Whats their endgame?

Whats their endgame?

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ban everyone and make it a platform for SJWs to bash Trump

#FREEICE TriHard haHAA hehe xd

Since they're owned by amazon now they're not really trying to go for money grubbing bullshit right now, they just want to develop a service and platform millions of gamers use daily or weekly.

whether it's the twitch app on the desktop to web chat with a friend or you're watching a streamer. As long as you're using their services they're happy.


to outjew google

FREE MY TriHard ICE cmonBruh

Literally who


a popular IRL streamer, has an extremely toxic "commuinty" that is constantly causing trouble for anyone ice-poseidon comes in contact with.

"and now this" referring to someone calling a bomb threat onto a plane he was boarding, resulting in a SWAT team being called in

Don't forget that he got permabanned about 16 hours ago

Seems to be for the best imho

Still nothing saying he got permabanned.

maybe he should get a real job then


except for his girlfriend (the tweet got deleted)

I've lost all hope for humanity if people on this website unironically follow cancerous ecelebs.

hes 40k in debt to the irs

he was making 1k a day playing video games
1k a fucking day
playing video games
$1000 a day

He makes more money than most people, so meh?

One the streamers I watch recently passed 7,000 regular steady subscribers.

At $2.50-3 each, that''s at minimum around $17,500 a month, just from subs. This streamer also makes usually $300-500 per day from donations, and occasionally as high as $2-3k per day in donations. He streams 5 days a week, so that's an extra ~$2,500-6,000 per week.

He's making upwards of $23k a month, and he's not even one of the biggest streamers. Certainly smaller than ice.

I follow one ironically.

Oh man you have no idea how bad it is.

I have no idea what that site even is or what people do on it. I just want to make shekels like that.

How do?

too late

Kids and Sup Forums tier losers *literally* wire you money for playing videogames on a webcam stream.

If you're an amazon prime subscriber you get a free twitch subscription every month ($5 value).

I have never paid for subscriptions, but I use that for streamers I watch so I can give them some support.

Playing video games isn't a real job no matter what you say

Any one of their parents failed at raising their children

What's the difference between "e" celebrities and non-"e" celebrities? Also,
>implying everyone who's streaming on Twitch is cancer
That's just a mindless generalization. Granted, most people who got a big following are catering to the worst possible target audience (teenagers). But there's still some genuinely entertaining streamers out there who just don't get much attention because they're 30-somethings who are streaming for other 30-somethings.

I don't understand why are you going there for their inside drama, i know they did some shit decisions but you are acting like a kid who deliberately put his hand dogshit and now he's feeling disgusted, who even goes to twitch if hes not interested in competitive games, and events related to vide games, going to twitch specifically for streamer drama and sjw shit even though for the purpose of shitting on them is just giving them audience and is equally contributing in spreading the cancer
If you go to twitch without the intention of watching competitive video games or related events you are also cancer and a kid who's whinning after watching shit drama and criticizing it

If you can make in 3 years what another makes in 15 years, why the fuck would you get a "real" job?

The best streamers are pulling in upwards of $750,000 a year.

>"get a real job"
T. unionized baby boomer making $30 an hour for pressing a bunch of buttons on a computer program you don't understand


Well, this is Sup Forums after all

I stopped watching after they introduced that annoying shit that blocks the stream and asks you to log in.
Fuck that shit.

>Well, this is Sup Forums after all
Uh... no it's not.


how new are you?

you know that streaming has 0 job security right? turn 12 you fucking millennial.

Oh fuck you. Like there's an actual way to know when someone's kidding, memeing, or being just plain stupid here.

To end all games

So fucking what? It's not like these are 35 year olds leaving a career for this shit, these are kids in school or just out of school finding a way to make real money quickly.

Nothing prevents them from getting a "real" job as you say, after their streaming careers have waned.

Again, why the fuck would i get a "real" job if im bringing in $200k+ a year playing games?

>People like to fuck with other people
>Be amazed that you are being fucked with
Do this people live in la-la-land or what the fuck?

streaming online video

its currently the same situation youtube was in. People like videos and there was no competition. People either got lucky or put in a fuck ton of work and are now youtube famous.

However internet quality improved and now people have the ability to live stream. Instead of watching a small non-live video on youtube, they can watch an endless feed of their favorite entertainment. Not to mention youtube is also fucking over their channels and giving them less advertising money, while twitch is making it the norm to have people donate to streamers.

While it is not as hard to make a living off youtube as it is from twitch, its still very hard, and its only going to get harder and harder as time goes on. You can still however make it by being lucky, or trying really hard.

Pretty much, there are 2 main ways of making money. The first is the more reliable way, which is "donations". Its not really a donation at all, and its usually paying to have your message pop up on stream and have the streamer read/answer/laugh at/hear it. Here is an example youtube.com/watch?v=hI-uxmSeCo0 . (you pay some $$ and give a message and the robot lady will say the message to the streamer)

>literally checked whether I am on Sup Forums
>nope, still on Sup Forums
This belongs to Now gtfo


The other way is subscriptions, where people pay $5 to twitch and twitch gives them some shit, and the streamer receives an amount of that $5 (they arn't allowed to disclose how much they get but it seems to be about 2.5-3) and then the streamer can decide to give these subscribers additional perks (like access to a private discord or shit like that)

Lets look at two streamers who make money off twitch. One is b0aty, who plays runescape and has been for a long long time. When he started, he didn't have many viewers, but because twitch was relatively underpopulated with streamers at that time, he gained a following faster than you would currently. Eventually, he saw the potential and dropped out of college to stream runescape full time. So far, it has been very successful for him.

The other streamer (who is what some of these posts in this thread is about) got lucky. His name is Ice_piss and he is the leader of the purple army. A new game was released (deadman mode on runescape) that was pvp almost everywhere and you lost all your good shit on death. Because of this, no one wanted to stream the game, because if you did it would be easy as fuck for people to come and kill you. Ice_piss however, was not scared of dying, so he streamed the game, and because he was the only one playing this game people wanted to see, he gained a following quite quickly (he also died a lot ingame, enough to have a 1 hour compilation of all his deaths youtube.com/watch?v=c7WHVM8L13I ).

last continuation

Another thing that contributed to his fame was how fucked he was. He streamed in his work clothes (he always had a tie on), used a 1 ear headpiece for sound, used a shitty mic, mouse, laptop, constantly did weird actions such as throwing his hand up in the air and moving it around and flicking his tounge back and forwards, all while being ganked by 3 teams at once in game, and talking about how he fucked 6 girls but 2 of them were actually dudes in the end. What allowed him to make so much money however, was donations. Because Ice was clumsy and always trying to do 3 things at once, people dontated messages containing racist jokes and other shit that was ban-able on twitch. Ice also did song requests and of course, people would take songs, add the word nigger to the drop, reupload the song and send it to ice, who would play it thinking it was the real song. Some smart people abused the fact that he only heard sound through one ear due to his ear peice and would send songs that contained the normal song in the left channel, and the word nigger being repeated over and over again in the right channel.
And all this shit would happen at once. Heres a vid youtube.com/watch?v=0imo7VfPki0 , but this vid is after he unfucked some of his shit (his stream quaility, once piece earset, and accidently playing racist songs)

well, you are true about the parent situation for the streamer these people are talking about. His parents pretty much hate him, but its kinda understandable because he has fucked over their lives.

Twitch discussion is banned on Sup Forums

polite sage

If I knew an actor having troubles to find a job I would just tell him or her to create an interesting character and stream on twitch. These guys seem to have the most success right now.

Are threre popular streamers who don't use a fucking webcam? It annoys the shit out of me, I don't want to watch some random guy, I just want to see the game



Neither does driving a truck, working as an accountant or working in a factory according to machine learning fetishists on this board.

If they're versatile entertainers they'll make do somehow.

Enviosity, Demoon9, DasMehdi


he said it

overwatch streams

the nose knows

>hand cams

So you care more about your title than what you actually get paid to live on? Holy shit, what an asslicker. As long as something isn't degrading, if it pays well I'll do it. What is the attraction in having an interesting fucking title going to do for me?

well for starters when you lose your job you will actually have something to write down on your cv

a monetized justin.tv

Just like when TV hosts get fired they have nothing for the CV right?

Moron, they're online entertainment personalities, that 100% is CV worthy.

Can cunny make big bucks streaming games? Asking for a friend.

Being a TV host is a real job and gets you real (((connections))) that don't even require a CV. Streaming at best opens doors to other streamers because there is no real industry like with TV.

Welcome to the big dick club

The old media is dying. Their recent bitter fight against Youtube proves it
I seriously believe old TV channels will have to drastically change the content they deliver.
When that time comes, having "professional streamer" on your CV will land you a well paying job in a TV studio.

Yeah, brand new industry that is just making inroads in the last 2-3 years, no fucking shit there isn't established industry yet, they're literally making it.

start shilling the streams on Sup Forums and you'll see

That fucker had his community raid and fuck with Terry Davis

Not cool

wtf I love Sup Forums now!?!?

To get all their interesting streamers banned and fully submit to ESPORTS

Glad to see twitch cracking down on autists like Ice Poseidon.

>don't lie to me, goy! i can smell that unused twitch prime subscription on you from a mile away

TV is an established business. Everyone has a TV, everyone watches TV.

Whereas streaming is just a couple of years old and has no audience over 18 years old.

They have 2 beds in their place now that she is there. Before that, there was only 1 bed. The guy is a total fucking loser and never fucked that girl. He got kissed by her once but refused to kiss her anymore because it was on cam.

>watermelon and chicken restaurant

is this some low key racism or do these actually exist? europoor asking

#freeice hehe Cx

>everyone watches TV


I wish that twitch.tv never existed in the first place.

It was fun at the start when it was all about the games and truly entertaining content. Nowadays the streamers try to find new ways to milk money out of their underage viewers. Only half of the stream video is actually gameplay. The other half is a facecam and an overlay with dollar/euro amounts as encouragement to get the people's names said.
And dont get me started on the obnoxious donation and sub messages in the middle of the stream which obscure the thing I visit the stream for - the gameplay.

Twitch even spread to other websites like Youtube where it met it's peer in low quality but money making content (Let's Plays). If you go to Youtube to find informative videos you are more than half of the time promted with stream overlays and money signs.

And no, do not get me started on twitch chat.


Sell out normie-tier site imo.

I'm so happy about what happened to Ice.
The best case scenario is that Ice is permabanned and ends up in the streets not being able to do anything else while still living with unreasonable standards, and the swatter goes to jail.

Oh man this makes me too irrationally happy.

He shouldn't be allowed to use Ika as avatar. Doesn't deserve it.

I dont even have a TV anymore, I've not had cable in 4 years.

Streaming and torrents. What the fuck are you even doing with your life?

>a company run by ultra SJW Liberals from San Fransisco


You haven't answered the important question. How much do you make in your wage slave "real job"? Is it less than $1000 a day?

wait really? what the hell

>Let's Plays
Let's Plays predate Twitch by a very long time. They grew out of Something Awful.

this is 'Asik' the 17 year old polish skiddie from the RaidFroums who called in the bomb threat on Ice the other day

To spread the gay? Coulda fooled me user

The unfunny donations filled with inside jokes and forced memes are the worst (see: all of them). I can't watch streams due to this, even with the smaller streamers. It might even be worst with the smaller streamers since they have to force a laugh whenever they get a donation in order to seem friendly.

>they're not really trying to go for money grubbing bullshit right now
Except they are, now more than ever.

Sometime in the past year they launched a Twitch-branded version of donations (Bits) so that they could siphon money off people wanting to donate, instead of that siphoned money going to a third-party site like TwitchAlerts/Streamlabs.

Just recently they launched tiered subscriptions. Basically, previously your only option to financially support a streamer on a monthly, autobilled-basis was was a $4.99 subscription which gave you access to emoticons (think emoji) and a special badge in the subscribed channel's chat. Now, there are $9.99 and $24.99 tiers, each with an additional emoticon.

Additionally, they added the affiliate program, which incentivizes more people to stream by giving them the ability to receive donations through Twitch (Bits). More people buying Bits = more money for Twitch. They also get access to making emotes for their channel.

Note that there is a difference between Twitch's own donation system (Bits) and a PayPal donation. First of all, Twitch gets a cut. Second of all, the donator gets a special badge next to their name in that streamer's Twitch chat that indicates how much they've cumulatively donated (less than $1, $1-$10, $10-$50, and so on all the way up to $1k). They've also added more tiers to these Bit badges since they introduced them, exclusively in the $100+ range. (e.g., $100-$250, $250-$500, etc.) Much like Steam gamified profiles with profile levels, Twitch has gamified donations with Bit badges.


It's no different from trying to break into Hollywood, really. Either get extremely lucky or grind for years, streaming 5+ hours per day, 5 days a week, earning nothing aside from scattered donations of $1 or $5 for the first year, then earning maybe $100/month for the next few years if (not when) you get partner.

Even if you're really, really good at whatever game you play.
Even if you're really funny.
Even if you're an attractive girl.

This and starting to build a platform that ties their store to a streamers game so viewers can buy the game the streamer is playing.

All in all, I like twitch for watching esportz, but the donation shit is cancerous. Nothing is more cringy than streamers pretending to be friends with viewers just because they gave them money.

If you are not a Twitch partner already you missed the boat. Affiliates are sheep to be shorn.