I'm bored of making crappy games in java.
What's a neat language you recommend that's fun to work with while being good for relatively small game development and general programming?
Pic not related
I'm bored of making crappy games in java.
What's a neat language you recommend that's fun to work with while being good for relatively small game development and general programming?
Pic not related
>neat language you recommend that's fun to work
Machine code
Kotlin. Interoperabile with Java without looking like horse shit
JavaScript, nog even memeing
Try Haxe
Good ol C (not plus plus) :)
and for maximum meme you can try BASIC and actually write some small Mario clone for the original NES chipset
C++ if you're serious
C# for games and "fun"
JavaScript is good for basic games and 'fun'
trips of truth
>File is 404
>switch bools in a list of list
What? Can you describe a little clearer?
nevermind it was just a warning and not an error
I have this list of lists
[['X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X'], ['X', 0, 0, 0, 'X'], ['X', 1, 1, 1, 'X'], ['X', 0, 0, 0, 'X'], ['X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X']]
whats the best way to remove all 'X'?
my own solution is b = [o[1:-1] for o in a[1:-1]]
but is there something like a filter that removes all X ?
Does it produce correct results? Often compiler warnings point out code that looks like it does one thing but actually does another, or fucks up in certain circumstances.
what language?
map(lambda sublist:filter(lambda x:x'X', sublist), a)
map a filter
Changing languages won't suddenly make your crappy games any better though.
nice thanks
Depends on the circumstances, really. If you're using a shitty old language that's holding you back because it can't do what you need it to, then switching can definitely lead to improvement.
Not to imply OP's situation is the same in this case, just saying it's possible.
Sure but lets be honest here, there is a 99% chance that an engine or framework is holding you back rather than a language when we are talking about simple games.
D lacks reasonable GUI and graphics libraries (unless you're fine with bare opengl), but i generally agree
Are you sure you didn't mix those up?
c# is basically java but better in almost every single way
python could be fun for you
and right now I'm writing a SG-1000 game in C (much more fun than doing it in asm, although I'm hitting mild performance issues), doing bare-metal z80 stuff in C is pretty satisfying
really, just pick up a language and go for it
Common Lisp
Python. It comes in handy to know a bit a Python for automation when you move onto other languages.
Darkhorse choice: 6502 or z80 assembly. Make NES or Gameboy homebrew.
>not using legacy captcha
>C++ is fun to work with
>C++17 is such a fairy tale revolution that it changes C++ upside down and C++ is a different language now
Fucking idiot
I keep getting this captcha for some reason.
this one too by the way.
this is what I mean.
C# if you're looking at doing gamedev. You've got Monogame and all the associated XNA/monogame tutorials to work off of.
For practical everyday programming?
C++ and C#
For having fun with programming?
what the fuck is going on
D is very sweet. It's actually the best language for general use!
(fmap . fmap)
tbqh senpai
JavaScript or Lua but mostly JavaScript.
haskell, good luck finding a job with it but its a lot of fun