Why you doesn't use Fedora Linux 25, Sup Forumseeks?
Why you doesn't use Fedora Linux 25, Sup Forumseeks?
Because fedoras are for fat faggots.
Forced systemd,selinux
>Sup Forumseeks
is this a cringe thread?
I use Antergos.
But I do. Best OS there is.
Because there's really no reason to distro-hop when you've found a distro you like, since it's really all the same shit with different package managers and small differences that made you chose your favorite distro in the first place.
I think Ubuntu GNOME offers a more comfortable desktop experience with few differences in terms of UI.
>Why you doesn't use
Because Manjaro is better for me.
english isn't my first language asshole
I'm running F26 Alpha. Pretty damn good desu.
Debian fags are inseparable from their frankenstein afterbirth of an OS
show me a screenshot of chrome or chromeium running on wayland gnome
i entered the Void
because it does not have a user friendly graphics driver options, so it just ends up spamming noveau errors and boot/shut down. Easily solvable on Ubuntu.
I do.
Best distro.
It will run faggot.
Because I am not a Red Hat employee and GNOME is utter garbage.
I'm using fedora minimal with openbox. It's pretty comfy.
comfiest arch distro ever released.
I can't give up Arch. They put a spell on me, and now every distro feels slow and hard to use. Often Arch pisses me up, but whiting 2h I'm back to it all apologizing.
It works flawlessly without doing anything... have you actually tried it?
What you say is overall true, but there are real differences between distros: how upstream manages packages and updates, how they implement security... there are people who care about these things.
Fedora is backed by Red Hat, who like it or not are the ones who push forward Linux the most nowadays. With Fedora, you get the latest kernels, the latest packages, Wayland by default, preconfigured SELinux, tons of security features (fedoraproject.org
>tfw I wasted a month trying most distributions available, including Arch, Void, Gentoo and Slackware
>back to Fedora, happy as ever
Why torture myself if I can use something perfect.
Right? My first Linux distro was Fedora (as an 11 yo). I tried Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, SUSE and others but I'd always come back to fedora. It just almost always worked no matter what hardware I had out the box.
What's the state of Fedora spins? I love Fedora but I'd want to experience other DE's as well.
you have mental disorder
using the mate spin daily, at work and at home. it's slick, lean and fully supports arc-theme too
Thanks, MATE is my favorite DE and Fedora is my favorite distribution. I'm not just taking Fedora as my main Linux distro, I'm also tossing Windows completely.
A bit stressed about the upgrade. All the third party repositories are aimed for Fedora 25, how difficult will upgrading be?
upgrading from 24 to 25 won't be an issue
Meant from 25 to 26 after it comes out.
Not an excuse
if you are about to switch the de, than I would consider a fresh install, simply to erase the gnome artifacts and to start from scratch
Budgie Remix here. Gnome is Xfeces tier.
their upgrade process is solid, thanks to dnf
Because I use fedora 26.
I do.
0.5 euros have been deposited in your account Lennart
Thanks! Installing Fedora MATE 25 now. Hopefully this will fulfill all my needs and stop me from distribution hopping for the foreseeable future.
I was already satisfied with Debian MATE and Arch MATE though. I should learn to settle down.
NSA shill, just die already.
Don't you have anything better to do?
please tell me thats a female with a real vagina
That's a real female with a real vagina.
Because the word Linux not preceded by GNU/ or GNU+ triggers my autism.
Apart from Ubuntu is a botnet with telemetry, even without Unity.
>Backed by corporation
>Backed by corporation
I use both all the time though.
He said Antergos, not Manjaro
If I install Ubuntu server and then install minimal GNOME on top of it, will it still be botnet and contain telemetry? Or was that just the Unity Desktop Environment?
Because Red Hat has a raging boner for (((systemd)))
because it's not Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition 18.1 'Serena'
i'm pretty happy with gentoo desu, openrc is great and modern compilation times are negligible
It's sad to see fedora being used by faggots l, it used to be the distro for superior bleeding edge users who doesn't give a fuck about opinions
>caring about what other people use for operating systems
fucking what?
I'm about to install linux on my xps 13. convince me to use fedora please.
What does Fedora have over Ubuntu or Ubuntu based distros?
People can open shit using my IP.
You saw what
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Up-to-date packages. Everything in Ubuntu is years old.
Because debian exists
Debian is insecure garbage, at least use *buntu variant if you like apt and .deb packaging.
I would rather use stable debian over ubuntu with its anal probes
>Dnf install Firefox
>It installs gnome end the adwaita cursos theme
Manjaro and antergos are the same fucking thing
Bored of try flavor after flavor of Linux after 17 years, nothing against the distro really
You got a point m8, I was talking about the meme when everyone talk about how good their distros this is the first time I see fedora user asking for opinions
Why don't I just install Windows Vista?
Not the same thing. Same base OS but not the same...
Hello (((Isaac)))
Why are jews using Fedora? Whats your endgame?
Hila ? Hila from h3h3 ?
Learn to image search
Reverse image search.
I can't right now, but thank you.
Because arch linux is a well crafted stable distribution for professionals.
Fedora users: what's the latest version found in your official repos for
Just curious
bad XFCE support, I need XFCE to let my system look like Windows 95
Only one of those fits arch.
>0 results
WTF gee
*tips fedora*
centos master race reporting in.
Manjaro is a distro with a bunch of custom shit. Antergos is literally just easy mode Arch.
Manjaro-chroot vs arch-chroot
check it for yourself
>bleeding edge