Why is there no Pong! on Ubuntu?


sudo apt-get install pong


E: Unable to locate package pong

Seriously, why nobody wrote Pong?

Other urls found in this thread:


sudo apt install pong2

There you go


That's 3D pong playing against a WALL

I don't want that shit

I want the old, retro, black and white pong like in the picture

How fucking hard can it get?


> screensaver
I want to actually play it

Do you think I didn't run
sudo apt-cache search --names-only pong ?

also ran sudo apt-cache search pong but no results either

But you can. I'd give you gif of me doing it, but I don't know how to record to gif.

I installed xscreensaver and xscreensaver-data-extra, no you can't play it

It's an original nameĀ© most likely reserved for some future bullshit program no one will care about.

Program your own, brainlet

Actually, it's "why did nobody write Pong".

Actually, it's "why has nobody written Pong".

Shit, you're right.



You can see a lot of pong implementations all over the internet that you could possible compile & install or execute as-is. They're just about all unmaintained.

Yet nobody bothered to put it on official repo.

It's going to be one beautiful pong.c file and the whole world is going to play it on the year of Linux desktop

I have the atari classic disc for Xbox which has the original pong on it, among other things. Comfy af on a 50 inch TV with friends.

>I have the atari classic disc for Xbox which has the original pong on it, among other things. Comfy af on a 50 inch TV with friends.
Currently writing a better one

Good luck with that

Thanks for your support!

Actually, it's "why hasn't anyone written pong".

GNU/Linux unable to get pong, people going to the bother of creating the game to be able to play it.
This thread should be archived, this is pure gold.

I doubt he's actually going to go through it

Install arch linux

It's in emacs along with tetris and whatnot. at least on my bsd.

Yeah plenty of pongs exist, but RHEL and Debian and Ubuntu repos see no reason to host it.

I always get pissed off when trying to install Chromium on a new Linux box.

sudo apt-get install chromium

Installs some faggot plane shoot em up game.

If I emailed them, would they host my pong on their repo on next release, since there is no stand-alone pong as of right now?