Water hammer
Primitive Technology
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I don't really see any use for this, why not just make a millstone?
Who else fell for this meme?
>i dont' see use for a hammer
>tfw I fell for water hammer meme
behold the superiority of japanese culture
This hammer looks weak as shit.
But this is way too slow to be useful.
We usually use mechanical hammers to aid blacksmiths, but they cannot wait that long, milling stuff is faster to do with a mill and everything else is easier with a smaller handheld hammer.
The only reason this video impresses people is because they don't reveal what they are doing until he is done with the thing.
So few people are capable of doing anything, so even the most simple stuff is fucking magic to them.
his is a water powered hammer called a "Monjolo". It's used for pulverizing materials into powder. I realize it's under powered but built it as a proof of concept. I may make a larger one in future for milling cassava into flour. It could also be used as a stamp mill for crushing minerals up for some type of use. Anything you'd normally use a mortar and pestle for you can use this.
my ears are bleeding now
Have you read the video description?
This guy has objectively the best videos on youtube.
No bullshit intro, no long ranting talks about boring nonsense like sponsors or random trivia shit.
Just straight to the point videos with excellent framing showing exactly what you want to see.
I like this guy.
Relaxing videos.
Best way to escape botnet.
If all botnet content was actually this good I wouldn't give a shit about the botnet part tbqh
are these just decoration or are they actually used for something?
They're used to contemplate the hollowness of Japanese society.
you are weak
He talks about it in the description, and if you turn the subtitles on he explains what he's doing in each shot.
He says in the comments that this one is very weak/slow because it's just his first attempt to make one.
Agreed. I've been watching them since this thread pointed me to his channel.
Clever but useless piece of technology.
Too much slow and too much weak.
It allows him to go do other shits while the hammer grind something, slowly.
This is the main problem on this, it's way too slow to be efficient, but like the previous houses he built, he'll improve the design and shit will be better for him.
So... what steps to improve it?
>Shorter length
>Heavier hammer head
>Different water container
He seems be doing shit extremely inefficiently for someone who should know how tech progressed in history.
But then again, this shit is just for youtube videos to get normies to gawk at and not actually useful for anything.
>Make it shorter
Ever heard about moment of force?
A single WHITE man has built more advanced civilization over the course of a year than all of Africa combined.
Reaaaally makes you think
They were originally used to scare crows and other pests away from crops and gardens, but they are largely decorative now.
Niggers can do the same if they were born in a rich country with plenty of education and nothing better to do than make youtube videos on how to make shitty nigger technology.
Guy's parents are probably rich as fuck and it's how he could get the skills to do this shit in the first place.
It's a proof of concept.
In addition, he also shows how to hollow out logs and drill holes through logs using burnout technique.
I would have used a cam approach though
How would he make the cam though? From clay? There's no way he can shape a piece of wood big enough.
he should learn to shape stone better
The guy owns his own land and all the shit hes built is shit thats available to read in books in most libaries
There was a kid in Africa that built his village a windmill after reading a book on it
99% of niggers in Africa are too stupid to even look at the pictures in a book and figure out how to improve their lives, they would rather continue living like shit
Those are some hot assumptions
I dont think the water would provide enough torque to drive that
I dont think you understand the speed part. Do you realize that this thing can run with no human interaction for 24 hours a day? If he makes a better system that feeds it clay then thats alot of time he can spend doing something else besides hammering.
if you grew up without basic nutrition and no educated people around you, wtf do you expect them do do?
and they are all correct
really makes you think
Try and think "Hmmm, I wonder how I could make my life easier or improve it"
They can't always blame their shit situation on their geography, they could still build a lot of shit that would make their lives better
love you primitive technology!
I see, so eventually it will drill down to the center of the earth. Very clever!
His videos are comfy AS FUCK
I've only subscribed to 4 youtubers
I dont even feel the urge to skip around in his vids
>we usually use mechanical hammers to aid blacksmiths
Power hammers require a lot of energy and modern equivalents are almost always pneumatic in nature. The ancients also built trip hammers with watermills, so it's not inconceiveable to build something with a lot more power. The disadvantage of using a mill would be getting the starting torque and also complexity of design, but is far more efficient and useful. As the aussie said, it's a proof of concept, not a revolutionary design. The entire point of his channel is not to just to showcase the final product but to shed light on manufacturing processes with primitive technology as well.
99% of people on Sup Forums aren't even comfortable with going into the wild and wiping their asses. Stick with graphics cards debates.
>Best way to escape botnet.
>By watching videos literally on a botnet
Have you tried to build anything without food or money?
The reason people don't go in the woods to wipe their ass is because they don't have to.
You are a dumb fuck if you do it willingly.
The style he made was used but in a much larger form.
There's not much he can do to improve the one he has due to water flow.
But yes having a heaver head and a short lever with a large water catch would make it more suitable to passive mineral smashing. To free up time to mine more.
>they don't have to
I'm saying they aren't qualified to understand the challenges in designing these systems with pre-ancient tools.
>There was a kid in Africa that built his village a windmill after reading a book on it
that sounds like a Black Person. Niggers probably came and burned it doing saying it was witchcraft
So what? People don't dig toilets in the woods any more, they don't need to. Useless forgotten tech is only useful for academic purposes.
Also any nigger can learn all this shit in a week if they just read a book on it, it only takes a couple years of working to get the skills to make it but everything technological or mechanical is simple as fuck. It's just not something people want to do with their time, spend a week working a log into shape.
This guy only does it because he gets paid with youtube and patreon money.
What I meant, you literall, was:
>Relaxing videos makes my mind forget and don't worry about botnet so much
Because what this guy does is... Well.. primitive, no "track everyone" electronics.
>This guy only does it because he gets paid with youtube and patreon money.
Yep, my exact reaction.
I highly doubt he only does it for the money.
>This guy only does it because he gets paid with youtube and patreon money.
stop posting, you are making a fool of yourself
This is the big thing for me
Just a dude in the woods making shit
Nothing else.
Its why I also like Almazan kitchen. Two dudes in the woods cooking shit. Nothing else.
Its less about the end result and more of showing off the technology and methods used. A fire boring drill, how to make a flat pick, water channels and how the hammer itself actually functions with the water flow.
The end result isn't as important.
With much more time and effort he could make a much better one that puts down much more force and has a stone hammer head and shit
>Niggers can do the same if they were born in a rich country with plenty of education
have you even seen a black man? they act like they just came from the jungle with 200 years of civilisation and handouts
So all those years of European colonization and they didn't learn a thing.
Why is he making videos otherwise?
People enjoy sharing their hobbies
The guy has a full time job anyway
So he is doing it for attention then.
Depending on the size of water wheel, the flow rate of the stream, and the amount of friction reduction he could implement.
Lots of variables to consider.
You're implying the intentions of colonization are altruistic.
What do you do?
Seems like you are posting for attention.
this is his first shitty one
if he builds 5 more they'll all be more powerful and they can all be running while he's doing other things. Even as is he could be like "ah shit I need to get this stone pulverized but I also gotta take a dump, I'll just leave this stone in the water hammer for now" and then he gets back and the stones are pulverized and his big fat rectum has no more poopy in it
Waiting on your series then.
Just like in anime.