What does Sup Forums think of this?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
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It's boring.
Looks like a botnet.
The world isn't ready for a schway cyberpunk future. Plus, the only place that would benefit from things like this are the places where traffic is really fucking bad.
Aaand how do you justify the massive cost of digging up the massive network of tunnels? Also, I assume those pods that carry cars are electric? Another massive cost of developing an electrocal network to power them.
>how do you justify the massive cost of digging up the massive network of tunnels?
Posh bourgeoise pushing forward technology, just like with planes and cars and trains
This is basically a subway except catastrophically inefficient.
Imagine this but every individual is the size of a car and has to pop up into the road surface(!) of a busy street
That's fucking retarded.
I'm sick of people trying to solve the traffic problem in metropolitan zones with this scifi fantasy horseshit. The real solution is to use existing public fucking transportation networks. Take the bus or the subway for once.
this. and better zone planning to limit urban sprawl
It's a twist on the idea of using train cars to ferry cars from place to place.
>Muh liberal mass transit system is betta!
>[ruptures countless gas and water lines]
>Muh liberal mass transit system is betta!
I can't even afford a car, the bus does me fine in my daily life. This has nothing to do with politics.
Seems like the cost/benefit ratio would be completely fucked.
Damn you are so blind and sucking down that propaganda. The entire point of mass transit is to centralize people. It's much easier to control the populace that way. The main reason major cities tend to be such liberal shit holes.
he's probably american and needs his big truck for his small wang
t. cletus, his own sons uncle
He's very awkward, but so am I to about the same degree if I start overthinking things.
So you'd rather have gridlock? A city can't even function with bad enough traffic. I live in the Greater Toronto Area (I don't work or live directly in Toronto thankfully) and I know first hand how fucking awful gridlock can be and its effect on the overall economy. It can turn a 45 minute commute into 2 hours, that's less free time for you, less energy for work, and more gas money. It's fucked, it's not good.
The better question is why you feel the need to conform to the populace that "needs" to work in a city?
what. cities developed long before mass transit. lookup why brownstones developed - too much horse shit
>I heard you like subways, so we put yo car into subway
>it usually takes a city 30-40 years to get a decent subway system going
>somehow we're going to have a massive interlinked underground network in like 15
>don't improve for those vehicles
>improve for these vehicles
Your solution is tried and tested to be pretty fail on it's own.
Millions of people, each with their own route and destination.
> trillion bus routes
It's not either or. You can improve shit for lots of vehicles. Buses, cars, trains etc...
Pedestrians could do with a motorized walkway to quickly transport them places too.
>not instead of
>as well as
Because even outside the city cars are fucking expensive. I only make just over minimum wage and I don't live in my parents' basement. Besides, traffic can still get horrendous outside Toronto and its even more infuriating because public transportation costs even LESS outside the city than inside the city. I know people who live within walking distance of work who drive there regardless, it's a fucking mental illness if you ask me.
but cars can ferry cars from place to place. with more flexible routing options and lighter infrastructure
>>Muh liberal mass transit system is betta!
Yay politics thanks for ruining literally everythings
Japan has one of the busiest and yet most efficient public transportation networks on the planet, if we in the west can't even match that with a fraction of the population density then we are fucking retarded.
I think it's also because these euro cities developed before the automobile
You are so brainwashed it's sad. Cities have always been political centers. Or religious.
Cars offer self provided safety and independence. Two things liberals hate.
he mention's that in the video, infact it's the main talking point
By costing $10 per use obviously
>self provided safety
Wew, that's a laugh, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in every western nation on Earth.
They provide independence insofar as you can afford gas, insurance, have a clean license, don't break traffic laws and are not stuck in gridlock. Such freedom.
nice project but we should have started over 50 years ago
>car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in every western nation on Earth.
Propaganda. Heart disease is multitudes more deadly as far as preventable death goes in 1st would areas. Cancer also.
>They provide independence insofar as you can afford gas, insurance, have a clean license, don't break traffic laws and are not stuck in gridlock. Such freedom.
You can for the time still go from point A to B freely.
They were economic centres before that, for practical reasons. Of course religion and politics would concentrate on wealth centers. It's common sense. I really don't see the need for a conspiracy here.
ah yep I commented before seeing the second half. good vid
>hole stays open, people drive in because they are retarded
>car doesn't have enough time to stay securely in the platform, it's going 200km/h, when it stops abruptly the car slides off
>huge queues behind the car to get into that one spot
Different road levels are a good idea, it's basically multi-threading of processes, but it's expensive and still suffers jams at entrance/exit points. Doing it on a platform for a single car is inefficient and dangerous.
Why won't America just invest in trains? It's the right answer. Get enough train and subway lines and cars are absolutely pointless. Look at Tokyo.
>They were economic centres before that, for practical reasons.
Very rarely when you're talking about the largest cities. Otherwise you'd see the largest cities at the largest ports. You generally don't.
Political and religious reasons play greater roles in the larger cities. From Rome to NYC that has held true.
why even use a fucking car
this is literally just a shitty subway concept
They are so infatuated with their cars that they'd rather invent trains for their cars than trains for themselves.
>waiting for trains
>buying train tickets
>sitting in trains with random strangers
>slow as fuck boii
>stopping every 5 minutes
>walk to and from stations
when will the trains meme die
communal transport has always existed but it has always been for the lower classes
Looks horrifying. How long before someone walking along staring at their phone falls into it?
cars are still useful. in cities, we just need to make them smaller and semi autonomously manage traffic flow. have you notcied in commute gridlock, most cars only have one person in them? but they're designed for five, and take up more space. we'd get higher through put if they were smaller. see motorbikes as a solution in overpopulated asian cities. make them electric, enclosed, and auto-managed in such a way as to avoid traffic shockwaves youtube.com
They did show a passenger vehicle.
Of course, this is still just a shitty subway concept either way.
On a busy workday I can take a train into Toronto and be there before someone taking a car from the same place simply due to heavy traffic. This is what happens when you have too many commuters, it is exactly the Japanese decided to turn Tokyo into a massive metro network, and it evidently works very well.
shit cgi.
Looks like a 9 year olds science project.
Both Rome and NYC had very favourable locations.
Neither were the largest trade centers. Far from it.
this is so goddamn fucking stupid.
elon should stick to rockets and tesla
I know right. I really like the guy, but this is a misstep. His master plan for Tesla (autonomous cars) is the way to go. He's smart, so it makes me think he might be having a laugh or distracting his competition.
>live in a city
>can't afford a car
How can you afford to live in a city then?
New York is an ideal port and Rome was an ideal military base.
very little though has been put into this
It's not meant to be realistic. I kinda like the miniature/diorama look it has.
why build another vehicle to carry a vehicle which can already propel itself?
just lower the car into the tunnel and have it drive automatically
How will this keep up with traffic volume?
More efficient to have a machine "drive"
Not possible. also
You know what the biggest problem facing modern cities is? Too few cars.
are you being ironic?
it's called taking the piss, autanon
The real estate underground is essentially free. Roads are congested, wasting everybody's time.
What makes or breaks this is the expense of drilling tunnels. If he can bore the tunnels cheaply, then it might be feasible in huge cities. But probably only in huge cities...
>muh dick
>take train
>get beheaded
no thanks
>muh truck
I drive a small grocery getter. Maybe you should stop thinking in leftist memes user. This isn't a 2006 episode of The Daily Show.
that's good user, having a small benis is okay if you don't overcompensate
I think you are paid to post this.
Also it's retarded. Why would you build an entire infrastructure to move cars when cars are literally made to move THEMSELVES.
We don't have enough resources to make this remotely usable.
Cars will be lazy NEET and spend all day in the basement.
By not paying needing to pay extra monthly for driving insurance + car note + typical car maintenance + gas every month?
Instead he pays a flat fee (or in some cities a bundled package) for the trips he takes on public transportation.
Like I mean, I get it, you don't live in the city, you don't understand that inner urban traffic by car is abysmal, especially in dense cities like Denver or New York City, and you _think_ it's somehow a more sound idea to pay through the nose for a personal vehicle that has 4 seats (which will likely only ever occupy your own lonely ass) and has the liability of getting totaled just because some retard in inner urban traffic hit your vehicle.
But can you withhold your autism and like understand for a moment that public transportation is a system that works and is _commonly_ used by inner city peoples with effective results?
>like a train, except every 1-4 people going in or out has a delay of a couple minutes as we move their car up and down
>car goes down
>big ass hole in the road
>another car goes down... accidentally
>muh dick
japan was built with those needs in mind. much of the rest of the world would need to retro fit their infrastructure
you don't, you need the buses to drop people off within 10 blocks of their destination, and have people waiting no longer than 10 minutes from last departure.
New york is 300 square miles, to hit every spot within 10 blocks you would need 600 busses, because of the sheer size, you could likely get a fuckload more.
now the most effective way to handle the busses would be pickup routes to drop people off at major bus stops, where they would then take a different bus to arrive in major areas, possibly go from one bus hub to another that has more specialized routes. so at most you would need 3 busses to get to any given area in the city.
with less traffic, this would be effective.
possibly if the city was built for it from the ground up and electric buss that just goes up and down the street all fucking day, every mile or so it stops to pick people up or drop them off, then you have them going cross roads too, that would be even faster pick up and go but potentially more busses.
realistically, transportation, public transportation in a city should be paid for entirely by businesses as they stand to gain and loose the most from shitty transportation.
>building the subway is absolutely free and easy
>let's build thousands of subway tunnels all over the city because it would be cool
This is what you get when you mix female millennials and Liberal Arts degrees I guess.
because its impossible to do trains in america.
planes are faster and have less bullshit attached to them, going backwards is not going to happen.
besides we have the road infrastructure, once electric cars come along we will kind of have personal trains imagine renting an electric car to go cross country, it makes it 300-600 miles on its charge, and parks somewhere it can be charged, you get out to go into the next car, so on so forth, sleeping or doing other shit while you are driven to your destination. all for almost fucking pennies because there is very little cost in using electricity, and no massive infrastructure you are subsidizing and with likely multiple companies doing shit like this with electric cars, you got competition.
only in america because passenger trains burrow the transport train rails.
Musk is a 10xer. He will make tunnel boring 10x less expensive, mark my words.
*get the state to pay for the 9/10
red bill me on leon musk
gettin real sick of these retarded ideas desu