(Not) expected upgrade edition.
CPU-Z Thread
Upgrading to a Pentium G645 soon
Lost the silicon lottery, should have went for the 1600X
Why? You still got a 5820K for half the price and the option to upgrade to eight cores if you need them.
>botnet 10
Yeah but I am little dissapointed in the overclock I have. Also the fact that my motherboard's bios is still a work in progress and also bugged and it can't keep voltage stable. Well at least I can upgrade to Zen2 8-core next year if I want to.
damn. that much more voltage for 50mhz?
they gimped the cpuz bench for ryzen edition
It's called silicon lottery. Everyone is getting different overclock with the same voltage and I got a chip that just does not clock well. I'm happy enough and maybe later on the line if I feel like it I can upgrade when manufacturing process gets better and clocks higher.
ht disabled
no drivers, ever
Retard alert.
It's a 144hz pc. I push my cpu and use fast ram because my games tend to be cpu limited at 144fps.
Ryzen really is incredibly impressive though. If I played at 60fps and a higher resolution I would sell this platform for it.
I have it on good authority that Maki is a SLUT who has SEX with old men for MONEY
dont be too jelly, Sup Forums....
Pls postt this Maki
he wants that extra few megahURTZZZZZ
I don't really have a good reason for it since I haven't pushed my OC that hard. I owned an i7 920 and ht gave me problems back then. I pretty much disabled it immediately on this build out of habit. I think they have smoothed out the issues with it though, I should probably turn it on but I haven't really felt the need.
I'm on 1280x1024
It doesn't make sense to buy the i7 when you don't use HT
>tfw poor
>tfw best CPU i have is from 2009
>tfw 2009 was 8 years ago
p-pls help anons
Kind of wish I'd got a better sample, 1.27v seems kinda high for daily 3.8GHz but that's what I need to pass 12 hours of Prime95 so I'll live with it.
>ht disabled
>160 W
>TFW got a H61 board, 8 GB DDR3 and a i5-3470 for 60 €
>You can probably use your existing RAM
I have find yet a reason to upgrade other than M2 SSDs are bottlenecked to 10Gb/s.
At least the power is just here ;-;
Luck you user, all that for 60e ?
I have 8gbs of DDR3 can't even run at at 1600mhz, because the cpu doesn't support it kek
>silicon lottery
Ryzen appears to be quite well binned.
the 1800X and 1600X definitely overclock much better.
>no cpu-z on macOS
Is this the new bully thread? (。>﹏
Think I should upgrade.
You just need to search, your parts are also still worth something.
A H61 board is around 30 € normally and a 3450/70 costs 40 - 50 €.
Not where I live senpai, everybody who has those components know they're worth much more :)
WHere do you live? I'm from Germany.
And yes most people want 50 € for the board alone.
Fuck that desu, I don't even have 50e.
Vcore reading is bugged, its actually sitting around 1.42v.
Try to get one from somewhere else in Europe?
Got to pay if it's worth more than 50e, 20% more when getting it from another country.
So it all evens out in the end.
I bought a athlon II x3 630 for 25$ from china though, that was solid
Slav life - hard life
That sounds shitty. I got this Phenom II 940 for 20 € in 2015, unfortunately it doesn't support DDR3 and 8 GB DDR2 cost too much.
Can you unlock the fourth core? Phenoms are pretty shity nowadays, loud and consuming, but the performance is comparable to a Core i3 or Pentium.
I would OC the shit out of it and unlock the other core if you can't afford a better processor. (Modern) games won't run but its still a viable office CPU.
I'm getting a 2500k (and eventually a 3770k when need be) soon, and probably upgrading the rest of my system too along with that
the older versions are reporting some much larger numbers because they changed how they score them
I'm so considering an r7 1700 right now, but i think because of money I'm gonna wait til Zen+, getting a small raise, but I dunno, we'll see.
yeah, I just went through an updated after seeing a few other results from here
4.2 GHz Athlon? Not bad.
But why would someone use these shitty skinned versions?
>No EVGA version
I use it to embrace my homosexuality
Wallpaper please?
I think you uploaded the wrong picture
It is, but maki a cute
the only setup more /comfy/ than this is a 1600x running at 4Ghz.
>core voltage
are you ok user do you want me to call the fire department
actually correction, I was on an older version of cpu-z. Here's the results with the newest version.
it says 1.3Ghz on this but it normally runs at 4.8Ghz under load.
fixed that image for you
you two too
Do I win for slowest? Virtual PC running on a 350MHz G3
Wake me up