Screenfetch / Neofetch / Uptime - Thread

Screenfetch / Neofetch / Uptime - Thread






you're sickowo in the head

don't bully her

please leave

really nice song




damn thing crashed last night when i was playing an eroge. was up for 2 weeks before then.

>windows 10
>uptime fag

I don't pay 10 bucks a month that is for niggerfaggots
me and 5 of my mates split the family plan for 15 a month for the 5 of us, so i pay 3 dollars a month.

kill me yourself

fuck you







I usually restart once a week for new kernel versions to take effect, but I spent the past few days installing gentoo just to check it out, so my uptime isn't that much

nice feet wallpaper


>buys Ryzen
>but only a 1600
sempai the 1700X isn't even that expensive. Are you a poorfag or some shit?

Manjaro for the win


>r5 1600: $232 when i bought it before release day
>r7 1700x: $381 on amazon

im a poor navy boy, what to do.

You're welcome.

>Core2 Quad


GNOME fucking sucks

Isn't every screenfetch thread just a desktop thread in disguise?

Hey man how did you get the start icon to scale like that. Mine is always small


And yes I fell for the dual core i7 meme a few years ago

What do you mean by scaling start icon? The menu button on the panel?

Sorry, no animu pics.



When I first came here, they told me to install Gentoo. I did.


Yeah, on mine it always shows up way too small. How do you make it normal sized? on xfce, btw



c-can i see the wallpaper?

what is your experience with fish shell, how its "better" than alternatives


sorry, I don't know shit about xfce. I used mate and the bar is mate-panel. The menu applet was default like that

Very nice

~$ screenfetch -d -host -N
.o+` OS: Arch Linux
`ooo/ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.10.11-1-ARCH
`+oooo: Uptime: 4d 22h 54m
`+oooooo: Packages: 1014
-+oooooo+: Shell: bash 4.4.12
`/:-:++oooo+: Resolution: 1920x1080
`/++++/+++++++: WM: i3
`/++++++++++++++: Icon Theme: ROX
`/+++ooooooooooooo/` CPU: Intel Core i7-4600U @ 4x 3.3GHz [36.0°C]
./ooosssso++osssssso+` GPU: intel
.oossssso-````/ossssss+` RAM: 2935MiB / 15477MiB
-osssssso. :ssssssso.
:osssssss/ osssso+++.
/ossssssss/ +ssssooo/-
`/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+-
`+sso+:-` `.-/+oso:
`++:. `-/+/
.` `/



ty Illya is truly patrician owo


I fell for the Cinnamon meme. It's like Mate except less customizable and slower.




windows screenfetch coming through huehuehue

I wish this board had a disclaimer about autism being contagious. . .


how ?


That is not how this works, faggot.

>being a dumb phoneposter

excellent post


ownCloud Server on my mac mini


Can someone explain. I don't get it.

I despise the ownCloud Android application.

I do aswell.
That's why I use the nextcloud application with my owncloud server


Does the Nextcloud application auto-download images to your device?
That was my main gripe with the ownCloud application. I would attempt to view 20-30 images, and it would auto-download them to my phone, defeating the whole purpose of having the cloud in the first place.

Yes it does.
The autoupload in the owncloud application is buggy as fuck
But in the nextcloud application it works as advertised.

I'll just stick to the web version of ownCloud then. Thanks, user.

Fucking disgusting

Why? You can use the nextcloud application with full funcionality with your owncloud

Sorry I thought you meant "upload" not "download"

Autoupload works in nextcloud application
It downloads your images while viewing them to your device but deletes all files after 1 day or so

Quote: That was my main gripe with the ownCloud application. I would attempt to view 20-30 images, and it would auto-download them to my phone, defeating the whole purpose of having the cloud in the first place.

I want to be able to flick through my images on my ownCloud server, without it downloading to my phone. This was my problem with the ownCloud application. Hence my asking if the nextcloud application does this.
I'd like to view the image, without it being downloaded to my phone, with it just simply staying in the cloud.

Well then use a file explorer with webdav support.



comfy using KDE Neon


fucking weeb

so whats your DE/WM of choice?

Xfce or i3


How the fuck did you open everything and launch screenfetch in 38 seconds

should not be hard if you use the terminal and meme wm key shortcuts

Activities configurator
Dash to dock

bblean + cygwin + some terrible windows theme.

why are you using it then

How did you setted it so good?
Of course I mean arch, not the terminal window

just install gnome, GTK/Icon Theme of choice. The plugin for displaying the bar is called "Dash to Panel"