I'm 19 and I just applied for my first job. It's a Junior Java Dev in a small startup company, the interview is next week. What should I expect?
I'm 19 and I just applied for my first job. It's a Junior Java Dev in a small startup company...
they will ask you about your dick size make sure to represent it with a floating point decimal
Startups can be a mess. Expect them to work you to the bone and the company may not even succeed. Be crystal clear on how you're getting paid and when, and do everything possible to follow the company's progress.
Yeah, startups rarely succeed, but it's good for job experience.
the startup i work at is fucking up round the clock but still manages to stay alive. either we have the most leanient customers ever or they are taking massive loans somewhere
not getting hired because you're a worthless fuck who didn't have a job before 19
"hmm this guy looks pretty talented but he didn't have a shitty part-time job in high school, better not hire him"
Enjoy being NEET.
>what is responsibility
>what is accountability
Lol, I got my first job just by listing GitHub projects
This probably. I mean come user I atleast worked at Target for a year when I was in high school so I could have spending money.
Expect Java
go to fucking college you retarded piece of shit
oh wait, if you're 19 and not there already then you've already fucked your life
neck yourself or enjoy your mcjob
19 here and already automated my income
How does it feel to be less than?
>already automated my income
"Why haven't you gone to college?"
...seems like the obvious question to prepare for.
bring lip balm and baby oil
>didn't go to uni
>first job
Good fucking luck mate. You have no idea how the world works, do you?
This so much. Be very careful and hammer out ANY uncertainties regarding vacations, overtime , pay and everything else in a solid contract before signing up.
If it gets comfortable and relevant, discuss your role in the future and possibilities for futher development / positions if it is successful
pick only 1
sorry to hear this is why you got rejected user, but not everyone is a 400 pound tumble fuck who has te vent his anger here. i hope you get the job OP. startups are a great way to get your CV going since they will want you to build many different things you can list on your CV.
OP here, stop projecting you dumbfucks. Yes, I did work at warehouse during summer, but I meant first "field related" job. I also go to uni, this will be only part-time job
I've been employed since I was 15 years old because I'm not a worthless faggot millennial who wants the world handed to them on a silver platter
Kek, what kind of loser considers jobs like "butter pourer at local theater" a first job?
Expect questions:
1) Difference between value and reference.
2) Sorting algorithms, boolean search.
3) OOP principles.
4) Why RuntimeExceptions are so special.
5) Convention about hashcode and equals.
There may be some whiteboard coding.
OR if you are lucky they we just have a friendly chat with you.
most employers
Circus clowns
You list it on your resume if you have nothing better, but I've never met anyone that doesn't call the job after getting their advanced stem degree their first job.
obviously you wouldn't put irrelevant high school jobs on your first "professional" application. but there are way to many kids graduating high school that have never even participated in the work force at all, which is worrisome because those first jobs are where you learn the basics of time management and general responsibility
jesus, did your fedora fall off while typing that ?
Angry birds.
>inb4 the first question: BAVI or BANTI?
birds simply are not important
not getting hired
and why is that ?
I'm 21 and hadn't had a job until a month ago when I got hired by the best IT company in my country. Don't listen to these retards.
Expect the (((whiteboard))).
>pick only 1
Spring is still very popular. A lot of startups use Spring + Scala for their "startup cred" and enterprise will use it with plain Java because it makes managers feel comfy with something they know.
the us sounds like a terrible place to live
>junior pro web dev here
funnily enough I never heard of this fizzbuzz thing before, it took me less than 2 minutes to solve it?
what's so hard about it
and you failed
At my company, they let us know all of our customers.
nah, I didn't
or if I did, I would appreciate if you mansplained me how so, I think you're just trolling me
at least you made me make sure my solution was valid
your code looks like shit which is more important than what it does
> Junior Java Dev
I'd be very wary of a company hiring some kid fresh out of high school with no real world experience for a fucking junior position.
How the hell can you even be eligible for an entry position if you haven't even gotten a degree yet.
Make sure to buy some body paint to make yourself look Indian
lol oh boy i love how that's the exact opposite of what (our) clients care about
stay neet, weeb
>How the hell can you even be eligible for an entry position if you haven't even gotten a degree yet.
Not OP here, but has it seriously reached the point where even basic programmers are required to have a degree?
If we are talking about a lead or design position, okay, but even for the grunt work?
I'm studying CS, and I don't see how most of what I learn would be an absolute requirement for programmers.
>for a fucking junior position
Isn't Junior the lowest possible position? I've started learning Java in highschool and I have already taken both Java classes, that are required in bachelor degee. My math teacher said he worked at AVG when he was 16, so degree probably doesn't mean so much.
>if you're 19 and not there already then you've already fucked your life
Is this true?
your clients are devs who have to maintain spaghetti code like yours