Why are you still using that chinkpad with a shitty screen?
Why are you still using that chinkpad with a shitty screen?
external monitor
>what is pixel density
>what is color calibration
>implying that pic is real world
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
thats a cat
My thinkpad has an IPS mod
it's more important that the screen not be glossy
nice photoshop
go away awoo your literally retarded
chuwi hibook pro - 2560x1600 laminated IPS at 10"
Macbook is not very reflective. It is completely readable against a window, even if it's glossy. Best of both worlds
>>Macbook is not very reflective. It is completely readable against a window
"not very" reflective is not good enough. The problem here isn't "there's so much glare that I can't read the screen", the problem is that "any visible glare is very distracting". Even good glossy screens still have glare.
you have autism
And you have Stockholm syndrome.
Rood, not even namefagging and you found me out…
i still prefer my screen to be in color
I can tell by how dumb ur posts are
If that was a true comparison both images would look the same on a tn monitor but the right image looks flawless.
user, I didn't know you were into bestiality.
i made this image a bit exaggerated, so you can see on your shitty screen
But my Thinkpad has a 1600x1200 IPS display.
but user, cute feminine boys are the best~
chinkpads are deprecated
HP EliteBooks are now the official recommended Sup Forums brand
>buy new tablet
>cat pushes it off the shelve
>no tablet
and I am never gonna get one again
should've gone with rugged tablet
No, I'm using a chinkpad with a high resolution IPS screen.
>unironically using a Huelel Fudgepackard