He doesn't use Windows 10 2015 LTSB

>He doesn't use Windows 10 2015 LTSB
>He doesn't want all the benefits with using Windows 10 without the privacy infringements
>He would rather run away to OS X or Linux than buy an Enterprise version of an OS and receive security updates for 10 years


Other urls found in this thread:


>Benefits of windows 10
Like what? Muh gaymes is not an argument.

Windows is proprietary and an attack on my freedom. Why would I willingly install that?

sour fucking grapes

What "benefits" are you talking about?
Rust Language Server has a first class support for Linux. Same with Vim/VS code. Firefox/Chromium just works as well. SMPlayer works great as well

W**dows has 0 (ZERO) benefits to offer

There's not really anything I can do on Windows 10 that I can't do on Linux except play games.

its not hard to pirate it chump

How can Windows possibly be sour grapes? Every 12 year old with an internet connection can pirate it, there's no limit to access like with OSX.

>the trap meme

i do though

sauce i guess

I do
linux is so much better for actually doing productive stuff


>Literally cannot think up a single benefit
Pajeets ladies and gentlemen.

Like watching anime?

Isn't that the thing you posted in the OP?

>he's a manlet pedophile watching pedo cartoons.

I'm 6'4 (。>﹏

> he downloads unknown binaries that fuck up your system and preaches that the antivirus alert is "false positive".

> tries to avoid botnet by installing literally botnet.

>on any flavor

yes I watch anime on my workstation

don't bully her

produce aduio content to an industry standard


>He doesn't use Windows 10 2015 LTSB
>He doesn't want all the benefits with using Windows 10 without the privacy infringements

It's funny how some people still think LTSB solves these problems. In current year, no less.

>buying windows

>He doesn't use Windows 10 2015 LTSB

Pic related

source on pic?

>testing earth leakage by putting one terminal on the screw and the other in the air
Why is this allowed?

>He doesn't want all the benefits with using Windows 10 without the privacy infringements

proves that these are removed, oh wait there was a webm circulating on how it still sends shit,since some of it is hard wired


>"You need to restart your computer to apply this settings change. Restarting..."
>"Program successfully installed. You need to restart your computer to complete the installation. Restarting..."
>forced restart to apply updates
>can't use your computer while installing updates; have to sit there and stare at the screen as it installs them
>"we couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes..."
>can't refuse specific features in an update
>can't refuse updates at all, unless you disable them completely, but...
>have to disable critical security updates just to make the system usable
>but it will only be usable for a week because Windows has more holes than swiss cheese
>still need an anti-virus
>still need to defrag occasionally
>still need to reinstall Windows regularly due to windows rot (this is arguable, some people say that you won't get windows rot if you use you take precautions, but no such measure are required on other operating systems)
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash
when a single application causes a problem, yet Windows allows it.
>can't change the Desktop UI without some broken hacky shit
>can't customize anything outside of what Microsoft "allows"; it's Microsoft's computer for as long as Windows is installed on it
>feature creep
>ads in file manager
>ads in settings UI
>ads in start menu
>Registry (LOL)

Yeah no thanks. Even if LTSB doesn't have some of the above problems, it still has the rest, making it unusable garbage.

>He doesn't want all the benefits with using Windows 10 without the privacy infringements

Do you even have single fact to back that up?

You don't use Google, Apple, or Microsoft products?

That wasn't my question.

>he's a nigger loving cuckold


Registry is retarded.

I still have no idea how to actually get it

Those are all facts. Every single one of them.

Go to msdn subcribers download and find ltsb name there and copy paste it full name to google.

Then after downloading check hashes to see is it legit and start installing.

For activation you need vlmcsd and run it in VM and activate it with command prompt.

Now you have botnet free windows without russian botnet mstoolkit or kmspio activation..

>Does not use the not-as-evil Windows 8.1. Updates disabled end everything runs great.

I'd stick with Server 2016 if I had to move to a newer NT kernel.

Tell me more. Is the Ratiborus one true evil?

I don't

google, iqdb, and saucenow have no results

If you're against windows 10 for privacy reasons, you have something to hide.

Kek nice one

>not using windows 8.1 embedded for servers
0 bloat and spyware

>he doesn't just use an uncucked version of Windows 7

Windows 10 is shit. Spying or no spying.

What's the difference between the 2015 to the 2016 ltsb version?

>Says Windows 10 is shit....
>Uses Windows 10.


found your problem

>Ltsb 2015
Why not 2016?

I cometh, I giveth.

thanks mate


>without the privacy infringements
Yeah, sure.

>using winshit 10
>ms release update
>breaks the system

Enjoy your shit10, cucks! Server 2016 master here!

holy shit thanks

>he thinks all linux distros are rolling distros that break when you upgrade

>the best reason to use Windows isn't allowed


>Sour grapes
I used the free upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, used it for a year, and now use Windows 7 again. Stop trying to justify your poor taste in software.

i have win 10 pro
thats all stuf to do to dont be cuck?

ltsb doesnt get updates besides security you DUMMY

Windows 10 LGBT edition?

no thanks

Lgbt is basically crippled win server and a shitty meme

Thanks, but I'm fine with my version.

God bless

Linux has games kid

Damn thanks user

> not using brtfs with autosnapshot every time you update
Instant rollback for your physical pc vm style.
Comfy as fuck.

Nice try, that's not an LTSB version.

is there a list for all of them?

Can I get a rundown on what to do with my fresh LTSB installation? Obviously I know it's not a totally safe system but I need to dual boot it for now until I upgrade my system to run VMs properly on Linux.

>the only reason to use windows

fixed that for ya

windows 10 is the easiest thing to get a hold of, you can still get it for free from their website through their accessibility page. not really a case of sour grapes.

macOS hatred on the other hand, definitely is sour grapes.