/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


>no news again

where are the wiki and the discord?!



up your ass newfaggot

fuck off with these OPs

no. check for yourself you braindead sperg

I want to pump Nala full of helium.



How do I get into OT?

Who and why does the OP keep omitting IRC and wiki information?

AHD recruitment on RED starting April 25th, 2018

What the fuck is this meme anyway?

Are there people who can't get onto AHD?

You faggots don't need an irc
It's shit

credit Ali G if you do

you are shit

yeah it's pretty closed up. I had to make friends with someone over IRC to get in

AHD will be recruiting on APL IRC in 2018

Did you bribe them with a mango?

Are OppaiTime interviews still open?



t. yur1

Do you ever stop?

No, fuck you neon. it is tradition

>I had to make friends with someone over IRC to get in
How to make friends with someone

what did he mean by this?

Member invites only:
>Invite sellers
>Invite buyers
>Invite traders
>Possibility of total randoms joining
>Possibility of leeches joining
>Possibility of bad users joining

Official recruitment only:
>Invite selling/trading becomes completely impossible, reducing staff workload
>Only users bothering to rank up in other trackers joining, so they're less likely to break rules or become inactive
>All joiners checked by a staff member on joining

Doing the former instead of the latter seems completely retarded t b h.

KEK. No, that my friend is a BTC address. Care to post it here? :D

abloo bloo cant talk to my gay little friends on irc :^(

>not using the smiley with a carat nose :^D


sending feminine penis photos is what worked for me



Yes. They're waiting to interview for RED right now.


And you only need to seed 1tb for two years for it!


OT invite forum, any good ?

GGn, that's it for officials.

AHD invites

BTN -> TVV is more accurate.

>GGn -> UGC is arguably better in some aspects
If you are a /neon/, maybe.

>tfw today is the last day

How many nips are you guys making/day?

NWCD blows the competition away with a heavy load of development. Featuring Whipper support and development for Linux ripping, new tool for fast cross-tracker uploading, Gold standard FLACs, and various more improvements

>Focusing less on obscure content means Redacted isn't all that much different to the general subscription services out there.
>thinking private trackers are about preservation
oh, my sides

Great, but they're lacking one thing: content.

TVV is not a general TV tracker. No matter MTV's failings, it is not comparable to TVV.


nani the fuck?

are you actually serious?

standards beat content! everyone knows that.

Remember to donate to the OT FL pool!

Go back to Exigo, pleb

Except it is. It's a general TV tracker that doesn't allow recent shows, that's all. And it still has more series than MTV.
Look at it this way
BTN: 18'000 series
TVV: 10'000 series
MTV: 2'500 series
Which one do you think is closer to BTN? It's obviously not MTV. Also, let's just not forget that about 50% of the torrents on MTV are unseeded.

You're forgetting something: not everyone needs 18000 series, and MTV is comfy.

what's that?

I am also spaghetti so...

Does MTV have standards?
Can't hear you, too busy listening to the glorious sound of standards.

hi s*aghet*i


>I am also spaghetti so...
No you aren't. I only make 360 nips a day.

in 2 days GGn will kill the 6h freeleech

i can't wait when every new torrent gets 2 snaches and the sites dies out slowly

they can get the content with the Jason scripts, we'll see.

TVV is amazing for classic tv. Been there since the beginning and would never give it up. But it's a niche tracker and no normies needed. Does MTV have classic tv? If it does, then maybe they're comparable.

I'm going to upload their internals to ruTracker

the pastaman is everywhere... except the cabal trackers

This is what I am using to currently seed everything I have. That entire HDD.

Is it too much space?

Lol, their tracker is buckling from the load.

No, MTV is mainly for new shows.


What do I do with all my nips? I have plenty of buffer, so...

Upload them to UGC

Over 500

Schadenfreude's great isn't it?

In that case you don't need BTN and would be better off at IPT.

>Does MTV have standards?
None at all. Even public trackers are better, no joke.

It's not a niche tracker you dumb fuck. Not allowing series than 5 years is not being niche.
MTV barely has currently airing shows, and everything old has no seeders at all.

You will start running out of place pretty quickly. Also, remember to back up that HDD. It's going to fail one day, and you will lose everything.

does UGC have any freeleechs?

is it hard to keep a good ratio on UGC? i just wrecked my GGn ratio and with the new changes im probably have to abandon it

They have weekend FL, inlcuding some FL games, some staff picks and bonus points.

From the UGC faq:

A torrent will be freeleech if
-The Freeleech Week-End is in process (every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at utc/gmt time) -The size is over 15gb
-It's an internal release (Breaktime)
-An upper staff feel like it
-It's likely you'll have the option to gain freeleech period or token in the future by spending bonus points but it's not implemented yet.

UGC has FL for two days every weekend, and a generous BP system. Really really easy there.

well i guess im going to UGC then

How do they keep seeders? What's the incentive?




People can download exactly what they want, so they don't have to permaseed 6tb worth of shit to stay out of ratiowatch.

That means people are generally more willing to permaseed the smaller amount of torrents they actually wanted to grab, even without needing to.

Being a nice guy :)

NEWS: Official Apollo music video is out

How will RED compete

They just have good users.
How does BTN keep seeders? Same thing.



please spaghetti, make it stop

holy shit its real


im not even pu kek

What are the requirements for elite?


>tfw Elite but only 3 months old
fuck this gay earth

Apollo blows the competition away with a heavy load.

Lighten up, user. I could give a fuck about MTV. Neither does TVV. TVV is proudly niche.
I'm pointing out that comparing TVV to other general TV trackers doesn't make sense, unless all you want to do is compare the number of torrents.
Also, it's 7 years, not 5.

>That means people are generally more willing to permaseed
Why though? I figure most people would download, delete and move on.
I think BTN in an exception. MTV and Hydra.zone show the contrary.

>he can't access the PU invite forum at AB

probably a shit ton of uploads

calm down, zed

>RED bans spaghetti
>RED goes down