Why haven't you coded your own OS in Assembler yet?
>MenuetOS is a pre-emptive, real-time and multiprocessor Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language
Why haven't you coded your own OS in Assembler yet?
>MenuetOS is a pre-emptive, real-time and multiprocessor Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language
Because I just started learning 6502 assembly yesterday
Why haven't you soldered your own hardware yet?
Why haven't you smelted your own metal yet?
Why haven't you mined your own ores yet?
Why are you on Sup Forums ?
Why haven't you created your own atomic-universes with atomic-slavecucks running on mechanical machines to generate energy for you?
Because reddit is down
Lol, I love cartoons too xDDDDDD
How many dicks have you sucked?
>holding the solder iron on the hot part
Probably more than you fuccboii
No doubt, homo
Do you swallow?
You're going to get me banned again with that lewd talk; but yes.
Going back to the OP though, only a straight up buffoon would waste his time trying to make his own OS. It's just not practical. At most you'll end up with a portfolio piece.
>m-muh bragging rights
Kill yourself if this is why you do it.
Just write drivers for linux or something if you really want to do low end stuff, at least it's pragmatic.
Show me your dick
You first fuccboii; no but that's not allowed on Sup Forums.
Stay on topic you fuckhead.
Because assembly change with architecture, so no partability -> waste of time
x86 has been used for like 4 decades. It's not going anywhere.
I value my time and I'm not a neet
>I lack the ability
>It would be more insecure than an OS with multiple developers anyway
>I have better things to do
Done all three
would there be major benefits to it?
Where did anyone say anything about x86, how long it's been around, or where it's going to go?
How do you code in assembler? That's like coding in compiler.