is with the LED off. They look great in person but it's very hard to take a good picture of a computer with a galaxy s4.

You might not want to do that

Started as an i3-2100 and a HD6850. It's been a good friend. Mobo is stupid overkill but I scored it for $80 NIB and sold my used p8p67 for $60.

Stupid question time:

Where are the hard drives?
How many does it fit?


That's some tiny bass there, user.

>Two 1070s only run at 40 FPS

Not him, but couldn't it just be that Nvidiot graphic cards are shit? Tom Clancy: Ghost Recon Wildlands is an Nvidia title with GameWorks, I'm pretty sure it is 110% optimized for Nvidia graphics cards

Wildlands is just badly optimized, pretty sure it's C team level shit
The only gameworks in wildlands is HBAO, Turf effects, and Enhanced godrays, all can be turned off too
For honor was gameworks and that was smooth as butter optimization

everytime i post about maybe buying one every one tells im dumb and it's the same as a sata drive for generall use

I bit the bullet and bought one, everyone calling it a meme is genuinely just jealous
And I hate the people who call others jealous for buying something stupid that's expensive

It seriously is fast as fuck

im gonna buy one and post about it every day in pcbg for 2 weeks, maybe even shilling it a bit. FUck the police

full load is about 130 watts

autism sims like arma 3 and squad exist for that very reason and prob run better as well


Sold my Maximus V for 150 € last year. I got a 5820K bundle for my 3770K parts and got 5 € left from it.

No, just demanding as fuck. I'm talking about 2160p of course. AMD cards would explode in this resolution...
I'm going to disable anything that doesn't give any optical enhancement but I'm not willing to run medium settings on 800 € graphics cards.

I'd recommend keeping turf effects and HBAO on because the standard ambient occlusion in the game is garbage and the grass physics look really nice, but it's up to you in the 5-7FPS drop is worth it

what is that, ft02?

I'm gay and took no effort in taking this pic

The problem is, a single 1070 will run at 20 FPS
I have th same problem in MEA

8 fans not including graphics, jesus how loud is that thing

Don't listen to that guy, the struts are easy to remove.

Really? shit that sucks
My 980ti was in going from 29-35 and it was pissing me off, I can't imagine how you felt

howd you remove them? im the guy with the case. only way i saw possible was to literally cut them out, which i didnt want to do.

PSU has been pretty good, bought it 2nd hand almost 2 years ago, never had a problem, only got it because the white matched my case, the red plugs irk me a bit

Yep, I got 2 hdds in there. You can buy more bracket to add more hdd.

They are designed to be removed or relocated for more cooling options, look for the ends that have a split and pull them apart (hinged) so that you can jiggle them off.

huh. the more you know. thanks. i thought they were riveted in.


enthoo pro

Have any negatives to say about this case? Just looked it up and it looks damn near perfect.

Absolutely nothing besides the drive cages can obstruct the airflow a little in the front but it seriously is nearly perfect


not the user you're looking for but in theory it should be pretty quiet as the fans would never have to ramp up.

GTX 1080
950 Pro

im pretty gud for now I guess

Maybe an SSD for torrents/downloads and thats it or I was thinking of just getting a NAS and off loading storage to it.

>Maybe an SSD for torrents
Not advisable. Lots of small read/writes.

>download torrent onto HDD
>torrent finishes
>move it to SSD for seeding
>enjoy fast random reads, only have to copy the files in one sequential write

or you could just not give a shit since write endurance is much less of a problem than it used to be.

Finished yesterday.
First time using hard tubing, so some pipes are a bit skewed.

who cares ? its only media..
Besides you can just control that in your client settings

I'm current at 17.5TB on my ~1 year old 512GB 950 pro, at this rate its going to take me over 20 years to reach 400TB